ANXiETY TRIGGERS And Finding Inner Peace | Anxiety Guy Q and A

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Anxiety Triggers:
Are fear centered mental, emotional, physical reactions to a present or future experience.

- To see the triggering feeling as a call for attention, guidance and eventual resolve.
- To stop blaming the external thing for the trigger but seeing it as a blessing that has uncovered what’s been negatively stored within.
- To no longer avoid triggers but work with them in a way that’s understanding and gentle, like training a Puppy.
- To recognize that the part of you that has been triggered is only a conditioned part of you, and not indicative of your capabilities.
- To make notes on when and why these triggers arise throughout he day to bring attention to something we missed.
- To make this re-qualifying of new ideas your number 1 priority.
- To no longer feed into the self victimization that comes with being triggered.

In this YouTube Live session, Dennis Simsek, widely known as "The Anxiety Guy," delves into practical strategies for healing anxiety triggers and achieving lasting peace. Drawing from his extensive experience as a former anxiety sufferer turned coach, Simsek provided viewers with actionable insights to navigate their anxiety journeys effectively.

During the live session, Dennis emphasizes the importance of understanding and identifying individual anxiety triggers. He explains that by recognizing specific situations, thoughts, or environments that provoke anxiety, you can take proactive steps to mitigate their impact.

Anxiety triggers have everything to do with you rather than the thing that has led to being triggered. Therefore we must turn our energy inwards, to understand the emotional response and begin reversing it through inner compassion, forgiveness and other anxiety healing techniques.

The voice for anxiety sufferers, Dennis Simsek (The Anxiety Guy) leads others out of an anxiety riddled lifestyle and towards inner peace. Having gone through debilitating health anxiety, panic attacks, generalized anxiety, agoraphobia for years Dennis has found a way through the darkness and back into the light. Now, he is sharing science backed and proven ways to heal anxiety for good.


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#anxietyguylive #dennissimsek #anxietytriggers
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Biggest 'more than anxiety moment' from this Live session? Let us know below!


One example that triggers me and I unfortunately believe it sometimes is when I hear that somebody died of a heart attack or stroke at a young age. That makes me get this feeling that it can happen to me and all of a sudden my heart drops, I feel the adrenaline and my brain starts to tell me these catastrophic thoughts. Then my brain starts to race and I feel like I am going to loose control and pass out. But for sometime I have been developing the skill of not engaging with catastrophic thinking and tensing up due to negative imagery. This skill has helped me not feel too afraid of catastrophic thinking and learning how not give attention to negative thoughts on something bad happening to me. I thank you Dennis for showing me that anxiety is just an irrational thinking pattern that I have been accustom to since my first panic attack in the year 2021 and that I can change this bad habit into a good habit by doing positive and rational thinking. Once again thank you for reminding me that I am not anxiety, I am just being transformed into a new better version of myself.


Catastrophizing is the worst. I have to remind myself that my self diagnoses have been 100% wrong 100% of the time.


I have so many years of anxiety and worry and depression to recover's exhausting.


As soon as i hear bad news or think something wrong will happen, even dealing with conflict.. anxiety kicks in really bad.


Keep up the good work guys, keep going, especially on the hard days. You will get through this. But you have to be willing to change. To let go of old beliefs. I have faith in you.. and give the rest to God


I just realized that we see a lot of triggers on a daily basis in this modern world without really realizing it. The news, reddit posts, tiktok videos, social media, even YouTube sometimes. It seeps through our subconscious without us even realizing it. I never fully noticed it until maybe very recently. I started paying attention to even the conversations that people will talk about and it's usually really dark stuff and for us anxiety warriors, that can really trigger us to think a certain way and keep us locked up and caged in this very turbulent state of mind. It's been such a challenge to get rid of these thoughts especially when you constantly hear a lot of dark stuff everywhere in the world nowadays. Even when you turn off the TV, you still somehow hear it from somebody else. It almost feels like this darkness is constantly following you around and haunting you....


Hi Dennis my friend, I've tuned into you for a while. You are such a blessing to so many people. I've been having driving anxiety, and flying anxiety. I'm sure you remember me. Can you make a video on these topics my friend. I would love to meet you some day ❤🙏😍💓


Just saw this today. I have seen ypu before. My anxiety comes from a relationship I'm in . The relationship is good but I keep feeling like I'm going to lose her. Your videos have been helping little by little. Thank you.


Hey Dennis! Your live occurred at 4:20 am New York time. So I was in La La land! 😂 Rewatching now.


Dennis Thank-you so much. I have CPTSD 70 years old in 52 year marriage and abuse as child and abuse in marriage
Seems like everything is a target right now. One of the things that really helped is in earlier broadcasts is where you invited anxiety in to come in and sit down and look around at pictures and have a glass of water. By the way your swallowing sound drives me nuts


I have forwarded this to a crisis center to help others


I get anxiety with making decisions, afraid something bad could happen !


This is it in a nutshell!!! One of my favorite videos. You have helped me beyond words Dennis… THANK YOU❤


I fell bad, have teeth pushed up into my upper jaw. Had a broken arm too that I was told it was a bad sprain, they read the X-ray wrong this all happened 4/12/24. I had to have an emergency surgery on arm. I am also having surgery on my mouth. My diet is baby food. I’m having a hard time keeping myself emotionally stable. My energy is so low. Thank you for your kind words. ❤ Sandy


Pie of causation. I like that and will try that! Thanks 😊


What do you do when you are in a environment that trigger your Aniexty


Dennis, do you get drained helping people?


I’m up and down with anxiety and depression after being in lockdown for two years in Victoria Australia during COVID. So many people are still suffering. I moved to another state two years ago but I need to go back home. I’m scared to move again….


Hoping you'll do an introductory offer again for the University Dennis. I'd love to see what it's all about & be a part of your live videos!