15 Ways to Generate Sales Leads, and Tons of ‘Em
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1. Don’t ever settle for just one lead source.
This is one of the biggest mistakes salespeople make with generating sales leads. When salespeople only have one source of leads—whether it’s through a marketing source or cold calls—they immediately become vulnerable. If that one lead source ever dries up, they’re screwed.
2. Use prospecting campaigns.
The old-school mindset about prospecting was that salespeople basically need to make a ton of cold calls, and then sales leads would come rushing in. Instead, salespeople today need to be using prospecting campaigns.
3. Share valuable content.
The traditional mindset on selling was that buyers had all of the value. They were the ones with the money and the salesperson was just trying to get it. But we need to change that mindset if we want to get more sales leads today.
4. Use scripted prospecting calls.
Many salespeople get uncomfortable with the idea of scripted calls because they think, "Well, if I'm going to follow a script then I'm going to sound scripted."
5. Use voicemails to follow up.
There’s a lot of controversy around the effectiveness of voicemails these days. But one of the reasons that we need to have multiple oars in the water when it comes to generating sales leads is that we never really know what’s going to work.
6. Use email sequences.
Email sequences are incredibly effective for generating sales leads, especially for salespeople who are selling to a large pool of prospective clients.
7. Send LinkedIn messages.
Social media is often over-hyped in terms of its effectiveness with sales leads. But LinkedIn is actually an amazing tool for salespeople.
8. Send FedEx packages.
FedEx is one example, but you could also use UPS or another delivery service.
9. Ask for introductions.
The data shows that top performers are asking for way more introductions and referrals than average and bottom performers.
10. Become a speaker.
Salespeople always tell me, "Oh, Marc, I can't be a speaker. I'm not great at speaking in public. Anyway, what would I even talk about?" I’ll tell you: You’re an expert in solving the problems that your prospects face.
11. Do targeted networking.
Many salespeople use networking as a way to get in front of prospects. But what most salespeople miss is that networking must be targeted in order to be truly effective.
12. Publish articles.
A lot of salespeople tell me, “I don't have time to write an article!” Fine. Then hire a writer who will actually write it for you—but you give the writer your ideas to use.
13. Host private events.
Host private events where you invite your prospects and your top clients to come. Make it an exclusive event at a venue that seems important, like the Ritz or a University Club.
14. Sell deeper.
What about the business that you already have? Are you spending enough time digging into your clients' world?
15. Partner up.
Identify other organizations that sell to the same types of prospects that you do, but aren’t your competitors.
So, there you have it. Those are 15 ways to generate sales leads—and tons of ‘em. I want to hear from you. Which of these ideas did you find most useful? Be sure to share below in the comment section to get involved in the conversation.