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Anterior Pelvic Tilt Full Body Workout for a strong core:
1. Cat/Cow: 3x10 Fully Arch/Extend Spine - stick butt up and lift head. Then full round/flex spine - tuck pelvis, protract shoulder blades, tuck chin.
2. Scapular Pushups - 3x10 Start in a protracted position pushing shoulder blades to the side of your ribcage. Fully press hands into the ground. Passively retract shoulder blades by letting the scapula pinch together. Try to keep a neutral spine throughout the exercise.
4.Sidelying Hollow Hold - 2-3x20-40 secStart on your side. Simply lift legs and arms off ground so only your torso and hips are touching. Use the part of your core that is facing up to stabilize.
5. Bear to Dog. 3x8-10Start in Bear position with knees under hips. Use all the plank cues. Shoulder blades protracted and tuck pelvis. Press hips back and up. Straighten legs. Push chest towards thighs. Downward Facing Dog position.
6. Short Stance Split Squat - 3x8 Start with both knees close to 90 degrees. Hip over knee. Knee over ankle. Tuck pelvis, brace core and push up. Weight should be in both legs. Keep front knee bent at top. Lower down. Repeat.
7. Wide Stance Split Squat -3x8 Start in a Long stance with one foot in front and one foot behind. Squat down into the front leg putting all your weight into the knee an hip. Push the knee forward and bend ankle as much ass possible. Try to keep back knee off the ground. Push back up and straighten front leg.
9. Hang to Hollow -3x8-10 Simply hang from a bar letting your shoulder relax up towards your ears and the rest of your body is pulled down. Now put tension in the shoulders and bring rib cage and front of pelvis towards each other creating a "hollow" position.
10. End with hanging out in a deep Squat!
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