How to Grow Garlic | Simple Steps for HUGE Yields

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Garlic is one of the most fantastic crops we can grow in our vegetable gardens, and this video shows you how to grow garlic at home or at your allotment and enjoy a huge harvest from it! Growing garlic is easy, requires little maintenance and is highly-productive, and autumn and winter are the perfect time to plant garlic. You will learn the different types of garlic, the best time to plant garlic, dealing with garlic issues, when to harvest garlic, how to cure garlic, becoming self sufficient in garlic and lots more!

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Introduction 0:00
3 Things You Must Know 0:04
When to Plant Garlic 0:29
The Different Garlic Types 0:54
Prepping the Bed 2:13
How to Plant Garlic 2:27
Easy Way to Increase Yields 3:04
After Planting Care 3:40
Garlic Disease & Control 3:58
Garlic Watering Tip 4:58
The Different Garlic Harvests 5:10
Best Crop to Plant After Garlic 6:00
How To Cure Garlic 6:22
Additional Garlic Storage Idea 7:11
Being Self Sufficient in Garlic 7:24

#selfsufficiency #gardeningtips #permaculture
Рекомендации по теме

Garlic is a great crop. My 'formula' for calculating how much i need to plant is extremely simple: i use on average one bulb a week, so i need 52. Calculate about 10% loss/failure, so i plant a round 60 cloves


Didn't watch this for the garlic. I was having a bad day and your soothing voice and cuteness always makes me feel better. And I did learn a bit about garlic. :) :)


Huw's top garden tips for warding off vampires this October.


Honey garlic is my winter medicine. Haven't been sick in YEARS!!! An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple, and a clove of garlic, keeps him WAY away!


Thanks really helpful I love garlic so much, if a recipe says 2 cloves I add at least 4! I can eat several cooked whole bulbs just on their own. Maybe this is why I’m single😂


My grandma taught me to plant diagonally to increase yield and I’ve been doing it every year! Great tips as always 💚


I plant mine a bit deeper at the beginning of October - Lincolnshire. Also don’t bother buying expensive bulbs from garden centres, Just buy a few big bulbs from supermarket.


Great tips, thanks Huw. I always followed my Granda's method of planting the bulbs at 2" inches apart, then by around May I can pull out the 'green garlics' in between each plant, this gives the remaining plants the space they need to form properly by August ish. This gives me two harvests of Garlic. I also think the 'green garlic' can often be stronger flavour.


Guerrilla gardening works well with garlic. I like to cram garlic in between small berry bushes such as gooseberries. This saves space in my formal garden beds for row crops and also help prevent weeds.. also if you could do a video on how-to prune berry plants that would be awesome.


Hi we're from the Philippines. Thanks for the informative video about garlic. We follow your tips about how to grow garlic and we love the results. We'll also upload it soon :)


Thank you for a great guide :).
My order of garlic sets got a bit messed up this year, and it cost too much to return so... I have 200+ cloves to plant, lol. We are two people in this household...
Seeing this video made me realise I can actually plant them way way closer than I normally do, so it is one step closer to taking care of them all. A help much appreciated :)
Those itty bitty cloves I sort out and plant in another bed (later on in containers indoors) and keep them just to harvest them as "spring onions" or garlic greens. So delicious and less of a waste, can't really squeeze much out of those cloves for a meal anyway.


I don't know why but we love garlic in Romania 😅 especially raw, uncooked. Even the spring green one, in soups and salads, heaven 😍 so many recipes, but the fresh pressed one mixed with olive oil, salt and fresh parsley goes great on a big juicy steak


"ton of garlic.." ...where was the "let's get into it 👍" Mark would get a good laugh from that for sure 😂😊😁


So helpful thanks! I'm currently going to grow my garlic with some spinach as a snail protecting system LOL got a serious snail hive going on this winter.. I need to exterminate


Use it fresh and dried. Plant it in pots if you only have a balcony. I started gardening on a balcony. Now I have a 100m2 vegetable garden. Getting more and more vegetables and even small fruits out of the garden. I am becoming self-sufficient. Our grand parents did it. My garden is my bio shop.


Your garden looks spectacular. Thank you so much for your tips re garlic. It is wonderful to see such above average looking compost. As a compost maker of fifty years, I suggest you try adding some rice/split pea sized coarse sand or fine gravel to your compost after it is finished. Even one bucket per barrowload will do wonders. I am going to try unwashed beach sand this year for the first time, as sea water has the entire range of trace micronutrients, and most living things seems to enjoy a small amount of salt. I will see how the mix works with finer sand - I am expecting it to work well. Rodale reports that sea water has 78 elements in it.


Planted 60 cloves in October harvested 5lbs in June! Enjoyed the video.


Thank you for your great videos which contain so much practical knowledge and helpful visuals. I searched for this because I wasn't sure when to harvest my garlic. My question is answered and I'm glad I consulted you rather than yanking them out too early. We appreciate you!


Looks like I need to plant some garlic!


I pick leaves from the garlic during the growing season. It tastes great, and can be used in cooking just as well as the cloves.
