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The changes seem pretty interesting, especially the instantly exploding or multiple exploding new ultimate, what do you think? 😸
Watch until the end and leave a like or I will send the ravens after you to bite you!! 🐦‍🐦‍


Me and the other 4 swain mains are hyped
Hopefully they leave the ult "indefinite time till hits champs" and they don't just make it a toggle


Imo his W is the most interesting ability of Swain. It fits thematically super well to the grand overseer of Noxus who has his minions everywhere and let’s no one hide within his realm of power.
The inherent semi-global pressure in summoners rift is a very fun consequence, when you can support your allies and maybe snack some assists from mid lane.


I think it will fix most of Swain's issues and it is really well thought. The only one that I wish they paid attention to, is how the hp stacking mechanic does not scale with the rest of his kit. It would be nice to add some hp scaling on his kit.


I actually like Swain's W. Baron and dragon steals, as well as getting a kill on an enemy in fog feels incredibly rewarding. I suppose they could give it a passive, maybe something that has to do with max health per lvl, or maybe increase the vision it gives to make it a better scouting tool


I love playing Swain but the stacks always felt so underwhelming, hopefully this makes it feel better


I like Swain W, it’s a nice tactical ability for stopping recalls, cutting off escape routes, slowing down pursuers, etc. It adds something not just for Swain, but for the entire team, and it would be a shame to remove it just cuz it doesn’t match his kit.


I like swain W. The rare dragon/baron steals, the back denial, and ks-ing from mid to side lanes. Hopefully, it won't be a big change.


His W does fit his kit in a way, it's an alternate way for you to gain souls, a way to compensate a bit for his short range and is a way to check bushes like how most mages can do without it he cannot check bushes safely
It literaly help with his weakpoints


Bruh His W makes sense lore wise. He’s a veteran commander who needs vision and information about the battle. He’s a battle mage. His W is for zoning and ability setup. Q is short range cuz it’s bursty. Swain feels weak because he has no mobility in the meta where everyone has dash or jump. A simple fix would be to bring back his right click pull passive which was more engaging and fun to play.


Swain's W is a remnant of the first time he got reworked because old Swain had the title "The Tactician" or something like that to keep a little bit of old Swain's character design. In my opinion they should've tried to incorporate Beatrice (his companion bird that shot the laser) instead and make her be the demon he draws power from or something similar.


If we are talking about abilities that don't fit the champion let's talk about Kalista's W, most random abbility ever


Maybe don't give every champ 3 fucking lane roles and then it would be easier to balance them


i think they just need to make his q range that stacks with his passive and add an indicator for it that is always on like ww ult range indicator


"he doesn't feel like a battlemage, let's make him an ap carry" who fucking cares about cool designs when you can just make ap carries and that's it? To me he always was a toplane mage that should have built ap+tank items. Now he will just become a boring ap carry, just like the other mages, gg Rito


I think E should be like anivia's or velkoz's Q, where you can recast it to detonate/pull back


W should have cast time reduced per lvl.. You can still hit it at early lvls.. but mid to late game it becomes impossible unless target is fully cced or just walks into it and not doge..


How about they revert him into a sustain mage instead of trying to patch this nothing kit


2 demonflares seem pretty nice! I hope they go with that idea! One at the start of his ult and the other becoming available after a few seconds like the current one seems pretty damn good! If they're worried about it being too broken, then they could make it so the first one does the most damage and the rest do a bit less!


His kit should be fairly easy to "fix".
Passive - Actually not that bad, just needs more consistency(Consistent stacking can be fixed by making E more consistent which in turn makes landing W more consistent, this will be explained in E section) and more impact (Explained in the R section)

Q - Actually is fine as it is

W - Against CC'd enemies deals +50% damage. (So it's full combo actually deals a decent chunk of damage)

E - Slows enemies by 50% for 0.5s when the claw is moving outwards. When the claw moves inwards it won't explode unless it hits an enemy champion specifically. (Yes, it's still easier to hit enemies in Mid range than Close range, but that's the point, to bring mid range enemies Closer to Maximize Q damage and make them stay longer in ur R)

Demonic Energy Decay after 5s: 7.5 --> 10
Heal per Second: 15/27.5/40 (+18% AP) --> 15/22.5/30 (+18% AP) (+0/0.5/1 per Soul Fragment)
New Effect: Swain gains +0/0.5/1 Armor and Magic Resist per Soul Fragment for each enemy champion being drained by R
Level 6 Swain is actually strong, hence why R remains unchanged at this levels, however as the enemies start to get items Swain heavily falls behind, full AP Swain dies in a heartbeat, and full Tank Swain (Even with Liandrys) barely deals damage and doesn't stack well with tank items(R heal only scales with AP). This change makes it so that R actually makes Swain tankier in teamfights in addition to increasing it's healing with Soul Fragments(Which increasing healing even in non-AP focused builds). The increase in Demonic Energy Decay makes it so Swain mantains his Ult for less time after 5s if no enemies are being drained, the objective is to make Swain Ult more rewarding but only when played to it's purpose, long lasting teamfights.
