Rc Sproul 'Why should Calvinists Evangelize?

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This logic equates to when a kid asks a parent “why” and a parent says “because I said so”. Now in theory appealing to authority isn’t inherently wrong, but it either exposes the parent’s inability to communicate properly or in a way that the child is unable to understand. We cannot however conflate Jesus with the parent’s failures in this regard. You could argue that we are like the children and are simply unable to understand, but again RC knows English and the Bible is available in English so I’m not sure how he has any excuse here…

Our friend R.C. and other calvinists have to use that answer as a cop out because they struggle to believe the true gospel… that Christ died for all sinners and He will save those who believe in Him.

As far a better to this question, let’s try:

Romans 10:14 (NKJV) How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?

There is a real reason God tells us to preach the gospel… and it’s not just a test of obedience… it is the means of which a person can hear, be persuaded, believe and call upon Christ.

God bless.


Dr Sproul's statement was and is absolutely correct.


Federal Reports on the shelf, that’s cool
