When A Narcissist Gets Their Karma, This Is What Happens! [Hint: It's Not What You Imagine!] | NPD

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When A Narcissist Gets Their Karma, This Is What Happens! [Hint: It's Not What You Imagine!] | NPD | Narcissism | Behind The Science


Hey there, guys! Are you tired of feeling like you're stuck in a loveless, toxic relationship? Have you ever felt like you're walking on eggshells around a woman who seems to be playing mind games with you? It's time to take back control of your emotional well-being and recognize the signs that someone is not worth your investment.

Let's face it - dealing with a female narcissist can be a nightmare. They're skilled at manipulating your emotions and making you feel like you're the one at fault. But don't worry - you're not alone, and there are steps you can take to protect yourself.


If you're attracted to this video, chances are, you might be going through a tough time with someone who is controlling and manipulative. You might feel lost and confused, unable to trust your own thoughts and feelings. We are here to support you.


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Narcissistic Personality Disorder
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Karma is never in our hands, but in the hands of time. When it's time, it's inevitable.


The best part of it all is he didn't take my peace. That's lasting happiness.


I agree. A cerebral narcissist I knew once told me in a moment of weakness “ everyone leaves me”. I left her too.


When a narcissist receives their karma. They blame you. Nothing is ever their fault. 😂


I almost lost my life. He said, "It's not my problem you couldn't kill yourself right." Even the police officer was disgusted...


For me, the best karma was getting back my $10, 000 savings bond that my EX somehow stole and redeemed.

This took me 19 months, over 4 states, and he still says I'm lying about that.

I had to prove that I did NOT sign my bond. The bank didn't follow protocol, and it slipped through the system.

I watched some murder show, and it gave me an idea. GPS! 😈 Everything you do and even pictures on your phone are being stored on Google locations. But, he did this while I had postpartum psychosis in 2011.

Does GPS go back in time? YES! I typed in my bank and the date and it said "No Visited Places." This had to be done in the branch with a medallion signature which was blank. So, who signed it? I was NOT there!

I sent that in, and the Treasury called. They direct deposited $15, 000 and I think I damn near fainted! 😱

I did this in the middle of the pandemic and without an attorney. Damn! That felt SO GOOD! I think this was my highest achievement.

Take that you evil asshole with no soul.... 😈


They will fall in the PIT they dug for You!!


Absolutely true. No peace at all for narcissists 🙏


The Bible says: As ye reap, so shall ye sow. In other words, what goes around comes around. Live by the sword. Die by the sword. Laws of Physics also say this.


Many narcissists do get their Karma when they must deal with another better Narcissist Nemesis who treats them as badly and painfully as they treat and have treated others. LOL.


Narcissist like to hurt and torture you.The Narcissist gets pleasure from you're stress and pain they inflict.Then the narcissist lies and says they didn't do anything or blames you.


Well said God will take care of it Divine Justice🙌🏼🤍✨


I was the victim of a covert narcissist. He lied to me, gas lighted me, abused me and stole from me. But I can’t find it in my heart to hate him or to wish him harm. I just feel intense sadness that he had to be like that and pity for whatever trauma caused it and because he’ll never know what it’s like to feel affection or love or to be really happy. For that reason I leave karma to God and I pray He will be merciful.


Their punishment is that they are already damaged. They are never happy as is. Every moment is punishment for them.


They wake up feeling empty everyday. They can't connect to people!


I don't wish anything bad on anyone including the Narcissists I've been in relationships with. I've come to terms that it's an evil energy that flows in an out of people. The strong empaths can notice and resist it but the weak will hunt for others; "Hurt people, hurt people." 

The worst thing you can do is dwell on what happened, you'll accidentally turn yourself into one by being so defensive towards others causing you to turn cold and then be in a trance of narcissism. Lacking trust and love in others causing you to do everything yourself and becoming selfish.

lol it's a weird cycle but to make sure you break it is to always show up on time, be of your word, live in the moment and never snake others. Remember, a basic universal law is, you become what you think about.

Mark 8:36, " What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?"


The best karma would be for him to be put through everything he has put me through. Years of psychological abuse and a cruel discard. Someone to make him feel like nothing, worthless and hopeless. To become trauma bonded to someone who doesn't give one single shit about him.


I feel so free from the relationship that I was in I don't care about Karma.I find it very interesting though to study the behaviour of the narcissist that I chose to leave. I actually pity anyone that has to wake up to themselves every day and live in that frame of mind.He has tried emotional blackmail to make me go back to him and is still using different techniques to make me go back.I love my calm peaceful life without not having to tolerate his drama on a daily basis 🙏I am a super empath so I have the inner peace to overcome it all and live happily as a single person


Lonely death, lose everything they thought would buy happiness.


I watched your whole video, My daughter who is 54, is constantly in my face with situations which I, at 76, can't tolerate anymore. I have eye issues that might make me ultimately blind; I have skin condition that might be a cancer. In neither health condition has she shown any interest - IN - my well-being. Over the years, she explodes at me, with cussing and calling me names to where I can't relax around her anymore. My son, who is 2 years older than her, has given me an option to move - to where he lives, which is several states away from where I am. I have accepted his and his wife's offer. They have been ongoing wonderful, getting an apartment ready for me; setting up a primary doctor, getting so many things "ready" for me....I cannot discount that they mean to help me...as I age. I will finally feel safe, included and NOT judged all the time. So I am going, Now, at the D Day to me moving - she has developed a "non descript problem with her eyes...and wants me to stay here... which I am NOT going to several reasons. My current residence has already been re-rented, my affairs have been set up at the new location, including my church, which is important because I am a Christian and am involved with church. It's important to me. She has NO faith, she never wants to hear it - even though she has survived cancer and should thank God above for that! so, that is the scenario and I am not staying.... I will try to remind her, and explain my situation, but I am going.. It's nearly 800 miles away, so it is permanent. I will visably hurt at 76 - I need to be safe, stable and so it will happen. My daughter fears aging too; it makes her do gym work excessively, keep's her weight down, eats the damndest things.... Her attitude has a basis in a lot of tired of trying to figure them out.
