How to become more beautiful

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Just a reminder that whatever liz says she is human and her words to be taken with a grain of salt, you dont need to sacrifice your good sleep to sleep on your back, you dont have to get plastic surgery to feel more confident, you dont have to hide your natural frizzy hair to be beautiful. Your attitude speaks louder than your looks, always. You shouldn't be obsessed with your looks to be loved, successful or confident. Just a reminder for young girls.


“Sleep is so important” watching this at 3 am


Liz actually helped me change my life. I used to be so insecure and now I’m a million times more confident/feel so much prettier


“You’re not ugly, you’re just boring to look at”
That one really speaks to me. As a guy, I tend to dress more simple, but I tell you the increase in confidence I get from just adding a tiny little something extra to my outfit or appearance, it’s insane. I will feel so insecure when I feel plain, but even something like a colorful bracelet or a cool hat can improve that


"When you Heal the inside the outside changes" simply beautiful


When she said “It fills my heart and makes me so happy when other people feel good about themselves.” my heart literally melted. Love you Liz ❤


"Beauty and wealth go hand in hand! Invest in your physical and mental well-being, and grow your wealth through smart financial decisions. As your net worth increases, so will your confidence and radiance. Embrace your unique beauty, invest in your future, and shine from the inside out!"


she’s so pretty i could look at her all day.


shes right about the trauma being stuck in the body, when i started meditating everyday doing inner child meditations it literallyyy changed my face and my skin was glowing


Some people saying Liz's advices are toxic just wanna ask those people which part of her videos are toxic?!! Parts where she's making our standards high, teaching us how to love ourselves as well as how to become a better version so that our past version could be proud of us. No matter what people say about her, i know how positivity liz has impacted in my life and i look up to her in many ways. Liz WE LOVE YOU 🥹❤️


I just saw your clip about affirmations on YouTube today for the first time and I loved how you inspired, motivated and encouraged the audience with care from your heart. You’ve got one more subscriber.


I'm so glad you brought up trauma in the body it's a massive factor that people don't know or ignore. Subbed.


The way she helped me to get over eating-disorder, be confident and get out of my comfort zone. She is truly an amazing human being❤


(00:00) Intro
(01:50) You are not ugly, you are boring to look at
(03:16) Figure out what face shape you have
(03:56) Pick a hair colour that suits you the best and elevates your features
(04:52) Your colour palette and undertone
(05:49) Adapt a nice clothing style that you love and feel comfortable in
(06:40) Your style has to fit your body type
(07:17) Eyebrows can change your whole face
(08:10) Having symmetry in the eyebrows can make your face appear more symmetrical
(08:28) Plastic surgery can make or break your face
(09:32) Humans biologically find healthy looking people attractive
(09:51) Starving yourself or overeating is not attractive
(10:40) Train your muscle with sports, weightlifting or pilates
(11:24) Take care of your hair and use the best products for your hair type
(12:20) Use products to regrow your hair or make it thicker
(13:00) Dry eyes need eye drops or eye hydrating vitamins
(13:20) Take care of your eyelashes
(13:47) Eyelash lift
(14:13) Skincare (less is more for sensitive skin)
(16:18) Your sleeping position and sleep
(17:51) Hydration and food
(18:44) You are not ugly, you are inflamed
(19:46) Invest in a beautiful smile
(20:48) Make sure your nails both on hands and feet look clean
(21:30) Find a makeup look that suits your face the best
(22:08) Don’t let make-up or clothing overshadow your beauty
(22:27) Healing your soul will make you physically more attractive
(24:45) People that see the beauty in everything are beautiful people
(25:32) Mean spirits will never be attractive
(26:36) Confidence


This is one of my favorite Liz videos so far. I really appreciate the combination of practical advice like finding your color palette and finding what haircuts or eyebrows suit you while also recognizing the highly important role that confidence and attitude plays <3


Ugh i just love her videos so so much! Like, everytime i watch a video it feels like im getting advice from a really close friend or an older sister who has the same mindset as me. She just makes me feel so confident and beautiful when i dont feel confident and beautiful! Thank you Liz!

1:52 You are not ugly, you are boring to look at
3:58 Pick a hair colour that suits you the best and elevates your feature
4:53 Your colour pallete and undertone
5:51 Adapt a nice clothing style that you love and feel comfortable in
6:41 Your style has to fit your body type
7:18 Eyebrows can change your whole face
8:12 Having symmetry in the eyebrows can make your face appear more symmetrical
8:30 Plastic surgery can make or break your face
9:34 Humans biologically find healthy looking people attractive
9:53 Starving yourself or overeating is not attractive
10:42 Train your muscle with sports, weightlifting or pilates
11:52 Take care of your hair and use the best products for your hair type
12:22 Use products to regrow your hair or make it thicker (ask your doctor before using any vitamin, medicine I recommend. What works for me might not work for you)
13:03 Dry eyes need eye drops or eye hydrating vitamin
13:24 Take care of your lashes
13:49 Eyelash lift
14:14 Skincare (less is more for sensitive skin)
16:20 Your sleeping position and sleep
17:53 Hydration and food
18:46 You are not ugly, you are inflamed
19:49 Invest in a beautiful smile
20:50 Make sure your nails both on hands and feet look clean
21:31 Find a makeup look that suits your face the best
22:10 Don't let make-up or clothing overshadow your beauty
22:28 Healing your soul will make you phisically more attractive
24:46 People that see the beauty in everything are beautiful people
26:39 Confidence

I love you, Liz. Thanks for your video. You are an amazing person❤


I am 47 and I get people looking at me all the time. It’s effortless. People have come up to me randomly to tell me I am beautiful. It’s because I know I’m beautiful. It comes from inside. When you feel beautiful you will naturally take care of yourself. Also helps that I’m a natural redhead ❤


What you’re saying is so true Liz I always notice how my resting face looks so tense and sad without even realising that


Thank you liz. Ever since grade school i’ve been so insecure about my eyebags until now but now that i’ve watched your video it made me have a little bit of hope that i could look better and feel better about myself. Thank you. ❤
