Why I Use Maya Over OTHER 3D Software

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I animate all my characters in Maya right now, despite learning Blender and other 3D tools. Let's talk about why!

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How many of you have been watching long enough to remember some parts of these stories? For everyone else, welcome! What software, 3D or otherwise, are YOU hoping to add to your arsenal next?? :)


"There wasn't any youtube channel around"...

I learned 3D in the late 90ies after watching T2 and Jurassic Park... Talk of "nothing around", there was REALLY nothing around. I had to buy a book from a bookstore about Lightwave3D... :D


Having spent months in Blender working on very simple scenes and running into problem after problem, the move to Maya was natural. Blender has way too many sexy features but they lack attention on the core basics of a professional application. I can’t tell you how many times a .blend file got corrupted, key frames go missing, or objects jump all over the place for no rhyme or reason. Bugs all over the place. Who cares about a million features if you essentially cannot trust the app to not trash your work. And I’m tied of hearing “but it’s free”. Maya is worth the price because it works and doesn’t let you down. This is coming from a 25+ year user who started in Lightwave 3D. Blender team needs a serious awakening and QA testers.


It's super frustrating that he has to spend like half of the video trying to word things in a way that doesn't make people super angry.


Just use whatever you're comfortable with, I dont understand the maya vs blender argument, I use blender, but i've seen some hella cool things come from maya and honestly if i had the money for a subscription i'd probably learn it, software is software, at the end of the day it's just gonna be a video/image so use whatever tool you want


I don't understand why people get so upset when someone uses different tools. Like, whatever works works. I'm a massive Blender fan, but I 100% accept that Blender is missing things that Maya has and vice versa. Tools are tools, use whatever works for you. Every person is different!


One of the reasons we teach using Maya is that, unlike 3D Max, Maya runs on both PC and Mac (and you find students with a mix of those machines).
At least thats what happened years ago.


The reason I learned Blender was to make 3d short films. But after learning Maya at my art school, I can confirm Maya feels much better for animation, but it sucks for at most other things I need to do in 3d. Like modeling, sculpting, shading etc. (Edit: it doesn't suck, it's just that Blender feels better for those things than Maya to me) I don't do much simulations but I hear Maya's bifrost or something is much better at it than Blender's simulations. So there's also that.

However I will always be a fanboy of Blender. The reason is not that its the best, but it feels like its my software. I discuss features for it in the forums, report bugs. It enabled be to learn 3d when there was no way I could get Maya, too pricey. So I guess this is stupid of me, but I will always love Blender. Even though its animation workflow is behind Maya's and I actually wanna work as an animator. That's why I will have to learn Maya. But while Maya will always be that product of a huge company developing it somewhere out there. Blender is our boy, you know, we take care of it, we built it up. It exists purely from the help of the community, (even though the Blender Institute is probably the reason it survives). I do realize I'm stupid for being like this, but no regrets. I'm learning programming now for like past 6 months or something to make its animation tools better. If nobody else does it I wanna do it. Man, I love Blender lol

But of course Sir Wade I totally respect your choice, also it's totally reasonable and it would be stupid if you ditched Maya just because Blender is cool, but not good enough for your needs. I wish you the best.


3DS max user here, and my pet peeve is seriously when someone says something along the lines of "why aren't you using Blender?" or a close second "how come you use Max instead?".... I mean, a similar question which on the other hand I do not have a problem with is "why do you Max and/or what do you like about it?" which is totally ok.

I think the rabid Blender users have created a bias in me where I simply do not want to use it because of them. Maybe that is not a good thing, maybe it is. But I am just fine sticking with this choice for now. The simple answer? Because why not?

What annoys me, again, is rabid users and fans of certain software. The "free" of blender has definitely brought in a large bunch, and as we know in every large bunch there is a small group that are loud obnoxious and annoying and ruin it for everyone. Not that these groups do not exist in other "bunches" as well, but clearly smaller to a very large degree by comparison due to the accessibility of Blender.

From there on, if we are to tackle the question or the rabid fanboy comments along the lines of "blender will become the best because its free and it will overtake the rest bla bla bla"... Yeah well, until then buddy I have been pumping out work until Blender becomes the "be all" of 3D programs.

On a more serious answer? The tool doesn't make the result, the person behind the tool does. So what does it matter what tool you use? Seriously? If I can get the same results as you can on 3DS Max and way faster than I personally would have on say Blender or something else, then why on earth would I want to change? Can I do the things I want? I can? Then its all good. No reason to change period.

Then there is another answer to it all, that being, that its a jack of all trades and a profession of none. That is what blender feels like at the moment. (Key word, at the moment). And that is logical. Sorry but if its sculpting I want, I will go ZBrush. If it is painting I want, I will go Substance. And are the results what I want? Then why change? There are certain industry leaders because they simply focus on single areas, and when you get into the gritty stuff it shows in volumes how different it is to use a program with say a sculpting tool in it compared to ZBrush which is primarily a sculpting tool. And vice versa, why would I make the base model in Zbrush (especially for hard surface models) when I can do it better and 5 times faster in another 3D program?

Another clearly personal subjective bias I have is that I like to use multiple programs each for its strength and use. Not doing so, for me personally and just me subjectively, feels cheep. So if you give me a program that can model, sculpt, animate, paint, compose an image, create video editing, music editing and what ever else in a single well i would still rather go and use 3DSmax, ZBrush, Painter, Photoshop, VRay, some particle program (kinda diving into Phoenix FD atm), some after effects/ premier or other option, and a proper music program (if I knew how to make music) than just install a single program on my PC and be ok with it. That is just me.

So end of the day, to the irritating and annoying question of why use 3DS max (or other) instead of Blender. Well, why not?

Btw, the excuse of "because it is free it will overtake the rest" really is a non predictable aspect. It could also backfire, as other programs have over 1k subscription plans and have larger budgets to support and push out more updates directed at specific strengths. So this whole "blender will be the bests eventually" really doesn't hold much substance because you simply can't make that prediction. It may very well be, or specialized programs may very well end up keeping ahead in quality. Studios going off into their own software on the other hand could make those other programs suffer from this decreasing said budgets as other options become available, so very possible too that Blender becomes the goat. All possible. Can't say one side will be the way it will go or the other. Other programs can eventually go free as well. I mean the options of how it will all evolve are all up in the air. Autodesk already just came out with an indie license and, well its dirt cheap. Push comes to shove the industry can totally change going forward. No one can say really how it will go down. That is just fanboy rabid silliness imo.

And another note on the whole "its free" aspect. It really has made zero difference to the user for many years now which is free or not, because if they end up working for a studio they don't pay for the license in the first place, lol.

Just saying. The whole Blender arguments are really empty and sound more and more like a small loud bunch of the people using it that are just fanboying about. It is not the best at what it does yet, so saying it will be says little to me when I need to work NOW. The free model says zero as well going forward, because that too can end in many different ways. And it really starts to look all more and more less professional. Like some little dweeb that got a free tool to fiddle around with and bought into the rabidness for what THEY chose to use and need to feel superior about it, when the fact of the matter is that the more experienced and professional takes on all this is that again, "its not the tool that makes the result, but the one using the tool"... Use what you are comfortable with. Simple. And stop asking silly questions to obvious answers people and just do the best you can with your tools. End of the day, competition is the key to all this for all of us to keep getting the best tools in the industry.

I personally am thankful for Blender, Maya, and every other program out there, because competition is making all the tools better, and one should not hope that a single program "rules them all", but that all continue to push forward and from healthy competition continue to outdo themselves.

Peace out.


Sir Wade you are brave man. When it comes to other softwares blender community can be so toxic.


Got started in '96 with Alias Maya. Fun to hear how similar inspiration stories are. When I first saw the Alias in house short, Bingo, I was hooked for life. Loved hearing the particulars of yours. Now my middle daughter is in school learning Maya, and got her inspiration because of Blender's accessibility. Love your passion dude! I died five years ago and the resulting brain damage took allot of old skills. Now I'm blessed beyond words to have the joy of relearning these wonderful tools all over again, and thanks to YouTubers like you, I've been surrounded by wisdom and experience never available to me decades ago. Keep ROCK'n this fabulous channel my friend! :)


I personally use Cinema 4D to make motion graphics and I used to use blender. All softwares are great tools and do different things better than others. I think you should choose your tool based on what you do


I’m 100% back in Maya these days, even for modeling.


I'm learning Blender and the reason I don't try to learn Maya now is because the Blender community is huge! I don't find many Maya tutorials on Youtube while Blender has a lot. People like to share knowledge about Blender and I don't feel that about Maya, unfortunately.


These are just tools. What matters is your artistry.


Maya simply has the most advanced character animation tools. Even the most hardcore Blender fanboys have to admit that. Most other stuff, Blender...


I had a similar start. I knew nothing of 3d and eventually found some info about 3ds Max on an online forum. Somewhere I also came across some info that Blizzard was using 3ds Max for their games. So that's what I went with. Later, in university, our teachers primarily used 3ds Max (but we were allowed to use other software if we wanted to). I tried Blender multiple times throughout the years but it was just so drastically different to what I was used to that I couldn't really see the benefit of switching. It wasn't until a few years ago that I was able to make a more permanent switch to Blender. The software being free was definitely one of the reasons. After all, I'm currently in a vastly different line of work and I'm only doing "3d stuff" as a hobbyist. Maybe if I had a career in 3d it would have been tougher to make that switch as I did.

Also, I'm not trying to be the "that is possible in Blender"-guy. I genuinely understand where you're coming from with this video and I really both appreciate it and respect it. That said, since I'm curious and since you said you aren't very interested in modelling and never finished the donut tutorial etc: Have you checked out Ian Hubert's stuff? Specifically the 1-min tutorials? If you're looking for flashy but deceptively "simple" video effects etc, the "most bang for your effort" sort of thing, then that's my recommendation.

Lastly, while the free side of Blender, as in no cost, is what always gets pointed out. There is a lot more to that "free and open source software"-thing that deserves more attention imo. I always liked the ideas and principles behind FOSS but for the longest time I found it very hard to get myself to use software like Blender and GIMP over 3ds or Photoshop etc. They weren't very user friendly so to speak. These days it's a lot easier, the software has made enormous strides in usability and I couldn't be happier with the likes of Blender, Krita, Inkscape etc.

In the end, we use whatever software we are comfortable with and meets our needs.


Summary: Industries uses their own proprietary softwares, that's why doesn't matter when you pick, you just have to GIT GUD.🤗😂😛✌️.


Whenever I dabbled in 3D I would try Blender, but its user interface would always scare me off pretty quickly. Then 2.8 came out and I was finally able to start figuring things out. Blender was probably always a great tool but I couldn't get my head around its user interface quirks.

User interfaces and workflows are important. A good tool with a bad UI will scare people off


Great Video. Been a teacher in Studio max for years and always have to answer these questions every year "which ones better", my answer is always the same, we all use different things and have preferences, but you use what gets the job done.
