The Truth about Zenless Zone Zero (Updated Review)

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I like how they let us skip the main story quest but not side quests lmao


1:33 "We are taking pictures of cats, forced to take naps... " 🤣


real shit though. need reviews like this for normal people who can’t just play every game for a week and actually gotta choose what to do in their free time


The only thing you need to know about the story is... Hans is a REAL BRO.


"did it to save money" - ngl that isn't an excuse for a company making billions. They are the top of the top. They can afford it, they choose not to, thus resulting in a worse product. "To save money" should by default be a point in cons. They CHOSE to make the game worse.


It seems to me that the pacing of ch. 1 was not a good way to start the game or retain players. Also too many good features are kept from players for too long.


It feels weird that i agree to all of your points but love the game because of them. I'm currently 40lvl and couldnt understand the controversy at all, ty for actually explaining it unlike other toxic people


imo the problem with the tv sections isnt that puzzles are boring, its that they arent puzzles at all but just sections where you follow basic instructions, if they actually required some thought i think people would like them way more, maybe they could have exploration missions be only puzzles and combat missions be only combat as a compromise. as it is i dont mind them for what they are i just wish they were actually challenging
based loli hater though


Personally? I was in love the moment I played it. I'm an artsy nigga, so the vibes did it all for me. The music, the style, the visuals, shiiit I even liked the TVs but that's life. What appeals to one person isn't what will appeal to another. I also keep in mind that mrtashed is just wired differently from me. He needs intense consistent engagement or he falls off, I'm not a casual gamer, heck no, but I can enjoy slow pacing and of the 3 games (ZZZ, Genshin, HSR) the ZZZ story gripped me harder from the start. Probably because it feels the most familiar, New Eridu looks like a city you could go to.


I have 50 hrs in it and I'm not done with the story yet. Lol


IMO this is a HOYO problem in general. I tried starting genshin recently and holy hell the amount of unskippable yapping that goes on is insane. Im playing multiyear old content and im forced to give a crap which is wild to me.


I was super hyped and engaged for the 1st week, but now i don't even remember or want to login anymore😢


Yeah the "artifacts" in this game look WAY too similar to each other, countless times when im making them in the music store I think im making one set when in fact im making a different one i didnt want to make and just wasted resources


This felt like I was listening to myself speak for 50mins, 100% spot on everything you said. I am doing my daily's in the hopes that in the near future the game will be changed but I am not putting anymore time into this game.


ZZZs combat felt like WUWAs combat with training wheels. Its like theyre spoon feeding the players on what to do. It felt like i didnt have to think or decide on anything the game does it for me. It didnt feel like i was the one playing. Its like Hoyo only thinks of the younger or casual players and that theyre afraid that a challenging game will scare them off


Honestly I think the TV thing is a very clever way to tell story.


Tip: Use the Compendium for fast travel. The Go button is next to each combat activity.


I agree that the downtime between combats during missions is absurd... and the fights are pretty short to boot.
For me Hollow zero was soo boring at the first couple of stages, I thought it will be like that for all stages, but it became more interesting with other stages fortunately, although for how long...
To me the flow of combat right now is pretty much always the same: stay on field with stunner until enemy is stunned, chain attack buff, dps enemy down, repeat. That's all. Maybe with more characters it will become more interesting.
About kids, to me Genshin is worse, the models of Nahida and the like is just pure weird to play with, but I do agree that not many characters feel especially outstanding rn :/
I generally don't do screenshots in games, but for some reason I enjoy it in this one using the in-built camera, although it's pretty limited..
I play on PS5 and like the main menu structure and that we can set animated wallpapers of our favorite characters, but other than that, I'm on the same opinion about UI and icons as you.
I've reached lvl 40 today and completed all quest up till now. I feel like the honeymoon phase slowly starts to end and I begin to see what this game will be after it: a WAITFEST.


You have to understand dude every game isn't an open world game.... Every game has its own way of defining itself.... And I think ZZZ did the exact same thing they defined it in their own way....


IMO skipping the story loses a lot of engagement in the game or any Gatcha games in general. I think ZZZ's story gets better in every chapter, now it's one of my main motivation for the game.
