How to be more beautiful and attractive | 10 beauty secrets

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How to be more beautiful and attractive | 10 beauty secrets

In this video I will reveal to you 10 beauty secrets that no one tells you, to be more beautiful and attractive .... all in an easy way and without aesthetic procedures everything at home !!



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Beautiful, 💌what kind of video do you want me to post here ??, what content would help you ??


My beauty advice don’t listen to beauty standards


My advice:
Get lash lifts instead of using mascara

Since there is no scientifically proven way to grow your nails faster, you can use olive oil to make them thicker so they don’t break and grow easily.

Use nude color nail polish

Oil your hair twice a week with rose Mary oil and massage ( i swear I have been using it and whenever I go somewhere I always receive compliments from strangers)

That’s it lady’s ❤


1. Posture-head up
2. exercise
3.hygiene-wash regularly, cut nails
4. Hydrate -1.5L
5. Wear pretty clothes
6.Take care of hair
9. Eye brows


My beauty advice is, take care of yourself, do whatever u love to, don't listen to others because no matter what you do people will always criticize u and.... Be confident and don't be insecure for your little imperfections because people are too busy to notice your imperfections therefore the look perfect in their eyes


My beauty advice is…
- double cleanse face, hair and body example: when showering wash your hair once rinse then wash again, when washing body use a silicone scrub and a soap bar that’s unscented then use a shower gel that has the scent you want.
- if you have a dry scalp after you shower with still damp hair put hyaluronic acid on your scalp, it’s not sticky and it makes your hair soft
- reapply sunscreen throughout the day with a sun stick or a mist
- always have your nails done either naturally or at a salon. You can also learn yourself
- self tanner is for dark skin girls as well as the light skin girls. Dark skin is sometimes uneven and with the right self tanner you can get a even glow! Make sure to know your skin tone is a cool or warm. With cool skin tones I love the brand glazed sunless I put it in a spray bottle and run in.
- if you aren’t doing this already wash your body everyday
- put toothpaste on teeth then floss and then brush your teeth with then scraping your tongue 10/10 recommend
- workout three times a week that works best for your goals! Whether it is being fit or wanting to be flexible
- don’t ever pop pimples! Use pimple patches
- during winter use a humidifier in your room for better skin, hair and sleeping
- eat more wholesome foods, you don’t need to cut out your favorite foods and this is NOT a diet. Example: sweet potatoes wedges with jalapeño ranch and chicken breast with a bowl of raspberries
- learn to do your makeup for your skin tone and shape. If you have straight lashes you Asian mascaras like etude house lash perm curl fix. You can also get eyelash and brow lift and tints if you need darker lashes and brows. Use skin tints and tinted moisturizer to let your skin breathe. When using under eye powder use pressed powder and not loose powder
I hope this helps!!


after you wash your face at night put on Vaseline not the yellow one but the clear one and wash your face in the morning and just put on your normal moisturizer do this every day and by a few weeks or days you will see some difference as in your skin will get clearer btw this doesn't work for everyone cuz we all have different types of skin but their might be a possibility that it might work it's worth a shot <3


Best beauty secret is to be pure in intention. When your energy is staying pure NOTHING can faze you. You are already everything you need 🌟


Fix youre posture
Take care of youre hygiene
Take care of youre skin ( ice youre face )
Hydrate your self
Wear stylish clothes
Wear accessories
Take care of you're hair
Take care of you're eyebrows
Use make up


tip from my personal experience:
i only use cream makeup on my face and blend it with my fingers
it looks so much better than before when i used powder products and blended it with a sponge
it looks way more hydrated and natural now


My effective beauty secrets-
Use a lip scrub 1-2 tines a day for soft and brighter lips and follow it with a lip mask
Use protective styles (curly hair) I actually need to do this one more often because 4b-4c hair is very breakable
And lastly you want to do hairstyles that suite your face for example if you have a long face you can wear pigtails and if you have a round face, wear hairstyles that balance it out like a high bun


As a male, I was just curious about girls beauty perspective, 'cause I think beauty is an interesting consept that shapes the society. Now, I have an idea about it. Thanks for the video.


Advice: i drank one big (1.5l) of water regularly for 5 days and my skin got clearer without any acne, i also didn't eat junk food for 5 days....


Feel confident in your own skin, you don’t need makeup to make yourself beautiful


My advice for girls to feel secure in themselves is to learn how to love yourself. As soon as you do you won't regret it. In order to radiate positive energy and beauty you have to already have it inside of you. You have to work internally first in order to see positive results externally. That means changing your mindset and diet if need be. Whatever it is you know that bothers you, work on it. Hope this helps. ☺☺


my beauty secret:
1. if you have acne use salt water on it twice a week
2. if you have dandruff make a hair mask with aloevera gel, baking soda and lime juice. put it on your scalp only or else it will dry out your ends .
3. for visible pores or texure on skin use a niacinamide face serum i recommend 5% for beginners
4. use an eyelash serum!!!! it does wonders for many
5. leave social media and live more in present ( if people see you are not much on social media they become curious to know you and know what youre upto, mystrious nature is very attractive so be unreachable)
6. try out clothes according to your body type and wear what you feel best in .
7.when you walk always smize (having smily eyes without actully smiling )
8. use makeup if you are comfertable in it but only for speacial occasions, for everyday all you need is a cheek/lip tint to add a bit colour to the face.
9. be happy enjoy every small thing you do such as if you are eating something enjoy that mindfully, living in the present will keep you much happier than living in the past or future. p.s. happiness shows on your face and it look good
10. start doing basic skin care - cleanser, moisturiser, sunscreen
ohh!! and dont forget to eat for your skin and drink alot of water <33


Always be positive. When your inner soul is pure, you ' ll be more attractive.


My personal tip as a teenage girl : if you got oily skin double clease your face with your foaming or leather cleanser

First time method : wash your hands before touching your face then take your cleanser on your hands and rub your hands to make bubbles after that apply your cleaser to the T zone area (chin, nose and forehead) then massage your T zone area for 30 sec (this is because our T zone area is the area where the most oil is produced ) after that massage your whole face and wash with water

Second time method: take your cleanser on your hands and rub your hands to make bubbles but dont rub it on your face instead pat it gently to your whole face


Drink lemon water

Chloe tin Workouts

Use a hair mask a week


1. Your posture

2. Physical health

3. Hygiene (Brush your teeth, Wash your hair, Hair removal, Deodorant, Nails/care)

4. Secret tips: Ice method

5. Hydrate: 2L

6. Wear clothes: Dresses, Skirts, Wide Leg Pants, Look

7. Accessories

8. Take care of your hair

9. Take care of your eyebrows

10. Use makeup
