Can You Cure Your Chronic Pain with Just Your Mind?
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Founder of the Pain Psychology Center Alan Gordon shares that most chronic pain is not caused by structural damage, but rather it is stored pain memories in your mind. When do you need surgery for your chronic pain? Orthopedic spine surgeon Dr. Hooman Melamed respectfully disagrees with Alan Gordon’s claim, and shares the importance of not missing something physical or structural that might actually be causing the pain.
About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show in its 14th season. The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.
About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show in its 14th season. The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.
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