Long Head Biceps Tendinopathy | Expert Physio Review

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In this tutorial, we look at Biceps anatomy using our 3D anatomy model, discuss the causes of this tendinopathy and how physio rehab can help.

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Do you recommend dead hangs dealing with bicep tendonisis or is it a no no? Thank you


Great video.
I am a general surgeon that forgot most of rehab lessons in med school. I recently experienced the pain over my right anterior shoulder after bench press and front kettlbell push. I palpated and eas like "isn't that the long head? But I didn't do any bicep curl, how did that happen?"
I Googled it and found this video, it explained my question and provided management. Good stuff


Excellent presentation and explanation. 👍


What a brilliant visual & narrative explanation 👌


Thank you so much for this superbly explained video!


Amazing! Thank you. I hyperextended my bicep doing a split front lever on rings a couple of weeks ago and it’s very painful at the top. Will follow your advice and see what happens.


Really helpful doctor, my OSCE for MSK is tomorrow :D


Very helpful, thank you Khalid. Is it worth specifying atypical causes which are not commonly associated with LHB tendinopathy, such as narrow-grip bench-press and narrow-grip pull-ups/chin-ups?


really appreciate these videos. just had shoulder rebuild which included a bicep tenotomy with a bicepstenodesis button. when you discuss who may be affected you may include sports like surfing, swimming and baseball :) it was 40 years of surfing or me...


just amazing teaching ...thank you so much...


Is there atrophy involved because I believe I have it in both arms. Thinking of starting BPC 157


I thought I had this and it turned into classic frozen shoulder. Now my other bicep is exhibiting the same pain and I'm worried the other shoulder is going to freeze.


My arm at the elbow inner feels like it's going to rip when I lift something heavy however I can do push ups as normal but my tricep and actual elbow flutter and pulse like crazy sometimes even without a workout, been told shockwave therapy by physio, will this help?


How do you differentiate between damaged front delt vs long bicep tendon?


Hi, I'm looking for some advice on this topic

I get since months a painful click, mostly in the front of my shoulder, like in connection with the bicep where the pain also first started. But sometimes it also seems to click on the side, behind or maybe just around the shoulder elsewhere. Also many times it feels as though the ache came from the very inside/center of the shoulder, where massage I believe can't reach, and also I sometimes just feel muscle tightness or soreness around the area

This appeared just a day or two after doing some chest push ups, and the following day working on biceps and many variants of shoulder with an elastic, a pretty mid weight one.
At first I just felt a little chest pain, just like the normal common ache you feel sometimes after exercise, mostly when not having exercised in a while and then going back to it. But then and still now, the clicking and pain has been mostly around the shoulder/bicep

So since it's continued for so long without success, I'm reaching out to see if I can get some answers/advice

Also I've tried: massage, stretching, mobilizing, strengthening..
And I also know of others that I tried, am trying or considering to try like ice, resting, using an arm holder..
Sometimes I think whether I may have done just too much self massage or stretch to the point it may've been counter productive.. like irritating instead of helping recover

Other than that, the only other thing that I'm trying to see if works, is trying to have my shoulders more to the back (posture). This one I heard many times so I thought to give it a try. Just a few days trying it, seems to be doing some effect...but the painful clicking is still there...we will see
I heard the explanation is that shoulders to the front posture can irritate or inflame the area of the shoulder and produce or worsen this kind of thing sometimes

But, honestly, so far I feel like I've tried many things as you can see, and none have worked...so I would just like to listen to suggestions on what might be the key point to understand why it is still clicking, and how to solve it.
So far the rough idea or notion I can say to have about this is that it's basically just an inflammation that causes the clicking. Would like to confirm this, or at least have some more explanation to understand how this works/confirm this would be why my shoulder clicks, or what else could be.

Btw, the clicking happens in different movements, like circular movements or just perhaps any movement...reaching the arm to the front, etc, not necessarily upwards

Hope I can get some info/advice, I'd really appreciate it. Many thanks! Greetings

p.s.: this is actually a previous stage of the clicking, I've been trying this last time (some weeks) to keep the shoulders back and kind of just letting it rest...and it kind of seems/seemed to improve... but the clicking is still there..


I don’t have any shoulder pain n it’s not my full bicep that’s in pain jus the front part of the long head by the forearm it started hurting from doing reverse curls got better then I did hammer curls n it’s hurting again


I have bicep tendonitis day after the tendon aches but doesn't hurt during exercise. The ache does go after day is this OK? It's like dull ache it comes for like 10mins then goes and then comes back if that makes sense 🤔 am I just over doing it or is this fine


I think I have this.I can barely move my arm without feeling pain.It's In both biceps but more severe in my left arm!
