John MacArthur explains why tongues is easy to falsify in an ignorant environment. Must Watch!

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I can relate to everything he said cuz I grew up in a church like this, I apparently had received the Holy Spirit (through tongues) when I had no idea what the gospel was. It’s so messed up.


He's certainly true about there being millions of people who go to church and yet they have no idea what the Gospel is.


I really thank the Lord for delivering me from this kind of church. They told us that for us to be baptized with the Holy Spirit is that must “speak in tounges” in one of the prayer marathon that I attended of that church almost every people there speak in tounges in their prayers and some vomited some are on the floor shouting and trembling it's as if they've been possesed, I'm a new believer at that time and I really wanted to please the Lord so those scenarios did really create an inferiority within me, makes me feel like I'm a second class Christian, but I don't wanna look like a possesed woman in the crowd, so I decided to open my Bible and investigate---but I know that it is the Holy Spirit who convict me to do that. And there I found out the Truth.


Imagine someone in church went "Yaba daba Doo!" and then said it's a stone age language. 🤣🤣🤣

I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it.


This is tough because I pray in tongues, I also understand the confusion and pain people struggle through when pressured. There are false tongues, and demonic tongues as well. I am not offended by John, but I probably would not try to impersonate tongues.I do know someone who does it mockingly, because he is hurt he does not understand it. Sometimes it's not what someone says, but the spirit with which they say it. I think John means well, and there is an abuse of tongues- but we are all called to love one another and be of one mind. If you speak in tongues of men and angels, and have not love....Love is patient love is kind. My concern is certainly the truth of the Bible, but also to love my brothers and sisters, even if they are wrong. I pray that we are unified through our sincere love of Christ and pray for his body to come to full truth and have a spirit of maturity and patience regarding this. To first always drop to our knees and pray for someone who may be misguided before we cut them apart. I encountered Jesus through his word and received deliverance. It took a few years of me just spending time in his word aggressively to come clear on some things. I was so delicate, I am glad I was not in front of someone with a legalistic attitude. God was gentle and he knew just how to correct me. He loved me out of my confusion and he continues to teach me. His kingdom come <3


John Mac is spot on . I escaped this charismatic Pentecostal nonsense.


I think tongues is like the religious version of smoking...they peer pressure you into it, tell you don't have the Holy Spirit if you don't do it, much like somebody trying to get a kid to smoke by telling them it will make them cool, I grew up as an Autistic in a charismatic household who refused to speak in tongues because I was afraid of it, sure I saw it twice weekly for years, but it freaked me out, but I didn't see anything but Charismatics until 2017.


“For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14‬:‭2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14‬:‭18‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Romans 8:26 says, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words."

I had a very powerful encounter with Jesus when I ACCEPTED HIM AS LORD AND SAVIOR WHERE i FELT THE HOLY SPIRIT ENTER ME WITH SUCH JOY AND PEACE. A few years later I received the Gift or baptism of the Holy Spirit and it was a similar experience to my accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I did speak in tongues and felt the same peace and joy from the Holy Spirit. I have no doubts that this is real and the Baptists are wrong on this one point. Mostly I pray in tongues privately when I don't know how to pray and I need a word from the Holy Spirit. I've received many specific words from the Lord this way that came to pass as the Holy Spirit said.

Romans 8:26 says, "For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words."


When I was doing membership class to join my last church the teacher told us to sit in the room and pray hard until we could speak tongues. Thank you Jesus for delivering me out of this darkness and false doctrine


It’s really sad how people are so caught up in tongues (like an obsession) and they also neglect the gospel.... the saving message, the good news to the world. It’s unbelievable. I bet most people that commented on this video didn’t even watch till the end.


Mark 16:17
And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;


Yeah there is counterfeit in everything, doesn’t mean there is not real. I was supernaturally filled with the Holy Spirit and God gave me the ability to speak in tongues and it is real. I cannot believe how arrogant these guys are.


Having a form of Godliness but denying the power there of.
Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever!


Do not be deceived. The power of the HolySpirit does give the gift of tongues to many believers. Yes, there are those that make tongues up but those people do not know God. Either they are simply ignorant or they make it up to appeal to the masses to profit. But the gift of tongues, and the gift to be able to speak with tongues of angels which is directly speaking to God is very real and very sacred and beautiful and brings peace to those that pray in the tongue. As the Bible says it’s is for the speakers edification. Weather you believe it or not or are not sure, I highly warn against mocking it and those that do. There is no greater terror than speaking evil of the HolySpirit, for in this there is no forgiveness. Lord Jesus guide us sound and true and in your love. Amen


Yes. I agree.

As an ex charismatic, I can testify he's literally hitting the ground with truth. I used to speak in tongues back then with my memorized Spanish text, and when the night revival came, since I have memorized it, I speak it FLUENTLY... Some other people spoke in babbling tongues while I am speaking a FLUENT AND TRUE language but I have just memorized it to seem real. After a couple of hours, 2 girls were sitting on the ground, laughing and unintentionally making fun with themselves... People around including I myself think that they were speaking in a real Chinese language like " chuawenro hasheni kailarensho Cho renhua." With no words being understood. We just concluded they were speaking Chinese because it seems like Chinese until I understand that it wasn't a real language but a made up one. In my case, I just memorized Spanish text then recite it while I falsely speaking in tongues.

I agree with you Dr. John.


Mark 3:29 KJV — But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

Mark 16:17 KJV — And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;


Seriously WOW I’ve been speaking in tongue’s since water baptised and love it, I’ve never been forced to & speak in tongue’s while praying for edification.


I let my brother listen to a clip of a man speaking in Tongues. An American speaking what sounded like Arabic. My brother had learned Arabic while in Afghanistan. He said it was definitely a dialect of Arabic.

Doesn't matter if some people fake it.
It doesn't matter if this man makes fun of it.
What matters is what the word of God says.
I've watched people who never heard of Tongues obey acts 2:38 and they've come up out of the water speaking in languages they didn't know.
Feeling wonderful and wondering what it was.


I was raised Baptist, and back as a child even some of the elders of the churches that I had been to actually made fun of what they called "Holy rollers" it took the Saving grace of God through Jesus Christ to make me understand that they/we shouldn't have made fun of those people, we should have prayed and witnessed to them. So I was and am of the opinion of Pastor MacArthur that tongues is easy to be faked, but I DO absolutely believe that there can be and has been an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on some of God's people and they speak in tongues. I do absolutely believe that you can PRAY in your spirit in an unknown tongue because it's written 1 Corinthians 14 read the entire chapter not just what fits with what you want to believe.
