My identity crisis has a first name: Stephanie Vicente at TEDxElginSt

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Stephanie Vicente began writing at the age of five when her mother gave her her first diary. She could only write a handful of words and would spell them phonetically. She wrote personal and honest entries until the age of thirteen, when she began her struggle with mental illness. At that point, Stephanie began to write dark poetry, existential essays, and creative short fiction. After graduating from university, she worked in the film and television industry, where she was met with long hours and no time to write, all the while suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder. A few years into her career in film and tv, Stephanie realized she hadn't been writing as often and was truly struggling with her own identity. She left film and tv to maintain her sanity and reunite herself with the written word once again. A hobby that she considered therapeutic for years would become her career goal and passion. Now, as Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Herd Magazine, Stephanie aims to use this passion to better the creative community in Ottawa and bring all corners of arts and culture together.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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As having BPD, we tend to be chamleons. it takes so much therapy to find out who we are. it's so alien to us. Recovery is worth it!


I'm happy to see BPD having more talk around it! we need people to talk about this desperately....I've met too many people with BPD who feel so so alone, because depression and anxiety are more socially acceptable to discuss :/


I agree with her statement, "no help if you want to live and get better; only crisis management."


Thank you for sharing this! I've been recently diagnosed with BPD so it restores a lot of hope in me to see such a successful woman holding herself together after going through what I'm currently going through, and that my illness will not deter me from my goals if I keep going with my treatment ♥️


Is there a cure? I keep thinking that true love will heal it, but I can't experience true love when everyone avoids me for being so emotional or talkative or hurtful or negative. I have been successful in my life, it doesn't make me less empathetic or smart, but just now, by doing therapy and doing something outside my box, and working with people in health care, is helping overcome this trauma or negative or denying sense of self. I am rebuilding it. It's what I should have done long ago, but suffered. Even now my therapists are not treating me for bpd, but trauma. I never been diagnosed because I am up to pursuing education and not suicidal. But I constantly have to keep myself in check. The struggle is real when you try hard to act normal but inside is like fire.


Thank you for sharing!  I too suffer from the lived experience of BPD and I am just beginning to work things out through therapy.  I drink these stories (of other people with the disorder) up like water.  So soothing to know I am not alone.  You inspire me.  Thanks for being so brave.


You're such an inspiration. You give me me bit of hope in what seems to be a life sentence with this issue. I need people like you around me, who can understand.


I believe I’ve always had BPD, or at least developed it at an young age.
Now, my emotions are all over the place..I react inwards so many see me as very cold.
Facial expressions isn’t my strongest side, which means, I’m not really “talk appeal”. Alone. I’ve gotten used to it, so it doesn’t hurt me like it used to do. I don’t feel like I exist, honestly haven’t for a very very long time. Everything feels like a dream, and I’m just floating, through the crowd of people, browsing the stores and smoking cigarettes. Transparent to the world, I do what I love. I’m happy.


Thank you for talking about this. It inspired me, as I meet the criteria of BPD. Just knowing you aren’t alone, feeling that shared humanity, is so profoundly important.


Having BPD, BP 2 and RAD, I suffered for so many years because I was taking Anti-depressants and they wrecked my life and stole everything while I was a narcissistic zombie...It's harder now that I have to live in reality, but I really have a handle on myself and who I am. God and my self awareness are key to survival. Maybe they help others, but I tell everyone I know to stay away from medications for these disorders. I was high functioning, family, masters degree, way up there in management and then I threw it all away - including my marriage. It takes work every day to rebuild my life and not be tempted by old demons - I will never go back on medications. 2 years free after having poison pumped in me by docs for 23 years.


Wasn't it nice when Ted Talks actually meant something and were by reputable sources who actually educate and "enlighten"? This is NOT borderline personality disorder.


This is my narrative...from diary at 5 to the film. Industry and meds.. Thankyou 💙 I'm 41 now and my daughter is struggling at 16 ❤️


Can I ask why this does not have as many views as the other Ted videos?
It deserves all the credit it can get it is very hard to come out like this.


You're not alone ! Thank you for talking about this :) and showing you're success ! Xx


I have BPD and I’m so happy to see it talked about on TED talks!


Super strong young lady she has become good for her !


Im thinking that this explains alot of what i have went through since i was a child. I wish as a child this was more recognized. At 37 i feel like a scolded child always alone and afraid.


I wish I knew other BPDS in Ottawa. It would be nice to have a support group.


Strangely I started having severe anxiety right around 19 as well. I have bpd.


I have bpd. I struggle a lot with not being attached to life. I constantly ask myself "who am i?", "why am I here?"
