A Former Navy SEAL Commander Says The Best Defense Is To Run – This Is Why

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Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL commander, host of the "Jocko Podcast," and the author of "Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual," believes your best chances might be to run from a fight. Following is a full transcript of the video.

Jocko Willink: If someone attacks me and they want to punch or kick me, I can just run away. They're not holding onto me. I can get away from them. It's when someone grabs you that you need some technique to get out of there, or someone takes you to the ground — that's when you need some technique to get out of there. If someone just wants to punch me, well, I'll walk away from them or run away from them. That's OK.

Hi, I'm Jocko Willink. I'm retired from the military and just wrote a book called Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual.

Obviously, I am a fan of jiu-jitsu. No. 1: It's very practical, like I said, for self-defense. And again, the goal of jiu-jitsu in self-defense isn't to take someone down to the ground — the goal in jiu-jitsu for self-defense is actually to be able to defend yourself on the ground, get up, and get away from an attacker. That's what the goal is.

Now, some people might think: “Well, Jocko, I don't want to run away if somebody wants to fight me. I want to fight them.” Well, let's think about where that might end up for you. No. 1: You don't know if this person has a weapon or not. What if they have a knife? What if they have a pistol? What if they've got three or four friends? And now you're getting either shot, stabbed, mutilated, or otherwise maimed and killed. That's not what you're looking for on a Friday night as you're walking down the street.

OK, so let's say you're so tough that the other guy — he doesn't have a knife, he doesn't have a gun, he doesn't have any friends — and you take him out and break his arm, choke him, and put him to sleep. Well now guess what happens? You're getting arrested. Now you're getting in a lawsuit. Now you have to pay this person money that you actually wanted to beat up.

So it's a lose-lose situation to get in a confrontation on the street. If you can break contact and get away, break contact and get away. That's what you should learn self-defense for. Obviously, if someone is doing something that they're attacking someone in your family and you have to step in to defend yourself, well, that's why you continue training all the time — because that might happen, and you have to be prepared for that. Optimally, you get out of there: You break contact, you get away. If you have to stand and fight, you train yourself so that you're able to do it.



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A professional soldier's attitude is so much more sensible than a wannabe tough guy. Realistic and with proper risk assessment. It's NOTHING to do with courage, and everything to do with outcome. Well done Jocko for advising people properly.


“Best way to avoid punch is to not be there.” —Mr. Miyagi


I was surprised by his message. Really advising people to leave ego to one side and only use violence as the very last option. Very impressive.


The quote from history “He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day”. Another is “There are old soldiers and bold soldiers. There are no old, bold soldiers.”


Just wanna back what Jocko said with a little anecdote:
I know a guy that was pretty tough, he didn't look like it you know, but he did a lot of martial arts and had already took down big guys on street fights. He was doing competitions on a high level. You wouldn't meet someone more confident in his combat abilities. But one day, 2 guys confront him in the street asking for his phone, he analyses: they're both quite small and one of them is kinda fat and looks out of shape. Right then, he's 200% confident he can easily wipe them both out. He goes for what looks like the toughest first, lunges to grab him; he just got stabbed instantly, no warning, nothing. Just stabbed, and stabbed again until he was bleeding profusely on the ground, left alone. He almost died, ended up in a coma and although I lost contact, I heard he was still having trouble with his motricity even today. It was 2 years ago.
Point is, you never know what can happen, and although you can prepare yourself, anticipate the most, train hard everyday, there's always something that will be out of your control, and it is by minimizing the risks you take that you stay in control. Stay safe y'all


Rule #1 in a fight, *don't get in a fight.*


Jocko not only looks like Jocko, but also is exactly what you’d assume a navy seal action figure would look like.


Dude is spitting the truth. I’ll happily get called a coward by walking away. I know who I am.


“I’m retired from the military” ….Jocko was literally a Navy SEAL commander, not your average military dude. I love how humble he is


“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle”
- Sun Tzu


"I have only ever embraced that oldest and noblest of pirate tradition, We must fight!...to run away!" - Captain Jack Sparrow


Damn I just got into a situation where I was nearly attacked by two guys (one with a knuckleduster) and I managed to somehow get away unscathed. I have PTSD and I was constantly feeling ashamed of myself for not stepping up and doing something. This legit helped me overcome those thoughts ♥️ stay safe guys


I love that he demonstrates what it really means to be strong - to behave with intelligence and maturity and not from needing to look macho.


I'm not a coward, am just following the Navy SEAL's manual.


Yup, that guy 100% looks like a guy that would be named "Jocko".


Outcome 3: The guy you fight hits his head on concrete and now you’re facing manslaughter or murder charges. A self defense cases doesn’t always work.


21st birthday got into a huge fight, beat the dude up pretty badly. Got arrested, was facing 5 years in prison for battery GBI, spent 1 year in LA county jail on a battery with serious bodily injury instead.
A few weeks ago I almost got into another wicked fight but I ran away.
Couple days later I was hired for a damn good job and just bought a car today. Notice the difference? Fights aren't worth it


"You don't need to defend yourself if you don't need to defend yourself"
Actually a galaxy brain move, a couple of minutes of self control are way better than years on a lawsuit; or forever six feet under...


'The ultimate aim of martial arts is not having to use them.'
- Miyamoto Musashi
Only if you have to though.


When I was young I walked out of a bar and had about 8 guys front me.
Best move ever - I stalled them enough whilst positioning myself to run - and I did - and got out of there!
I've told people this and have been told I should of stood my ground - I knew I was probably faster, and there was no was I wouldn't have got seriously beaten up had I had stayed.
