'Bad' Reworks - Champions That Aged Terribly | League Of Legends

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While the VGU initiative in League of Legends has been successful for the most part, there are still a relevant amount of reworks that have aged poorly over the years, leaving them in either a frustrating or unsatisfactory state. Today we'll be discussing some of the "bad" reworks of League of Legends, and go through why they didn't do so well.

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Come on Vars did we really need a 15 minute video on why you think Skarner was more submissive before his rework.


Lmao, i literally just had a conversation with a friend about how they tried to fix yoricks uninteractive design... by reworking him. Yet he's still as (if not a little more) uninteractive than before. He's less of a lane bully i suppose, but it barely matters when you win lane against yorick anyways since he will just end up splitpushing all game.


I badly miss Asol's balls. I wouldn't say I was great with Asol, but I did enjoy his play style, and I do not like the playstyle of his new Q.


There are over 150 champions, and for some reason Riot thinks that if a champion has less than 1% pick rate that means they have to "fix" it


Never forget old Aatrox, who was just straight up deleted from the game.


Totally agree about the mention of mordekaiser. The one we have now is no longer mordekaiser, is a new champion with a mordekaiser skin


Man I miss my boy ASol so much. Haven't played him more than a handful of times ever since they reworked him.

He was so unique and was one of the only champions in the game that actually HAD to pay attention to his positioning.


aurelion sol to me became a completely new champion, he doesn't feel like his old self anymore, even with the flight, that's the only thing left of him and even that doesn't feel the same because it's not a roaming tool anymore. overall they sacrificed his whole personality and Pretty passionate small group of a sol mains, for general audience so everyone can play him, but now he's so boring that i feel like nobody plays him


I will never forgive the nerf of the frostbutt irelia splash and model


Asol on arena, when you get the star augment, and it becomes old asol Stars, combining with his new e and r, is so satisfying to play ! Like cant they do that, like you suggested? It genuinely feels nice to play, and they all synergise so well


as an old yorick player, he was significantly funner before the rework, each ability had a use and a purpose, new yorick is pretty boring...now you either A. Get stomped in lane so you split all game OR B. you stomp lane and teamfight AND splitpush


Talk about Malz? His rework got hyped but it just ended up being a huge damage nerf and a token defensive passive.


Swain should be on here. He is in fact getting reworked again, due to his kit being very incoherent, and his E being a very bad spell


Maybe I missed it, but have you looked into Soraka's rework? I still miss old Starfall and giving mana to teammates 😭


I miss old league so so much. All those old champions are just so nostalgic to me and I am still sad that they reworked Swain and Yorick, Kayle, Sion and especially Aatrox, like that. There isn't anything of their old identity left in modern league.

I also miss the old runes and masteries and stacking the same items twice or even thrice on some champions

I also love the old item icons. I wish we could play old League once more even if just for a day or two


As an old Yorick otp, I quit playing the champion because its role changed drastically. Pre rework Yorick was kind of a duelist summoner with great splitpush potential, but after the rework he became a juggernaut with the worst ult AI I've ever seen. I play it sometimes but I don't like it as much as previous one (even knowing he needeed the rework so much)


I love new yorick, and I’ve gotten used to his jank. I think his primary problem is that bruiser just sucks on him. Ghouls get one shotted by everything, even if you go bruiser, so lethality is the only option


Vars talking about merging the new asol with his old stars is exactly what I think should’ve happened. His old kit’s main problem was the lack of control over people getting close to him, I think if they want to keep the dragon breath they could make it a flight only ability


I still dont understand the argument that reworks and vgus dont make the company money, as if Irelia, Fiora, Karma, Evelynn, Ahri, Akali, and Ezreal arent at least 10x more profitable now they look and feel incredible to play.
