I Quit My Job & YouTube Paid Me This Much...

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I'm so excited to start my Youtube journey and in this video, I will be explaining how I left my full-time job or role as a Real Estate Broker to make content for Youtube. And most importantly how much I've made with youtube.


I started my Youtube endeavor back in 2016 and I have been hooked ever since. during the Pandemic I had my income decimated during the month of March (explain that my deal under contract all died) so I started focusing on what I could control which was YouTube and making content. Even though the money wasn’t there from Real Estate, making videos that were helping people felt very fulfilling and gave me purpose.

but I ran into a problem that a lot of YouTubers face…. Youtuber Burnout


My First Video was horrible, with bad lighting, bad audio, and I was super awkward, but it was my start & I was hooked. I loved it so much that I continued to make videos but for the life of me, I couldn’t get the algorithm to promote my content. I then spent the next 4 years trying to crack the YouTube code with no success. I even hired 3 editors, created my own recording studio, and bought a ton of expensive gear but nothing seemed to work to grow my channel.


So now we fast forward to March 2020. I’m sure we all know what happened earlier this year, you don’t need a reminder. Since we were all stuck at home I created a series of economic stimulus videos To help the Real Estate agents. Not thinking anyone else would see them since it was out of my genre. But Youtube started to recommend my videos, and I mean really recommend them, (This is called Trend Jacking, which is not a bad thing as long as it’s in your niche).

👇👇👇👇Feed 33 people with $11👇👇👇

It’s actually pretty common and I had to take a mental break because I had to reevaluate what I wanted my channel to actually be. My passion was business & personal finance but it seemed like the only videos that were doing well on my channel were Stimulus videos and It drove me crazy. I almost felt trapped and felt like the creative process was gone.

In August, I decided to move to Florida and really give YouTube a priority in my professional life. 60 days after my last video, I started making videos on topics that I enjoy, but Youtube said, “NOOOO, Not so Fast”.

I recently crossed over 10k subs on Youtube and It almost seems unreal since it took me four years, 400 videos to reach 1,000 subs, and get monetized but It only took me 6 months to reach 10k subs. So Now let me talk to you about how much money Youtube has paid me since I was monetized back on May 12th and if it was worth the career change

Disclaimer: Everything I say on this channel is my opinion only and not meant to be taken as advice. All the information I share to buy Real Estate or invest is not be mistaken as a solicitation or recommendation. Always check with a licensed professional before making any investments.

0:00 Intro
0:26 CPM Explanation
1:50 Backstory
5:35 Cat Attack
6:17 Income Reveal

#YoutubeFullTime #HowtobecomeaYouTuber #HowmuchYoutubersMake
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This video was very hard for me to make because I know there are Youtubers that make more than me in 1 day but either way, I am super proud and I just wanted to share my story to inspire anyone looking to make a change. Enjoy. 😎


Wow i need to step up my youtube game, thank you for the information. Glad to be apart of the culture family 😊🤍


I really like your videos. I like you... you're chill but exciting at the same time.


Wow indeed. I was only earning $80 a month at the most between 2009-2016. But it paid the water bill lol. I have to admit, I completely gave up on YouTube when they demonetized me several years ago. They reactivated my monetization a few months ago without me asking. I haven't done anything with it. I'm pretty negative and cynical when it come to YT. They change the game constantly, and I was crushed when they demonetized me the first time. I'd love to make a full time business out of it, but I just don't trust YouTube as a business partner. Your video is inspiring me to reconsider though. Thanks for sharing this.


Liked, subbed and Outdoor culture please, 100K on the way!
We love your cadence and pacing, speaking to me like my brother.
Lifestyle is the algorhytmym (spelling hahaha) boating, jetsking, surfing, kiteboarding,
beach wardrobe, car ride alongs, walk abouts, fishing, sunsets, stars at night, Tesla, solar and
State! In So. Cal, Ventura right now 49 degs. 11:30 AM. open doors gloves and hoodie on. Inspiration for we can do anything we put our minds to. Cheering and watching you on your way to 100 K


Good luck. I need to make more videos.


Dude that what happened to "Meet Kevin" YouTuber who stopped creating videos on real estate and only focused on trending news events now to get views


Now change your channel to “How the election was rigged”, and I bet you go looking for a job tomorrow:) lol!
