A Navy SEAL commander explains why you should make your bed every single day

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Admiral William McRaven, author of "Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life... And Maybe The World," explains how making your bed every morning can have a positive impact on your well-being and behavior throughout the rest of the day.



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very true sir. it also discourages me from going back to bed because I don't wanna mess up what I did


I don't even get up in the morning


As a kid I used to argue with my mom about making my bed in the morning. I would say "what is the point if I'm going to go back in it later that night?" She would simply smile and ask "why wipe your bum if you're going to go to the bathroom again later?" Touche mother touche.


I barely have time to brush my teeth and you want me to make my twin-sized, power rangers bed in the morning?


My dad says these exact words every morning and I didn't believe him. Now I do.


I took a different approach when I was in the military: sleep on top of a made bed and use an additional sheet to snuggle under. I would keep that additional sheet stored in a drawer. When I woke up all I had to do were some minor adjustments and the bed was perfect. Anything for those few extra minutes of sleep :)


i get up in the morning rub one out and wipe my hands on the pillowcase and get to work haha


In basic, we just slept on top of our covers. Skipped the making bed part.


I like the concept of starting the day with a task that takes almost no time and is easily done. Psychologically, it is a good way to start your day. Things like taking a morning shower and maybe shave, getting dressed right away afterward, and of course getting a breakfast meal before too much time has passed all qualify here.

Studies have shown that a neat appearance and environment improve mood. Dressing well, having a tidy looking living space, being well groomed... these all help fight depression, just as not doing them are sometimes signs of depression. Smiling makes you happier. The human brain can be weird.

The detail is what irks me. It is better not to make your bed, for allergy/hygiene reasons. It is important for air (and sun) to reach the place where you sleep. You need to kill off a portion of the dust mites that live in your bed. A better habit that also creates a tidy environment would be to straighten the bed with the covers turned down. The space is still orderly, and you have completed a simple task. But you have also created a health sleeping space.


WOW what a good life skill to have making your bed


Navy SEALs sleep in beds? That's cute. When I was in KGB training we slept on broken glass. We couldn't move while sleeping otherwise we would cut ourselves. #ВерностьпартииВерностьРодине


How the fuck do you write a book about making your fucking bed??? Seriously, i'm impressed.


The trick is never getting out of bed. Until 10 at night so you can just go back to sleep.


Why make my bed when I get up. I'm just going to mess it up again when I go asleep. I can use that time I would of spent making my bed on more productive things. Like eating breakfast, getting ready for work. Work a 12 hour day and drive 1 hour each way to work. Making the bed doesn't pay the bills, busting my hump at work does.


I make my bed before I go to sleep at night... like a sane person. Why the hell would I make my bed in the morning after I wake up when nobody is going to see it, and it serves no purpose? No. I will never.


I don't feel a sense of achievement from making my bed every morning


Next video: navy seals tell you why it's important to wash your hands


I brush my teeth
eat breakfast
pick my plate up after I eat
feed the dog
and even wipe my ass after I shit
Now why the fuck would I have time to make my bed?!


Gunnery Sgt. Hartman: How tall are you, private?

Pvt. Cowboy: Sir, five-foot-nine, sir.

Gunnery Sgt. Hartman: Five-foot-nine, I didn't know they stacked shit that high


If you want to do the big things in life, you have to start with the little things and that starts with making your bed and if you have a bad day, at least you come home to a bed that is made and it lets you know that things can be better as long as you make the effort - very true sir, very true.
