Growing Garlic from Planting to Harvest

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Gorgeous garlic packs a pungent punch, making it an indispensable addition to so many recipes - and every vegetable garden.

Garlic is best planted before winter in many areas. It's very easy to grow - all it needs to thrive is a sunny spot and good drainage.

In this video we demonstrate how to plant, harvest and store these beautiful bulbs so you can enjoy perfect garlic every time.

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Рекомендации по теме

Garlic prooved a marvelous companion for carrots. I've read that the onion family chases off carrot boring pests. It seems to have worked because the carrots were the best I've ever grown.


As a semi-retired chef I now can have garlic year round. Thanks Mate. Keep the videos coming!


Great video. A lot of other garden pages talk to much but you get straight to the point. Thanks for all the info i need in a nice short video.


Great how-to video! I've been growing garlic for many years -- home grown garlic is a million times better than anything from the grocery store. One comment with regards to drying -- you don't mention garlic should be cured out of direct sunlight. Unlike onions, garlic needs to cure in a dry, well ventilated area -- out of direct sun! Thanks for the great videos!


We plant our garlic 1-2 feet from our roses in the fall (zone 5 ). Garlic is a natural fungus preventer therefore preventing black spot on our roses. The scapes look funky with people asking where we purchased the different looking plants


I love garlic and didn't realize it could be grown in containers, so excited to try this!


Best garlic growing video out there ! Thank you.


Great video. Just discovered gardening in my seventies after moving to a property with a bit of land. Tried everything this year to see what works and discovered this you tube site by accident. Lucky me!


You are so right...garlic is easy to grow. We live in Zone 3 (No MN). I've been growing Music and Siberian hardneck garlic with great success. I mulch the bed after planting in fall with at least 6" of leaf mulch. After harvesting and drying, I slice and dry some of the garlic for lovely white garlic powder that is extremely flavorful and makes great gifts.


I live in upper peninsula of Michigan zone 4 I plant soft type in October cover with straw to protect from snow 4ft of snow in the spring they are the first plants coming up after the snow melts . then they grow very well and I harvest scapes. The garlic is harvested around end of august . I have been doing this for


I love the Inchelium Red variety. I harvested 65 bulbs this past summer and I just planted another 140 cloves last month for next year's harvest!


Inchelium Red is a garlic variety that made the Slow Food Ark of Taste for its wonderful flavor. I've grown it for several years, and if it can survive me, it can survive any gardener!


Just harvested my first garlic which I planted last October 🤗 some are small but a fair amount of cloves on each one, they are hung up in my garage drying so 🤞🏻 thanks for all the tips, Anna 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


I always soak my garlic cloves overnight in seaweed solution. It results in quicker root development and growth. Here, in sub-tropical Brisbane, Australia I can only grow soft neck varieties. I tried to grow some hard necks but I was unsuccessful. They failed to bulb up. Thanks for the video. I really enjoy all of your videos. I only recently discovered your channel so I have been binge watching older videos as well.


These have to be the best veg learning videos on the net and are superbly presented. Great Garlic vid my friend please don't leave us and keep upo the good work.


I have a project for my assignment and I choose to grow garlic... Your video had help me a lot on idea and method to finish my task.. Thanks a lot to you😃


Well today I found that the supermarket garlic bulbs that I wipped off a shelf and threw into a pot, planted in spring 2020 ( before I did any research on growing garlic) and forgotten about have survived even when overtaken by weeds. Going to be intresting tasting them, so ill start looking after them. Great video.


I do love your video's, you make so easy to understand. Thank you


.thank you!
finally a real video of how to plant garlic, complete with when its time to harvest!
you don't know how your video lightened my heart.

.im sick of videos of showing planting garlic but they never show the harvesting of it.


Planting mine today in a lovely autumn Sunday in Melbourne Australia. Thank you Ben. Always enjoy your videos.
