MIRACLES, HEALINGS AND TONGUES(selected scriptures) By John MacArthur.

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I thank God for Pastor John, I have had to leave my Methodist Church due to Unbiblical Doctrine.
I am to attend a small group meeting with people who are in the same position as myself. And who have grown to love Pastor John along with the teachings of RC Sproul too. I am very grateful. All Honour and Glory to our Heavenly Father Amen.


Hi, I respect brother Mac Arthur very much, but can you explain this verse Marc 16:16 first, then 15-18. Is Jesus Christ a liar? No, brother. But we make mistakes sometimes but not Jesus.
Same Jesus who healed people, he is still the same Heb 13:8
YESTERDAY, TODAY, and FOREVER. He hasn't changed.
James 1:17
Speak in tongues 1Cor14.
Rom 8:26
Please read these verses again, again, again, again and till you get it.
Despite we have grey hairs,
and teaching to others, we will still learn from the Spirit of God.
If someone experiences God's power really, he will never and ever criticize what God is doing in lifes of many people who love God.

Glory to God


A few years ago, I briefly attended a church that was being run by the family of someone that I met at college. It was a Pentecostal church. At the time, I knew nothing about how wrong and harmful charismatic theology really is. My experience at that church was absolutely terrible and this person who had invited me to attend turned out to be an abusive person. Although I have not spoken to this person in years, they are still stalking me to this day and have enlisted anyone they can to help them (my family members, ex friends, ex partners, and anyone else they can get to help them harass me). I'm sick of it. The best thing that came out of that situation was that I started to question many charismatic teachings I had always been taught and my perception of charismatic churches changed.

Also, I'm grateful for sound doctrine and how my relationship with God has matured and grown in part due to that experience and unlearning so many wrong things. Still, please pray for me because I am so tired of what being connected to that charismatic church/that person has put me through.


I'm glad God took the healings out of the hands of man. They would steal the glory that belongs to him only


John MacArthur is an absolute treasure to Christianity!


A miracle is to be delivered from charismatic chaos . I thank John MacArthur foe exposing this error .


Wow! Thank you so much! Thanks for compiling all of this truth from scripture! Too many have been deceived…. Believers & potential believers alike are confused by pretenders. So many fakes & pretenders & false teachers!


Pastor John preaches/teaches Bible doctrine with such clarity my spiritual inner man is easily able to understand the TRUTH of Scripture rightly divided! To GOD ALONE be the glory for gifting this dear man!❤☺


Only the true Christians will love him.


First, I am a fan of MacArthur Bible studies. It is always best to check out what some of these people are teaching when watching various video's. Some of them "seem" to know what they are talking about. Have your Bible and pencil and paper ready. Scriptures quite often are incorrect as to location. Names will be wrong. Time lines will be strange. And "their" Hebrew will just be wrong😅. They are just cranking out video's for whatever reason I don't know. I appreciate all you do Mr MacArthur. You have helped me greatly in my journey through the Bible. "And after you've been there ten thousand years a million or two, look for me for I will be there too."


I’m so glad that respected leaders are speaking out against error and doing it with scripture in a compassionate but strong, no waffling, definite way.


Great sermon, wish I could get his sermons on dvd because of increasing censorship of Christian messages. It may soon be banned on most media outlets.


John MacArthur is a very good teacher of the scripture. But. No man is Perfect in their Doctrine or theology!! Sir John is not infallible.. he is subject to error because we are all still in this Fallen body, and do not see clearly but through a glass dimly sometimes it appears his teachings that he claims that his teaching Doctrine is without error, but he also claims he is a sinner and subject to fault and error. Brother John sincerely believes his teaching is true including his doctrine of secession. Due to the fact that he has not experienced any Supernatural gifts himself. Mark 16:16 that he refers to, he adds that is what he believes that it was for that time. Only. That is his understanding . That does not make it truth or gospel that is his conviction . I am praying for Brother John that he would receive the baptism of the holy spirit in fire. He claims that he has never heard the voice of the Lord internally or an open vision from the lord. At the age of seven innately I knew and understood that God's children would disappear from the earth in a Flash when God the father said come up! I had experienced spiritual Supernatural dreams and knew of the Rapture, but I didn't know what it was called as a child. At the age of 16 the Lord came to me in an open vision meaning I was fully awake alert and in a room full of about 18 other people. All of a sudden the room went completely White, everybody seem to have disappeared and I heard no chattering of their speech. The voice of the Lord was that in authority of the entire universe speaking. His words were. My Return Is So Soon! It Is Like Today That I'm Coming. I'm Coming In Your Lifetime. You Will Not Die Before I RETURN. Tears rolling down my face, everything returned to Normal.The Majestic power and presence left as quickly as He Came. I did not say anything to the people, I immediately went home to tell my family, they needed Christ and to go to church, that Jesus was returning very soon. By his grace and Province I have had three open Visions in my lifetime. At the age of 16, I began preaching in the streets many people were delivered of demonic Powers casting out demons and many came to Christ. Now 48 years later, technology making it possible that every person can be identified through digital ID. Opening up a gateway to a cashless Society. Digital. Currency. Cbdc Central Bank digital currency is the pathway to the mark of the beast control over everyone's Banking and purchasing powers. We are currently experiencing and seeing before our eyes prophecy being fulfilled in Israel. The violence of Hamas is worldwide. This war in Israel is the beginning stage for Armageddon. When the Lord destroyed Mankind in the flood due to violence the word in Hebrew is translated as Hamas. 2024 is going to be a pivotal year of persecution for the church governmental Powers and the Federal Reserve will be extended to control people what's cbdc Central Bank digital currency. Best will happen early in the year January - March 2024. Internet access will be mandated with a national ID to have access. In the past 3 years since covid-19 we have seen 10 million military age men access enter the country being paid by the UN United Nations. It has been revealed by Congress this is being allowed play the UN and United States military complex. They are using illegal immigration to fulfill Manpower in the military. They are being promised legal citizenship if they fight in the military pairing a word of knowledge hair. President Trump will be reelected in 2024. Halfway through his term cataclysmic changes will take place. The church will be taken out! The true church California San Andreas fault will split open and millions of people perish in a matter of hours. Those that were left behind will see the Book of Revelation open up before their eyes. The mystery that has been revealed to the apostles and Prophets is the first resurrection where the Jew and the Gentile the living and the dead Old Testament Saints and New Testament will be joined together in the clouds and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Revelation 19 reveals that the church is being married to Christ in the marriage supper of the Lamb Perry Revelation 1911 - 16 those that were dressed in fine linen clean and white riding white horses. That is the bride of Christ. Return with Jesus at the second coming when he sets His foot on the Mount of Olives to destroy the Wicked and Dispose lock up the Devil and his demons in the Pit.


I respect John very much, but I think on this he is compromising. 1. .mark 16 It is was about "those who believed the message of the apostles " - not about the 11 apostles since they were sent out to spread out the message - they were already believers. Almost undetected twist on words (unfortunately it was done intentionally) ....

2. Bases on this video clip- the preaching followed by miracles "were" for non-christians back in apostles days and it was necessary for them in order for the unbelievers to believe the message. Today is NO longer necessary because now "we have the Bible". Right?! That is true, we do have the Bible but the unbeliever don't believe or go by the Bible. They do not care much for the theoretic lectures political or religious message of all kinds . Thousands of religions and gurus out there.( i am Wondering, don't we need the same established method "a preaching follow by signs and miracles"? It is a real practical and Christ like thing - consistent with what Christ did and the early Christians did . We are preached Sunday by Sunday and thought that we need to be "like Christ" and follow Christ's example!!! - But when it comes to really follow Christ example then you become a heretic and of the devil. (Oh that is true Christ was called that too) The apostles did follow Christ example didn't they?) Don't we need to prove that what we preach is true - like Christ and the apostles? Will an unbeliever use the Bible to verify if your message is true and if it is doctrinal and truly Baptist? - WHO CARES!!!! . (The unbeliever does not know the Bible to verify if your preaching is doctrinally correct. He ONLY cared to know what the Word can do OR does for him/her. CAN IT DELIVER what it do what it says it will do-??? What unbeliever can verify if his/her sins were forgiven? None!! Christ did forgave the sins but also physically healed that man saying "take your bed and walk" so you know that the son can forgive and heal. Christ delivered, healed and saved. The same Christ and the same anointing of the Holy Spirit os in you. He is the same today and forever. The question is - why are we talking down the works of Christ in the believers and the life given spirit of God in us. ? The Pharisees just talked, condemned and criticizes Christ and those who followed his example. I am afraid that no very much changed since Christ's time. I love the doctrines of salvation and the Bible but at one point we need to reflect Christ that lives in us in His fulness.
For those who are used to blindly believe the preacher don't - verify the word since this message is masterfully twisted and avoiding passages or misrepresent that don't support john's narrative


Miracles are signs and wonders, if you seek signs you’ll find them not, if you believe and don’t seek you’ll have them, that’s a previous promise from God’s word, seek favor with man and you’ll not have favor with God or man but if you seek favor with God you’ll have favor with God and man . Worship the creator and not the creature, we are in a dark age to say because our trust is in men, namely men of God . I’m grateful we have men of God, but we have to work out our salvation, if we don’t work we don’t eat, our pastor can’t drag us to heaven no matter how tight we hold to his coat tails, strengthen that which remains, always look to the word of God and don’t put much importance in yourself, for your value is in Christ, not in men


I speak in tongues and I am glad I do turn away from MacArthur and his heresy he is deceived


Wow! This teaching most certainly helps to clarify the confusing chaos that is in our churches! What a BLESSING it is to have the Word of God rightly divided. It is a comfort and protection from deception.


John MacArthur is a great teacher of the word’s of God. The Truth turns on the light and thought’s that use God’s word to twist it for something that they think makes them look good live in darkness.


Only one question, if tongues were only gifted to the apostles, and not disciples, then why does Paul say to them that they pray well, referring to the saints praying in tongues during the church meeting, but then gave them proper order for them to do it in, as the gift is subject to the believer, for the purpose of maximum edification to all...


His definition of a miracle is horrible. John is very deceiving in his teaching. He explains away the power of God. Please show me biblically where miracles are different today John. Show me where miracles ceased. So no miracles happened in Corinth? So Paul wasted his breath teaching miracles, healing, and the other gifts? He is dumber than I thought. The prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise them up. Where again does it say that healing was for that time only.
