The Best Probiotic Food Is Definitely NOT Yogurt

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Probiotics support your health in many different ways. Find out what the best probiotic foods are—yogurt is not on the list, but kefir is!

For more details on this topic, check out the full article on the website:


Watch my video on Kimchi:

0:00 Introduction: Is yogurt a good source of probiotics?
1:20 Is kefir a good source of probiotics?
2:45 Is sauerkraut a good source of probiotics?
4:15 Is kimchi a good source of probiotics?
5:45 Are pickles a good source of probiotics?
6:08 Check out my video on kimchi!

Is consuming yogurt the best way to get probiotics? No. Unfortunately, there are limited strains of microbes in yogurt, and most of them are killed at the stomach level.

Another big problem is that the microbes don’t survive the pasteurization process most yogurts go through. There is also lactose and casein in yogurt, which many people are allergic to, and high amounts of added sugar. Overall, conventional yogurts aren’t going to give you the probiotics you really need.

Kefir is very different from yogurt. Kefir contains a high number of diverse strains of microorganisms, including friendly yeast. Kefir is also much easier for people with lactose intolerance to consume because the lactose in kefir is almost non-existent. Plain organic grass-fed kefir is a much better option than yogurt to get probiotics.

Sauerkraut also contains a high number of different strains of friendly bacteria. Just make sure the sauerkraut you consume is unpasteurized. In addition to probiotics, sauerkraut contains fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K1, vitamin K2, vitamin U, potassium, and even certain phytonutrients.

Kimchi is full of powerful superfoods, and it contains unique strains of friendly bacteria. It’s also high in vitamin C, vitamin K1, vitamin K2, potassium, and B vitamins.

If you want to try to get probiotics from pickles, make sure they are lacto-fermented pickles. Also, make sure they are unpasteurized and keep them in a refrigerator or root cellar.


Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! I hope this helps explain what the best probiotic foods are and why yogurt is not one of them.
Рекомендации по теме

I swear I give up. Eat yogurt it's healthy, oh no. don't eat yogurt, it doesn't help. Lean steak is good for you, no wait, it's not good for you. Fruits and vegetables are good for you, oh no wait, they aren't really that good for you.🙄😒 I don't think anyone knows what the hell they're talking about. So I'm just going to play around with my diet and see what actually works.


Am from Kenya...your info really helps was able to have my child's gallstones dissolved through a strict diet but also by using your info grateful


You just answered my question about Kimchi...but I just wanted to say that I have been benefitting from you knowledge about food, diabetes, intermittent fasting pretty much everything so I just wanted t thank you for all you do that has help so many of to you n your Fam!


I love how no one has to timestamp these videos because he just gets straight to the point, and even stamps his own videos. Shows he really just wants to educate you


You can make your own kefir daily with the help of kefir grains available online or even Amazon. These grains last for a lifetime. Similarly you can make kimchi or kanji at home. Fermented foods should be a part of your diet for a healthy gut because gut is the root cause of most of the health problems.


I just made sauerkraut from scratch for the first time and it came out great. Much better flavor than anything store bought. There are only two ingredients. Cabbage and salt. I used organic cabbage and Pink Himalayan Salt. It took a week to ferment at room temp in a mason jar. You're supposed to "burp" it once a day for a second - which I did - to let air out or the jar can explode. I tasted it for the first time yesterday. Very crunchy and not nearly as salty as store bought. Delicious!
Thank you for all your great videos, Dr. Berg!


I was eating Greek yogurt for years, but I didn’t really feel like it was doing much so I started making homemade kimchi and sourkraut, the difference is like night and day. I feel more energetic my digestion improved and my skin is glowing. Now I cannot live without it. Always make your own, I tried buying kimchi and sourkraut and it never has these egfects.


I am from Bulgaria and I am making homemade yogurt from original milk from cow. The yogurt is non pasteurized, and the taste is amazing. So, for me and my family this is the best probiotic. Probably you should know about lactobacilicus bulgaricus.


You sir have not wasted a second of my life, straight to the point and every word u said is just knowledge, thank you!


Doctor, you’re helping more patients than anyone else can


Dr Berg, I am of Turkish origin. My mother apparently started feeding me home made plain yoghurt at two months of age. Now, I can survive on yoghurt alone if I have to. And honestly, I can not live without it. Not only I can have it alone, or just with toasted rye bread, I make it into Djadjik with cucumber and garlic, or blend it with ice cubes for a refreshing Ayran drink, or have it on all kinds of different vegetable or meat dishes as "topping". However, I have to admit, it did become something I had to avoid when my Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms became unbearable. When I had to eliminate milk and all dairy products, along with whole lot of other foods, I tried soy yoghurt but it just wasn't the same. My IBS was something I had to live with just about all my life.

Only a couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with Gilbert's Syndrome. So now, in my late 60s, I find out that this has been causing all the gut related problems throughout my life. Following your videos, I got onto Sauerkraut with my main meal and it is working a MIRACLE for me.

Strangely, during my childhood I always loved the home made pickles of cabbage and variety of other vegetables (raw veggies pickled with just salt, a few slices of lemon and 4-5 raw chick peas for souring) and the pickle juice. But the adults would allow us kids to have only a little, for they would say too much acid wasn't good for our stomachs.

Anyway, I now make my own sauerkraut, and pickles and indulge myself to my hearts content, for I know it is absolutely, definitely doing me good.. And I am also able to eat as much yoghurt, thanks to the miracle of sauerkraut.


Yeah sorry bro, no one is taking my yogurt away from me. It literally fixed my stomach ulcers.


I have kefir fermenting on my counter right now. It's my first time making it and I'm so excited to start this new food project!


As Bulgarian, my grandmother use to make homemade yoghurt, the milk she would use would come from cows that were fed only with grass in the mountain. The yoghurt from shops doesn't even taste the same as the homemade one!


For those based in the UK, I really recommend trying 'genuine kvass' - its a also a fermented drink very rich in probiotics that come from sourdough! It helped me to get rid of asthma.


I make Bulgarian yogurt and I’ve just started making Kefir as i was really fatigued, the first time i changed the milk and made a smoothie with it.The following day i did exercises and completed well over my 1000 steps. I was amazed and am definitely keeping on with it 🙏👍🏻🙋🏻‍♀️


I had a painful stomach ulcer which I read can be treated with probiotics. I went out of my way to consume everything mentioned in this video in an attempt to blast my system with good bacteria, and the pain went away within a few days. Thanks to this video I can see in hindsight that it was the kefir and kimchi which helped me since the sauerkraut and yogurt I consumed were pasteurized.


Whew! I panicked for a second. Bought a farm and a cow just to have good probiotic yogurt all these years. Turns out the stuff at the store shouldn't even be called yogurt, it should be called filth. I'll keep fermenting my raw cow's milk for 24 hrs, thanks.


This is the doctor to follow ! He is a DC that knows an incredible amount about staying healthy ! RESPECT, BIG TIME !


Costco now has an awesome kimchi. Made in Korea ( like me! lol) and I must confess it is the best I have ever had. It is perfectly cut and seasoned, perfectly fermented. I highly recommend it!
