The Shocking Ingredients in McDonalds French Fries (worse than cigarettes) - Dr. Paul Saladino

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French Fries Are As Bad as Cigarettes | Paul Saladino Interview

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - Intro
3:25 - 35% off your first order of Sundays
4:21 - How These Chemicals are Produced
5:58 - McDonald's
6:18 - Fast Food & Seed Oils
9:55 - Homemade Tallow Fries
10:45 - The Randle Cycle
13:35 - Fasting & Physiological Insulin Resistance
14:25 - Keto Long Term
17:30 - Where to Find More of Paul's Content
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Our FDA is a joke. Bought and paid off


The key is NOT to eat fast food. Eating out should be minimized as a rule.
Cook and eat real food.


"First we overlook evil, Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil." Fr. Dwight Longenecker

“In the Last Days, Good will be called Evil and Evil will be called Good.” Are We There YET ?


When a fry that’s been under a car seat for 5 years and doesn’t decay tells you everything you need to know.


I am a researcher who conducted sensory tests for many McDonald’s products. As you noted, McDonald’s fries were formerly fried in beef tallow. Out of a sense of public concern about saturated fats, McDonald’s switched to vegetable and seed oils. Tallow fried potatoes have a longer holding time and a better crispiness compared with vegetable oils or seed oils. Vegetable and seed oils produced an inferior product. McDonald’s discreetly made the switch in some of their restaurants and waited for customers to complain about any differences. There were no complaints…so McDonald’s expanded seed oils to the rest of their restaurants in the States. However, McDonald’s wanted to retain the same flavor profile — so they used beef flavoring in their “vegetarian” fries. There was outrage among the vegetarian community when the use of beef flavoring was leaked to the public. Words like “betrayal” were thrown around by consumers. Only then, did McDonald’s resort to using whey to mimic the flavor profile. McDonald’s is transparent in their behaviors only when it suits the bottom line. Now we know that McDonald’s got the food science wrong. The oils with a lower oxidation profile include selected animal fats and fruit oils…(avocado oil for frying; olive oil for dressings and sauté.)


When Ray Kroc was alive McDonald's cooked fries in Beef Tallow and fries had 3 ingredients. Potato, salt and tallow.


I repair restaurant equipment for a living . I get calls about fryer’s tripping off on high temperature overload (over 400 degrees f)! The oil is rancid and fully oxidized.I ask the cook when did you last change the oil? No one will know the answer to that question of course. I tell them to change the oil and call me in the morning. I also clean out the condenser coils on refrigeration equipment, we mix up an acid and water mix in a spray bottle, spray it on the condenser(it mostly just bounces off the layer of congealed seed oil ) feel for the employees breathing in vaporized seed oils for 8hr a day!!! Also as a side note, all the infrastructure that made the good oil of the past are gone !! (And we are stuck with this death oil forever because the cheap fryers of today are not made to melt and maintain low temperatures at the heat exchanger inside the fryer, the oil will burn anyway no matter what oil is used!!!😢


In the UK, fish and chips (fries) used to be cooked in lard but they told us it was unhealthy and switched to seed oils. By the way, chips fried in lard (or better still dripping) taste better.


Health in modern day society is about avoiding trash foods and not being sedentary. French fries are definitely on the trash food list.


It’s crazy to think that everything I was ever told about nutrition was pretty much a lie.


Palm and coconut oil have been used for cooking for 5000 years and are very stable, since they have 80% saturated fat.


Why mac uses industrial aluminum as salt? Instead of natural salt? Why?


READ: The farmers who produce the special potatoes dont go in thier fields for 2 weeks after spraying the chemicals that keep those potatoes blemish free.


Gee, who KNEW???? I took a meat grading course in undergraduate school in the late 60's because I was interested in agriculture and science. The instructor explained that the beef in McDonald's burgers was only 1 grade above dog food. Explained this to our kids who were involved in caring for our two big dogs. There response was YUK and they never again asked for a M.


Just left Oahu, HI. Was told by the server that the Aloha Steakhouse in Waikiki cuts/trims all their meat daily and the chef uses the fat trimmings to cook their potatoes.


So for years 90s and 00s I'm told saturated fats are all bad for us. So then we all switch to cooking in oils which we are now told are bad for us. So fed up of this insane world we live in...


Thank you. Stopped eating KFC approximately 20 yrs ago, when I observed no flies, around discarded oil. Having grown up on a farm, I knew something not right, about this. Last McD sitting, 15 yrs ago. Eat out every year, on my birthday.
Prepare my meals, set the table, sit, eat, enjoy meal, wash dishes.
Living life is about taking care of yourself. Every meal, is an expression of love, for myself.


How can they not see the irony, you’re eating hamburger which is beef. How can you eat a burger but be afraid of beef fat?


A guy said spinach has so many carcinogens, I just pray over my food, and am trying my best to get healthier, and quit cigarettes during a depression episode and am proud of myself


It’s called lobbying. The FDA doesn’t necessarily make decisions that actually benefit people . Unless you believe that corporations are in fact people.
