John MacArthur explains Continuationist vs. Cessationist.

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I would like to see this discussed with an actual rebuttal


Wow what a great preacher who is so wrong and blind. I have been a Hospice Chaplain for years and I have seen miracles signs and wonders. His denial and blindness hinders this abilities to move in the spirit.


I understand both sides, being raised conservative and then going “too far” to the charismatic end (think Over spiritualizing things, false signs for money, (I was fooled. I never performed false signs). and prosperity gospel. These are not good and not godly) but I’ve seen it all. I’ve even seen other religions like Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witness. I’ve sat in their seats and loved on their people and listened. And the ONLY way to reach them and have a lasting connection with them in order that maybe one day God would win their soul, is to be HUMBLE and gentle. To speak the TRUTH yes, but in love, with ALL gentleness and respect.

I’ve heard it all...including new age and other religions like Bhudism, Hinduism, and other cults. And taken it ALL to Scripture. And I have something to say: humility will go a long, long way. ESPECIALLY With topics like this. This is not a salvation issue...if someone believe gifts are in effect today, or if someone believes they stopped...that does not matter to God as much as either the acceptance or denial of His Son fact, according to Scripture the ONLY stipulation to salvation is this: “Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” The Bible doesn’t actually even command the “sinner’s prayer” be prayed to be saved either (although I do not deny this can be a tool to help lead people) but remember what God told Samuel the prophet in 1 Samuel: “Man judges the outward appearances, but God sees the heart.”

I really do not understand the harsh words being spoken about others different than yourself. That is all it is. Different opinions. And Scriptures are being dangerously thrown about out of context at times to prove a point (but is it GOD’s point??) Not salvation issue. It must be worked out independently. I do not think it’s right or fair of a leader figure to cast down others based on something that is not life or death for the soul. A leader ought to be humble and pure of speech, not willing to be a stumbling block for any. This here is a stumbling block of offense...and not the kind Jesus is either.

After years and years of observing and studying the Word and experiencing many different things, I simply believe when Jesus says in the Gospels “Neither this man sinned nor his parents, but this is that the glory of God might be revealed...” and when I consider the works of Jesus and the heart of God according to Scripture, I simply cannot box Him in. God is a jealous God (also Biblical) and He will not give His glory to another. Therefore, who am I to decide if He will work miracles or tongues or prophecy today? Who am I to judge that He would stop? I have found no strong Biblical evidence that the gifts continuing today would cease to give God glory. Therefore, I cannot say any of them has ceased. I am not “cessasionalist” or Continualist”. I fear the LORD and trust He is bigger than I can ever imagine and nothing is impossible for Him.

God uses the sinner’s prayer just as effectively as He miraculously heals or brings salvation to a culture without language. It’s HIS choice and HIS will. Not ours. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, ” declares the LORD.

I also believe He will fulfill HIS WILL. And it is not up to me to say His will is with or without the gifts. Personally, I also believe there are many mentions of the gifts continuing, although the very basis of God being BIGGER than me and holy and pure in His intentions trumps ANY “theological” statement that wants to argue Scripture apart from God. (I’m not saying that’s what’s done here. I’m just saying in general). Scripture MUST be interpreted ONLY with the lense of the Holy Spirit: the Author’s Intention. This requires humility and a correctable spirit—not just a corrective spirit.

May God make every man and woman a liar and His truth prevail. This is mercy. That the clouds would be swept away and all things laid bare. Humility is the key to every be willing to come under the instruction of the Holy Spirit.

Also, this whole little video made me so frustrated because of the pointing fingers and condemnation coming out of the mouth of someone I used to really appreciate. It did not persuade me either way. It gave me a headache because I see this trend far too often on both ends of the spectrum of Christianity.

But I do not think God is pleased when we condemn one another. Period. No matter who you are. We have zero right to condemn.( Now convicting a person and coming to them in love and saying “hey brother, this isn’t Biblical. Let me show you why I think so. You pray to God, read the Word and ask for His help” this is Biblical.) But to be on a stage and point fingers is embarrassing to me as a fellow evangelist. and not a way to reach the lost with lasting impact. Unfortunately, he is doing exactly the same as many charismatic people do...pointing the finger at the opposite “party” if I may. But theological discussion ought not be “spiritual politics” but glorifying God! It’s not about who’s right or wrong. To GOD be all glory and power and dominion for ever and ever, amen!

Especially since this is not a salvation issue, it should be taken with extreme caution and humility and “saved” or “not saved” based on belief of gifts being or not being used today should not be a factor. It’s ok to share our opinions. But it should be clearly stated as such. Not pitched as facts and every other way is not saved, simply because one does not understand it (and it’s not a salvation issue!)

I say all these things in love and not out of hate for any sides here. These are my discoveries on the matter, so observe them if you will. but most important: seek yourself the Word of the LORD and you will find the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.


It wasn’t just the apostles that had the gifts. I’m so glad the spirit leads me to the word. Otherwise I would’ve clung on to what he said.


I normally like MacArthur but he is just off here. All continuationists don't believe that Scripture-level prophecy is happening. Also, the apostles weren't the only ones in scripture to do miracles!


On that day MANY will say to me Lord Lord did we not prophecy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do MANY mighty works in your name and then will I declare to them depart from me I never knew you.


Lord Jesus, I thank you for the grace that you gave me to be borne in a family with difficult conditions in Africa. You used those conditions to reveals yourself to me as a God who speaks, heals, who still use men with wonders and signs. I experimented your gifts without reading all the Bible. I thank you Lord because my faith is not only base on what I read but on the demonstration of your power. Thus, no theology can shake my hope.

Lord have mercy of those theologian s who have never experimented your gifts and want to lock you in their theology boxes.


the Holy Spirit never stopped, nor did the gifts ever went away. God does talk to all brothers and sisters, as our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher, guiding us to do the Father's will, convicting us when we do wrong, comforting us in hard times, helping understand Scripture. The Holy Spirit is God.... so why teach that He stopped? He never stops working.... He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


I dont say that Peter was the truest purest student of scripture... yet he was an apostle...


Stephen was not an apostle and he did mighty works and deeds.


That's why we need to have discernment. To discern the false teachers that are here today. Meaning to stay away from & to discern "cessationist".


False! It's the gifts of the Holy Spirit! Not the gifts of the Apostles!


I was betrayed by a business partner. And a pastor who I never met before called it out. Told me how I was betrayed and that God was going to take back what was stolen (I literally didn't know anyone in this church, so there was no way he could have known). He told me to put my hands out, and my entire body felt like it was on fire. The power was insane. I was crying from the weight of the glory. I've never been the same since. Filled with the Holy Spirit. I've seen God heal the blind, the deaf, and get people out of wheel chairs. God still heals today. And to say that the Holy Spirit would reside in people and teach them the word, but NOT manifest in the gifts of the Holy Spirit makes no Biblical sense, and you're essentially blaspheming the Holy Spirit. I don't care how well you know the Greek and the Hebrew if you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, there is no salvation for you.


Cessationists blaspheme the Holy Spirit! Lord have mercy on them! Their Pneumatology is beyond pathetic.


They are brothers and sisters in Christ, not merely friends.


1Cor.14:2 is tongues that is not a language...."does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however in the spirit he speaks mysteries"....this is the prayer language that you have probably heard before. When I was baptized with the Holy Spirit, tongues rolled out of me like a river of living water, but that was just the overflow of being immersed in His wonderful love. There are no words to describe the fullness of it, and you want me to deny it....but I cannot.


(2Timothy 3:5)
"Having a form of godliness yet denying the power thereof"


If that's your Verdict on these issues, then it's safe to say that even the gift of teaching ended with the Apostles.John please don't limit God's wisdom.


"till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph.4:13)....We are definitely not there yet, so this leaves the door open for the five fold ministry.


Please read this before believing in this video:
If God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow what changed for him not to do miracles? what amazes me is that they believe satan can do miracles but God cant, is our God dead? if satan curses someone we cannot pray for Jesus to deliver the person? if we pray, Jesus is not going to deliver the person? is satan more powerful? why would God be the all powerful and not even use 0.1 percent of his power on humans?, your arguments are anti biblical.

just see how arrogant he is ´´ the people that claim to do miracles all have bad theology``

Second, he said min 3:51 - 4:03 ´´ if God was giving miracle power to people, the people who had the miracle power would be the truest, the purest, and most faithful students of the sripturest wouldnt they? --- just with that we could all see his arrogance; He is like the pharisees he believes is the one that deserved to to be used by God and have the power of God because he or the people he claimed studied the bible -- guess what, * All of us have become like one who is unclean
and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags* Isaiah 64:6

For your information,  *27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are,  29 so that no one may boast before him*  1corinthians 1:27-29. Therefore, for your information when Jesus came, the ones that got to be his apostles were not the ones that were studying the bible in the sinagoge, He walked with illeterate people, and this is the reason why people that studied the bible (the pharisees, Drs and others) envy him and said the same that u guys say today -- *people who make this miracles are from devil* (Luke 11:15-20) but Jesus already warned us about people like you guys; He said * It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household!* Mathew 10:25.

we can see he does not believe in miracles because God does not use him to do miracles, and he believes if there were miracles he deserves this grace. Believe that God also operates according to the need not to show off (1Corinthians 12:7)

Last but not least he said min4:47 to 4:59: There were only 13 apostles with capital A: It is right? are you the one who decides who are the real apostles? i dont think so, but lets see: besides what he mentioned we have: *But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of this, they tore their clothes and rushed out into the crowd, shouting:* Acts 14:14, and *Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews who have been in prison with me. They are outstanding among[a] the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was.* Romans 16:7. There are more but it would be too long to talk about all of them.

Be careful guys not to sin against the Holy spirit, which is saying that something that God did was made by the devil (Marks 3:29-30).
