How To Deal With An ABUSIVE SP?

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How to handle an abusive relationship?
abusive sp partner spouse husband boyfriend girlfriend wife
how to deal with toxic relationships and people
manifest a specific person - law of attraction/assumption LOA

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I also wondered about this, and I came to two conclusions.

1. You have to understand if what's going on in your relationship is abuse or if it's your own insecurities projected on your partner. The self-concept matters the most. Although it is true that you can change how people present themselves to you while changing your perception of them, you also have to be able to talk about your feelings and your needs to a person and have them meet you half way. If your self-concept is on point, you understand that you also have needs and wants. If you kindly and respectfully indicate your needs, and those needs are reasonable for a reasonable person, and your partner/friend demeans you, takes it as an insult and starts insulting you, that's when you have to honor yourself and create some distance from them. There is no problem with arguments, as long as they are fair. You have to be able to negotiate with your partner, that is my assumption.
Rule of thumb: 'there is something fundamentally wrong with any relationship when they/you leave the room and you start to feel better'. – do you feel better when they leave the room? If the answer is yes..then you know what to do.

2. If there is abuse (the way I defined it is as a reoccurring pattern of neglect or emotional/verbal or physical infliction of pain) you can still love them and hope for the best for them, but you cannot accept being treated badly, because you are afraid to let go. E.g. If your partner drinks and gets high frequently and comes home and insults you, you obviously did not affirm for it. However, there is an insecure part of you that accepts this instead of letting go, which makes this situation repeat itself in your reality.
If your self-concept was stable, would you constantly put up with someone who mistreated you ? Or would you know your worth and acknowledge that a relationship is there to add value to your life, not to take from it?
You can still believe that they can change (= affirm the change) but from a distance, you do not have to constantly be next to them to witness it manifest in the 3D. If you feel like you do, it seems that the assumption that is motivating this behavior is fear (the fear of what's to come afterwards, the fear of them finding someone else etc.). Sometimes in life, when a problem presents itself, it's better to let it resolve itself and live a better life meanwhile.


For myself, it's an awakening of, wow, this IS all about me! What do I want today? What do I need today? Sounds so simple but when we've been conditioned by "abuse" subconsciously it runs our life without us being aware of it. Practicing new thoughts that feel good, realizing I am the operant Power! I am the one with the Power! Is life changing..


Wow. I thank you for handling this so well, and especially for not recommending that someone stay in an physically or actually emotionally abusive relationship, in the name of being able to manifest a different version of them. Fantastic advice, about boundaries. Fantastic advice about still being in charge of everything from within. Core confidence should never be dependant, wonderfully put. Thank you so much for addressing this, truly. Fantastic video.❤️


Oh my goodness, thank you! ❤️I'm One of the people who asked you to cover this topic!!!! I'm so excited to watch, back soon with another comment ❤️


If you keep feeling your SP abusive energy is very bad because as per quantum physics the subatomic particles are a energy packets, similarly your thoughts are energy .... so as per law of assumption imagination conforms that thing can only exist if it is observed. Remember every single thought is energy, direct and instantly influences the quantum field or particles by just thinking about result. And by this it is easy for most of us to understand the connection between subatomic particles and the law of attraction. You know Crystal clear that subatomic particles could switch between waves -shape particles. It's mean these particles could leave our dimension and return again.

You know as per quantum physics particles have dual nature-

1. Uncertainty
2. Probability never be 100%
3. So they are entanglement particles

What I mean finally is whatever happens inside ultimately determines what happens outside... according to the law of attraction, we attract everything that we constantly focus on. All that exists in the universe is vibration energy.


This is a really great video, and a topic that gets overlooked.


Thank you for addressing this! I dont know how much this talked about in manifestation when it comes to abuse but anyway. .So very true once your mind frame changes about you they change. The world changes around you. You can have anything you want any miracle.


I love that song! “People Are Strange” by The Doors😊


Man, you are right on target with this today


Differentiate abuse from your own lack of self-love. Don't create scenarios in your own mind that eventually hurts your own manifestation.

Not exactly what Akshay said but what I got from this video!


I don't believe that I can create a person to physically abuse me. I did spiral by not feeling appreciated. That was the only thing I can think of and I'm not going to noodle myself but to heal from this and understand that I'm worthy of having a healthy relationship with someone who respect people/women/men and they're mature. I had to do this a couple of days ago....


Very great topic, Akshay! Thank you so much for discussing it.✨

While I was watching the video, I had the idea to create an affirmation template that would be the default for romantic relationships such as, "my lover and I deeply respect each other", etc. because I felt it after saying it, and it was a good feeling! Then I thought about how this would be the type of manifestation that would appear after keeping a mental diet with these types of affirmations, etc. 😄


Hahaha, I giggled at "even if they're walking down the corridore with papers in their hand". This topic is great, Akshay, thank you!


Hello Akshay, can you do a video on how to get over the past and move on in order to manifest an SP you have history with?


This is where I get confused. I thought circumstances do not matter and you can change EVERYONE with EIYPO. So can you actually “change” an abusive partner with manifestation? This topic isn’t talked about much. I just need a neutral and logical answer without the warnings
