The REAL reason Mormons don't drink coffee

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We dive into Mormonism's favorite not-a-commandment commandment, the Word of Wisdom!

Venmo: @ Samantha-Shelley-1

#mormonism #exmormon #wordofwisdom
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I remember one day in my freshman year of high school, I convinced my stepdad to get me a mocha frappe from McDonald’s before school. Apparently he either texted/ called my mom (both Mormons btw) and she tried to shame me for getting the drink and drinking actual coffee when I was with my dad. Heck even the branch president came over and pretty much held my temple recommend over my head to get me to stop drinking coffee. I was a people pleaser so I pretty much complied. Now that I’m free from both my mom and the church, I can get a frappe any time I want. I might actually order one on DoorDash rn 🤔🤔🤔

Edit: I got my mocha frappe.


I have a theory that one reason tea and "hot drinks" were banned due to the fact many tea rooms / tea times were for women to come together (without male escorts, gasp!) and discuss social issues, commonly women spaces. Also in doing some research to double check myself I found out a lot of tea rooms in the early 1900s were owned by single women and provided income for those who otherwise didn't have many job opportunities, and Mormons would've hated that! Lol


Coffee tea and alcohol are SO social. Forbidding
these things is very isolating.


Going to bed at night knowing that I get to wake up to a yummy cup of coffee literally boosts my mental health and I think about it every night lol


“I’m so glad I don’t have an addiction to coffee”

… meanwhile drinking Diet Coke and Dr. Pepper in bulk at 7 am 🥴


I’ve had visits from two pair of missionaries this year. They’re nice young people. It was interesting and easy initially. Once I visited their church the people more local to this town became quite pressuring.
An urgency of sorts. I couldn’t comprehend why my discomfort with that was shut down.
I asked if the roles were reversed and I knocked at your door and asked you throw from the window everything you’d come to believe during your life, wouldn’t you question that. It was as if they would prefer a person pliable and blindly following.
I can’t understand that. I’d be cautious of someone that seemingly would abandon everything and jump ship so readily. It seems as if they’d prefer a thoughtful decision rather than a malleable one.
It was uncomfortable.
Really enjoy the two of you sharing your thoughts.


I know Carter meant "anaesthesia" at 43:00 but I like to imagine he awoke from euthanasia to the shock and awe of all of the Mormon doctors


Y'all absolutely nailed this. I am relatively open with my having been raised Mormon and I get asked a lot ab the Coke/coffee thing. I make a point to tell ppl that the refusal to drink any caffeinated soda is actually not a real rule, but a cultural rule because coffee is banned for no real reason, therefore people assume the caffeine content is the reason why. And I absolutely agree that the harsh and forced abstinence from all these things creates an us vs. them thing. Sober ppl in general will tell you they feel kind of alienated bc drinking socially is so common, but in this religious sense, not being able to partake in ANY of these things that people do recreationally to create dopamine can make them much more removed from regular society.


‘I’m glad I’m not addicted to coffee!’ Right. You just need a Large Red Bull every single morning just to function… but you aren’t addicted to the ‘evil’ beverage.


My dad has a few Chinese coworkers and they were APPALLED to hear that he doesn’t drink tea. I imagine members of the church that live in Asian cultures that value tea so much feel incredibly isolated.


I don’t understand why Emma had to give up her tea. She was already giving something up in exchange for the tobacco-chewing drunks.

She gave up cleaning up after their thankless, ungrateful asses.


When I was told about the whole coffee thing while I was stuck in the Mormon church, I thought "maybe it's because they want everyone to be tired because tired people are easier to control", especially with the way that at the camps they would make you get up at obscenely early times seminary would be very early in the morning.


Watching this while drinking coffee, lol. I'm a never-mo, but raised conservative Christian and home schooled. My parents also did extreme diets. I was told that coffee was as toxic as bleach. So, here I am, the only one out of my family of origin blissfully enjoying coffee. I'm such a rebel.


Having water instead of wine is so wild to me, the (Lutheran) churches where I live commonly use non-alcoholic wine or even grape juice (mainly to allow more people to participate!)
Water seems like an absolute last resort


Orthodox jew here...its wool and linen...and nobody has separate kitchens for meat and dairy except in industrial settings. We just have separate dishes (and sinks if we're able, for convenience, because they cant be mixed.)


When I was a secretary in the political science department at BYU I helped a professor proofread a paper called “Why a Mormon Won’t Drink Coffee But Might Have a Coke.” Such a strange, complicated religion 😂


My mom has chronic headaches and pain and her doctor told her to drink coffee 💀💀💀(instead of soda)


I have always loved reading the stories and journal entries from apostles in the late 19th c. (long after the WofW revelations) about drinking wine and eating cakes in the temple -- makes you think the temple might have been a 19th c. version of a guy's night under the guise of religiosity.


"Mild barley drinks" please tell me y'all know about Postum! Postum is a coffee substitute made of barley, and was all the rage among mormons when I was growing up in the 80s/90s.


I cannot believe how many prageru and christian ads I’ve been getting since I started watching your videos
