Why Yogis do not Eat Garlic - A story from Ramana Maharshi

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Listen to a story from mythology of why yogis do not eat garlic. Dr. Nalini Sahay relates a story once told by Ramana Maharshi. Dr. Sahay gives frequent programs at Yoga Vidya in Germany.

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I have to say coming here today I am really shocked by the negative comments on this post. No one is making anyone do anything. If you want to eat garlic please do, but attacking this person is really not useful or helpful in any way. It is interesting that people get so incensed about garlic. Too bad we can't raise this level of interest in poverty and world peace, climate change, and hunger.


It's not really about being over sexual or having demon's blood in it. It's about rajasic, satvic and tamasic properties of foods that yogis pay attention to. It's not that garlic is bad. It should definitely be injested for health reasons. But when a person begins a serious meditative practice, then rajasic foods like onions and garlic should be avoided so the mind can settle. And, yes, they tend to excite ones personality. So, really, there are times when they should be consumed and times when they should be avoided from the yogic perspective. A lot of these viewpoints are substantiated in the Taoist traditions too. When you meditate, you just become more sensitive to energies. And, so, for someone who Is in a situation like that it becomes more important to pay attention to the subtleties of the energies of the plants.


The lady was just sharing a cultural tale of the creation of garlic, there's no need to project anger towards her. When one reads the stories of how things came to be in Greek mythology, the symbols and storyline gets quite colourful too. She never said she is explaining the science of garlic. She said she is sharing an ancient tale. And it's a tale rich in symbolism.


I will vouch with my life that Ramana Maharishi would have never said this boring story


Have not eaten garlic for almost a year and didn't notice any bodily shortcomings so far! My body doesn't seem to miss it, as it didn't when I stopped eating meat and fish 20 odd years ago. So, off the menu it goes(together with onions). I eat a bowl of fresh fruits every day, however and some vegetable juice and bread, and occasional nuts like almonds, some oatmeal, that suffices, it seems. For me at least it does. Namaste.


This is wonderful news to me. I am happy to know the reason why I am not eating garlic in my meditation practices, and thereafter. I thank you very much for this beautiful story. My love to you as thanks for your generosity.
From my heart to your heart...


What comes out of the mouth is more important than what goes into it.  I love garlic.


Yes, it is true that Ramana Maharshi indeed told the story about garlic plant to his disciples. In the book named " spiritual stories as told by Ramana Maharshi" page number 17, the story about garlic plant is mentioned. But there is some discrepancy in this video when it compared to that of the book. But essence of this video is the same as mentioned in the book. Let me quote from the book " It is very good for the body. But since it also has the touch of the demon, it has tamasic qualities too, which when eaten affect the mind. Hence, it is forbidden for sadhakas. " It is known fact in India that garlic is not part of sattvic food.
Therefore people who are in spiritual path should avoid taking garlic.


Why are their so many critics on this video? She's not spewing hatred towards a specific group of people. She's not causing any harm. She told a story that was interesting. Some say she wasn't a great story teller, but she did try. Nothing she did should've offended anyone. Too many of the commenters here are overly sensitive.


Eating one raw garlic clove every day brings lot of change in one's body. I personally experienced lowering of BP and cholostrol.


This story never happened. Maharshi never talked so much....


garlic, onions and mushrooms increase sex drive. they make the yogi agitated. that's pretty much it


S.V. Ramanathan and M. V. Krishnan, sons of Munagala S. Venkataramiah came to the Ashram with their parents in the summer of 1930. They were just thirteen and ten years of age. One morning they were standing near the old dining hall (where now Sri Bhagavan's samadhi stands) when Ramu, the elder brother, remarked that for the last few days no onion sambar had been tasted by them. At that precise moment Sri Bhagavan was passing by the boys, as he was returning from the kitchen. He smiled and asked Ramu: "So, you want vengaaya (onion) sambar!" The boys blushed and kept quiet. Next morning, the boys were served with vengaaya sambar. Everybody thought it was onion sambar. Sri Bhagavan later in the day asked Ramu how he relished the sambar to which he replied: "Very well." Ramu, however, was surprised to know the truth only a few days later when his mother told him that what he ate was not onion but garlic sambar! There was no onion at that time in the Ashram and yet Sri Bhagavan wanted to fulfil the boy's wish. Through his expert culinary knowledge, he brought the smell and taste of onion to garlic itself!


i don't want to question the authenticity here, but it's always nice to share the sources...


This lady shared a story and titled the video using keyword yogis. A yogi and seeker would NEVER make hurtful, shallow, low class comments. If this video is not a good fit for what you are looking for there are plenty of other videos out there that you will find appealing and entertaining.


i watched the whole 9 minutes waiting for her to say something....


I had purchased a book in the ramana ashram book store( arunachalam). This book has some 50 short stories on lord shiva glories, his ardent bhakas stories, imp shiva temples etc.... In that this story of garlic is written. This was the only book Bhagvan used to read before enlightened.


Aye aye aye. So many people commenting mindlessly without critical thinking. Ramana maharshi's story is a parable.

Though the garlic has many curative properties by virtue of having been born of amrit, it is tainted with asura's blood -- this means it promotes tamasa and aggravates the demonic tendencies in human beings.

He basically told a long story that was easy to remember, so that you would remember the essence of the story -- that garlic, for all its curative properties, accentuates the negative tendencies in the mind which lead to spiritual downfall. Hence, Yogis avoid garlic. Such tamasik properties, cause it to create disturbances in the prana, which is ultimately what the Yogi aims to control.


That was so wonderful, thank you very much. I thought you told this story very beautifully, very descriptive and informative also, it is a good story. Thank you <3 Namaste <3


I have an amusing story to share.
The first time Yug Purush Swami Parmanand Mataraj was invited to Joshua Tree, CA to give a week-long retreat in 2003, I was asked to please be in charge of the cooking for Swami-ji and the retreat goers...being that I had some knowledge of Indian cooking.
Shri Natha Devi Premananda, who hosted this event, pulled me aside the evening before and said, "Look, anything you want to do...but the food has to be cooked without garlic & onions...so better make bland soups."
Somewhat deflated and a bit skeptical, I prepared the first evening meal of the retreat according to her directions.
It was very quiet during dinner, and I noticed that Swami-ji seemed crest-fallen...hardly eating his meal. His interpreter came over to me quietly and asked me whether we could do something about the food...it was very tasteless.
(Swami-ji is from the state of Uttar Pradesh)
Since I grew up with a love of Indian food, taught by my dear Mother, it was something that came joyfully to me.
From that moment on, I resolved to do what Swami-ji asked...not the 'idea' of some self-styled American guru trying to impress her Swami by locking me up in her mind cage.
It was right and proper to give our wonderful guru a banquet feast every night, so I did just that...and cooked his favorite hometown foods & sweets to our mutual inspiration!
He was very very happy.... garlic, onions & all!
He shared with me this:
Things are only what you believe them to be.
