How Long It REALLY Takes To Lose 5kg (in under 3 minutes)

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When it comes to understanding how long fat loss takes there’s a lot of bollocks and not a lot of nuance. So here’s a succinct breakdown of what to expect.

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1:58 that’s the quickest dpick drawing I’ve ever seen, especially the tip.


I'm closing in on 20kg lost in around 4 months. Just followed your calorie deficit strategy and I walk almost everyday. Calorie counting hasn't been as bad or as tedious as I thought it would be and I've even starting to run now it doesn't feel like my hips, knees and ankles are gonna explode from my weight. Closing in on my target goal and I've loosened up my restrictions a tad. So weight loss has slowed but is still happening. So your scale sums it up perfectly haha.


Playing around with really short youtube videos on specific topics. Let me know if you what you think!


you're the one-stop solution for all fitness beginners


I bet there's an incredibly strong correlation between those who are shit with money and those who are shit with fat loss. Impulse control is the real supplement we need.


00:16 how he gets his guard up, I can't 💀


The in-motion camera really adds to this video. I prefer the longer videos but absolute props to the camera operator!


The saving for a house as a millennial was great but also hurt just a little bit


The drawing at the end caught me off guard like 😂


I think another factor needs to be mentioned : being more aggressive with fat loss runs risks of disordered behaviours / thoughts. Iv lost 18kg over a year and its been horrible because when I was a teen I was anorexic. Its been so hard to both loose weight and follow dieticians advice and fight my eating disorder


I love the idea of multiple short-form youtube content. Keep at it James, you're killing it.


@JamesSmithPT loving the vids and your no BS approach. I got myself into a rut of dominos and very little (cough none) exersise. Coming up for 40 soon and I was 146kg 188cm.
I find it hard to "diet" and eat healthy on its own. Always found it easier to do cardio/resistance and diet together.
Fortunate enough that my flatmate has loads of weights, benches, half rack etc.
Just bought a hefty treadmill that would take my weight for almost 3k. Some said it was a stupid thing to spend that sort of money on but in the first 2 months I have changed my diet saving £300pm on food (more than enough to pay for the TM). More important I am now down so far to 128kg
I had a 4 week platau and was watching a video of you talking about getting sloppy with your deficit and bit lazy with the workouts etc.
I looked at what I was doing and realised my original 1500 deficit was down due to a lower BMR and a wee bit of extra food and a bit less workout.
Got my head down and back to my deficit and pushing my workouts making then longer and more intensity.
Low and behold the weight magically started to fall off again.
Weight loss really is a marathon. It has its ups and downs but I find your videos a helpful boost. Like your mate going "nah mate come on give it 2 more reps, or another 2km"
So after a wee ramble I just wanted to say Thank you.


Bringing great content as usual! These work, but I think you found the sweet spot at 6-9 min vids


1:58 Me: Ooo, another diagram.

2:02 Also Me: Ahh, you got me.


Why drag out weight loss? Fully commit to the process, get in there and lose the weight and get back to some sort of normality as soon as possible.


Straight to violence when the sandwich wagon turns up.


Clicked to find out how to lose 5kg in under 3 minutes.


I'm autistic so saving money is easy and living like a caveman to save is easy. However, I am also a collector. So if there is something I like I must have everything and thus there is the rub. So less I engage in new things the more money I save and its rather easy to do. But if I spot a retro gaming console that is modified online that's it, I will get it and start collecting every game I can find for it. Then when it's over, I go into shutdown mode again. To prevent this spree, I managed to get some handheld devices that have every game imaginable on them, only consoles I don't have are ps3 and up. So I do my best never to read anything about them consoles.
When it comes to weight loss, I'm worse than hard-core because in my brain, the pain and the misery is good fun. And I am constantly stuck in a 'must defeat my old score' mode. Where I am destroying myself more and more without end since there is nothing to stop me from doing it. 😢
I envy all you normal hummies. Making mistakes and failing once in a while sounds like fun. 😭


I started gym last month and stopped eating processed frozen food stop eating takeaway stop drinking every night right after work.

I started going to the gym & yoga 1 hour a night 5 nights a week weekend off. I cook everything fresh and in bulk and plan and I work off 80% good food 20% bad food

I have lost 1 stone this month I was 18 & half stone now 17 & half stone so I'm very happy

My goal is to get down to 15 stone so I finally have my dream off doing a sky dive also not be dead in 10 years lol

Also i don't count calories but i do write down everything i have eaten in a little note book that i carry around lol


I've lost 11kg in 5 months, gradually cleaned up my diet item by item rather than a bulk change I couldn't sustain
