Neuroscientist: People With ADHD Are Actually Over Focused🤔 Andrew Huberman

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Our daughter has overfocused ADD, it is easy to notice that she is overfocusing at one moment or at entire period of her life.

Our son is inattentive, "dreamer". When I loses his attention, sometimes he is "thinking" = overfocusing at other matters (and he keeps asking questions, arising matters which are not related to the matter he should be focused at).

But at other times, he is not overfocusing, and it is like his brain felt asleep, he is not focusing at anything, he just loses his attention and he is "dreaming" = his brain seems to be turned off (binks?), then, his attention comes back to to him


It is related to the need for dopamine


Yeap, the Attention Deficit Disorder" name is wrong. This is because the DSM was so wrong (and it is still so wrong): at 1st, the psychiatrists noticed the boys with hyperactivity, impulsivity and attention deficit present before the age of 6, and missed all the rest. The DSM is still missing most of the ADD types: mainly: the overfocused ADD, with an amazing memory and amazing capacity to focus, but they find it hard to shilf the attention, they tent to get into loops of negative thoughts/worries, they like to argue, they are oppositional and inflexible, and I would add: they may have tendancies to ODC behavior, . They deserve a whole page in the DSM, but they are almost completely ignored by the manual...
