I was vegetarian my entire life... until now

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This was a tough one to film...

As a lot of my friends and family know, I was a very dedicated vegetarian for 21 years of my life.

The decision to eat meat did not come lightly, as you'll hear in the video. With a lot of introspection, I made this huge "spiritual" change, if you will. I'm really proud of my ability and willingness to adapt as I learn more about the world.

And despite trying to make an educated and logical decision, I'm sure there's a lot of emotional reasoning that went into this that I don't see in myself.

Additionally, I may have missed some parts of this story/explanation, so if something doesn't quite add up, let me know in the comments so I can clarify. I'm still new to doing this whole youtube thing :)

#health #creatornow
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Thank you for sharing this, I struggle between staying vegetarian and eating meat again, its such a big and more difficult choice than people might think!


Well done for sharing your story. Your identity does matter, but it’s not about what you consume, it’s who you are - which is a brave, considerate, kind, caring and thoughtful person. Don’t listen to the voices that tell you eating meat is wrong, instead question those morals like you’ve been doing, because you are important and you deserve a long, healthy life without feeling guilty for simply being human and eating what we’ve evolved to eat. God bless you x


I have been vegetarian since the age of 13 ( 23 now ) and i also went vegan for. 2-3 years ( let to an eating disorder - anorexia ). A year or two years ago I started to question my diet as a vegetarian. I ate a lot of carbs, cheese and all in all not good things. At the same time I started to crave fish. Yesterday I made the decision to broke my vegetarianism of 10 years. One day I woke up, didn’t think anything, and then I went and bought fish. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. I was also conserved about my identity and I had the same thoughts ( guilt and shame ). I don’t want to stop, I like the tasta and I see myself pescatarian. Your video helped me a lot today. Thank you so much for sharing the story. We need to listen to our bodies.


I was vegan for 15 years vegetarian for the last 2. I’m going to start eating meat again. I thought my diet was the most ethical diet and was causing the least amount of harm but I have been thinking about that for the last few years and realized it’s not. The vegan products I buy, tofu for example, kill hundreds of animals in the process to get to me. Not to mention the plastic packaging it comes in that will go on to kill more animals and pollute the planet indefinitely. The fruit I eat coming from another country at times. The tofu being processed in some other country/ region and then trucked to me. Not to mention all the soil my food is grown is has animal blood and bone in it, via the necessary fertilizer. There is just no way to get around death. Every day I’m alive something else dies, many things really, just to support my existence. This is a harsh reality I’m coming to terms with. I feel at this point investing and learning about regenerative agriculture which animals like cows and chickens are a vital part or is necessary. Buying local, pasture raised meat. I will never support factory farming. But I just don’t think the vegan/ veg diet is morally superior any longer, unfortunately. I’m still grossed out by meat tho. It’s been most of my life that I have not consumed it. Getting my head around all this lately. Also realizing that I need it for my health- I didn’t want to believe that either. I am tired of living on unreliable supplements when there are wholistic food sources available.


I went through this born and raised lacto vegetarian so no eggs. I had horrible hormones. Depression. I thought I could supplement out of it. I also have hair loss. I had a sick kid for 10 years. I finally made the switch and we both feel so much better. Crazy. It took a long time for me to make this decision.
Ultimately it was when I read a fertility book and I saw that huge long list of supplement for someone like me, I found out all the natural bioavailable sources come from animal organ meat especially liver. So my big motivation is to eat the organ meats and get my hormones working again. So far it’s been good but not long enough to confirm everything but I saw dramatic changes after 35 years of strict vegetarianism. You are young and you’re lucky you didn’t have major health issues.


One of the oldest cave paintings in france depicts humans hunting animals. Its who we are as a species.


Quit veganism this week after 7 years and now I’ve got so many mixed emotions. I have eaten, pork, chicken, beef and steak this week just as an experiment but I keep asking myself what the hell am I doing with my life, it’s all very strange. Yesterday I had a day plant based as I still want the majority of my diet meat free so we’ll see where this goes. Whilst it’s very exciting that I can order everything on a menu and buy anything in the super market it just doesn’t seem right. No one else knows that I’ve taken this action so no pressure to tell others whilst I’m trying to get my head round things. Whilst I feel evil for consuming animals again, I really need to remember to tell myself that over 7 billion people eat meat


Honestly its so wild. Cause people will be like "no matter what im going to make sure that a animal doesnt have to die for me to live". Lions over there being like sorry kid i cant relate.


Wow. Wow. Wow. This was such a very EXCELLENT video. You really let yourself get vulnerable here and to face “not knowing” for CERTAIN that the decision you’ve made is the “right” decision is such a huge amount of growth.

I’m right here with you. I’ve been a vegan for 5 years and I’m recently starting to eat meat. I’m really struggling. I wish we could talk about this together.

I truly couldn’t relate more to a video in my life. Thank you for this and for being so brave to challenge everything for your health. You are a warrior.


I would say - follow your intuition. If your body tells you it wants meat give it to it, because taste/cravings is the way our body say which nutrients it needs.


I've seen many people coming from a malnourished background of eating do well with including more animal fat back into the diet. Could be something useful to try.


Thank you for sharing. I am a pescatarian, who used to be vegan.
I originally stopped eating meat, because I had some health problems caused by it. I never really liked it, so it was easy. However, after a while my doctor told me that my vitamin B12 levels were dangerously low and I was about to become anemic. So I came back to eating fish at least.
Pretty happy about it, B12 is good, the original problem caused by eating meat is kept at bay as long as I stay pescetarian, I guess.
I trully believe that each individual is different and needs to find their own way to a healthy diet and that is why we hear so many different opinions from everybody about what is and isn't healthy. They found their way, we don't need to follow them, we need to find ours.


I’m vegetarian been one for 8 years. I developed Arfid, I want to eat meat but if I’m with my dietician. I’m kinda nervous doing it myself. I used to get migraines because of it, but I’m becoming starved and malnourished. I need protein in my diet or my organs will start to deteriorate.


Thank you for your story. Animan based diets are where it's at for the full spectrum on nutrients.


I've been following health/nutrition/diet channels for about three years as a hobby and I know what you mean about there being so many contradicting channels, studies, nutritionists, bodybuilders, influencers, vegans, carnivores, vegetarians, omnivores, doctors, surgeons, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. 🤣
I soon realized no matter what your belief or opinion is, there's a somebody and a study that is promoting that and will encourage you to do as they say.
I still eat as I have my entire life minus the obvious junk like candy, soda, pastry, and ultra-processed foods from boxes, cans, and bags.
Beef, chicken, fish, liver, veggies, fruit, rice, milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, eggs, bread, nuts, exercise, and getting outdoors in the sun and fresh air still work A-OK for me 57 years later.
I hope you are still doing well. 🙂


Thank you for sharing your testimony! It is helpfull to me at this point of my life.
I am just experimenting eating an animal-based diet this week, after 26 years of vegetarianism. Like you explain, I can often feel totally lost...
In my case, I live my life relying on the praxis of radiesthesia/dowsing before making any choice. So I asked this question by this mean: "What percentage of animal flesh is it good to eat in my total food intake?" I've been answered this figure: "it is good that animal flesh make 52% of my food".
Without the tool of radiesthesia that I trust because I use it every day successfully, I think I wouldn't have tried and would have remained in doubt for many years more, maybe for ever.


You are so brave coming to face and question something you considered part of your identity. Bravo.


Your videos are so well done. I'm surprised you don't have more followers


wow, im going through the same thing right now! im glad this video was recomended to me by youtube. I still think the same way and feel for the animals, the only difference is that im putting myself first now. Now i believe that eating meat is the absolute best for me, so im thinking about doing so...


Great video, sweetheart! I know that you always do your research and your decision to eat meat was difficult. When your mom told me about it I think my mouth dropped open. 😄 I’d love to chat with you more about it. You should give me a call sometime. I think that people have gotten very disconnected with where their food (meat or otherwise) comes from, and it’s very healthy to have a sense of sadness when you know that life has ended. If you pick up a package of meat and don’t appreciate where it came from maybe that is a problem. Love you! Keep making these great videos.
