What Happens If You Stop Washing Your Hair?

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This week Reactions takes a look at the science behind what happens if you stop washing your hair. That's right--no poo chemistry. Thanks to chemistry, the products we use to clean and style our hair have evolved over decades - even centuries. How do hairsprays protect your hair while keeping it flexible and light? How do shampoos work, and why are some people choosing to dump the lather altogether? This week, "Ms. Beautyphile" Trina Espinoza and Lex Fleming from "Made U Look" join us in the New York City YouTube Space to explain the science behind hair care.

0:42 - Scientific content starts

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Touch Me by Pure Natural

Elaine Seward

Sophia Cai
Elaine Seward

Executive Producer:
Adam Dylewski

Scientific consultants:
Perry Romanowski
Trina Esponiza
Sophia Cai
Darcy Gentleman, Ph.D.


Ever wonder why dogs sniff each others' butts? Or how Adderall works? Or whether it's OK to pee in the pool? We've got you covered: Reactions a web series about the chemistry that surrounds you every day.

Reactions is produced by the American Chemical Society.
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Hey yall no joke ive been using water for years now and i get asked weekly by coworkers and friends how i get my hair looking so nice
Sadly i cant tell them the truth for obvious reasons


No, you don't stop producing sebum if you don't wash your hair. But if you stop using damaging, aggressive, stripping products on your scalp, sebum production will be reduced, because it can happen as an reaction to overdry skin. The skin is only trying to balance itself out – right PH, moisture level, etc. So if you don’t strip it all and hurt it, there is no reason for it to produce bucketfulls of sebum. It is like skin care – if you use harsh products, you’ll only end up with much oilier skin, since it is trying to protect itself with sebum.


Give me a break! I haven't used anything but water on my hair for over five years now and my hair is more healthy than it has ever been. No stink, no oiliness and no dandruff. What a bunch of bull. We didn't stand up on two legs with a bottle of shampoo in our hands.


I feel like y'all decided to call No poo bad before you even researched it at all, all these facts don't really add up. You can't just say shit without citing your sources


I stopped using shampoo (just using cold water to wash my hair) a while back as a personal experiment to see what would happen because I have such sensitive skin, and I actually never went back. The first month was unpleasant (intensely itchy flaking scalp, greasy hair), but after that my hair has been easier to manage, never greasy, and have had no problems since. I think using those soaps made my skin require the continuous usage of them.


Brought to you kindly by the cosmetic industry!


you forgot to tell what happens if you stop washing your hair


when I got my hair done, my stylist asked me "do you use shampoo" and I said "yes like every two days" and he said "don't, it's ruining your curls". Now two months without shampooing, and my scalp is less greasy, my curls are bouncier, and I'm losing much less hair. Please stop using shampoo, or use it less often it's so much better for your hair !!


My grandma used to wash hers with gasoline and eggs, she has the longest and healthiest hair I've seen.


Shampoo is better for straight hair but for people with african curly hair shampoo is the worst. It tangles, dries, shrinks and causes more breakage. I usually use nonsudsing shampoos and a whole lot of conditioner. The best is to cowash every 3 days and wash with a nonsudsing shampoo once a week as well as deep condition once a week.


anyone with curly hair would know that this video is click bait 😂


It's worth noting that, for me, the only thing that keeps my scalp from constantly itching is the use of baking soda. Until I discovered baking soda, I had a constant problem with scalp itch from all kinds of shampoos. I use it often and there is no problem with my hair. It does build up after a while and I just occasionally wash with shampoo to "reboot" my hair.


Yes! I'm so annoyed by those people that think baking soda and vinegar are good for your hair.


"it can't smell good" and then showing a picture of someone who doesn't maintain their hair, lol ok. you shouldn't be touting this as science if you're just guessing and haven't tried or observed it. I haven't washed my hair in weeks and it smells fine. it just doesn't smell like fake flower scent.


"produced by the American Chemical Society"
and it is.


Opposing to this video I don't think co-washing with silicone-containing conditioners is all that great... I try to avoid using any silicone in hair products because it only builds up a shell around your hair that doesn't do anything besides making you think your hair is healthy.

I recently started to wash my hair with rye flour, it works great!


Of course the chemical society encourages shampoo and conditioner. I'd expect nothing less.


I thought. This would be a video about not washing your hair all together like not using water or anything. This is such a misleading title. It should be what would happen if you stop using shampoo smh


I hate when people look at me like I'm some disgusting creature when I say I only wash my hair maybe once every two or three days. LIKE JESUS PLS WATCH THIS VIDEO


Cleaning your hair with only water doesn't make it smell gross. Haha this video is lame
