Five Champions That DESPERATELY Need Reworks (Season 13) | League of Legends

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I made a video on five champions that needed reworks back in 2021 and thought it would be fun to do another one again this year. So we're bringing back an old one updated for current times!

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#LoL #Champion #Rework
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Probably a nitpick but karthus being the guy that dies totally fits him as a lich, they're not about raising armies they're about overcoming mortality to achieve ultimate power


I think nocturn should have a focus on vision control like fiddle, and to encourage this his passive makes enemies stack paranoia on enemies who are alone, increased for every enemy or ally they cannot see. When he attacks them he harvests their fear, gaining heal(for some sustain like his current passive) and if they have full stacks they get feared then change his E to a nearsight


I think the fun of Cho'Gath is making him grow and become nigh-unstoppable, a rework for him should expand on the lingering menace of becoming a kaiju monster that grows bigger and bigger, not horribly frustrating like Kayle and her passive that fixes anything but damage, but rewarding you for making him bigger and bigger.


2:17 Kalista
4:42 Karthus
7:16 Nocturne
9:27 Tryndamere
11:44 Chogath


It genuinely confuses why Nekko gets a rework and update but some champs like Shyvana are just completely ignored.


Shyvana needs a rework so bad... It's insane that League still doesn't have a proper dragon champion after more than 10 years


While Cho’s ult may not be the most exciting to activate, it is satisfying to see yourself take up half the screen and only take 3 steps to get to baron


Additional complaints about Karthus besides his ult and passive: Aside his wall, I think most of his abilities are boring. His Q doesn't feel very impactful and his AOE aura doesn't usually do anything unless you're being chased or dived- it's to punish people for killing you, meaning it's inherently a reactive ability (you pull it up in response to a scenario put on you)

Edit: Don't get confused- his Q has impact, but it doesn't FEEL impactful. It deals good damage, but it doesn't feel satisfying to spam it.


I really like the idea of nocturne throwing up a big black cloud that actually appears as a big black blotch on the map for a while and everyone inside it also can’t see their map or allies


Chogath is my most played champ, i fell in love with him the second i saw him and have been playing since league came out. His kit honestly meshes pretty well, and just desperately needs a modernization


It seems Riot has working more on champion updates than they used to, probably because there are way too many champs in this game that need to be fixed or updated.


"jax got a minor touch" wise choice of words brother


My girl Shyvana is still in need of her rework.
Her gameplay is "walk up to someone" or the more toxic "fire a nuke every 8 seconds then run away"
She HASNT changed since her creation. Sure, things got tweaked slightly, but her gist remains the same.
Her passive is on par with KogMaw levels of bad.


As a Cho'gath main, based on my experience Cho's kit actually works extremely well when built full AP and played like an assassin, like Fizz or Talon. Q to pick a target, Rocketbelt to dive on them or Everfrost to hold them in place, W to silence them and prevent their escape, one or two autos with E to get them into ult range, and then ult to execute them. Tank Cho is really where you start to see the problems in his kit, and that's bad because he is supposed to be a tank. He has no immediate defensive utility whatsoever, and while his Q is a good cc tool, it is very hard for him to force an engage, which is something most other tanks are very good at. He works best when someone else engages for him, which is not good for a tank. Whatever they do for his rework, he needs to have a tool to reliably engage by force, as well as something to bolster his defenses on demand so he can actually tank for his team.


I think Illaoi need a rework the most, because she is either frustrating in both sides depending on the game. And it's not just ''good against'' it's litteraly broken or useless.


For nocturne my friend and i made a rework, one of the things was that his ult would make it look like he ultd on everyone but every one he didnt ult just gets ultd on by a clone like a neeko esc clone. Makes it so that everyone is scared


I think Rupture and Feast are the signature abilities of Cho'Gath without question. The ranged AoE knockup is quite unique, and Feast with its true damage burst and health scaling property on kill is core to Cho'Gath's identity. Carnivore is a good passive for helping him maintain an advantage in lane (or perhaps help him sustain in jungle), but Feral Scream and Vorpal Spikes are just fine. If they keep the essence of Feast and Rupture largely the same, modernize Carnivore, and modernize his model, I think it would be great


The danganronpa music always goes so well with your vids


Totally agree on chogath, I'd add that his lack of mobility makes it so that missing Q against ranged units means he's useless and gets free kiting for the remaining of the Q CD


I wish riot could make everyone up to date it would make league so much better for casual players atleast
