Dylies~[Exercises for thin and long fingers]

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this workout really works, the result is already on the first day.The main thing is to perform exercises 5 times a day ^^


This things I do on a daily basis without even noticing.


I did something similar to these exercises for a few months! It does work and pulling your fingers (not too hard) many times everyday helped me grow my fingers by 2cm. And your height + genetics does depend on your hand sizes.


I do this when I’m anxious which is like 70% of a normal day😀


this exercise is short and i think pretty effective, so i'll keep track of it here. i plan on doing this for 20 days. (i do this 5 times in a row every day)
day 1: nice stretch, i dont think anything is noticeably different, but it's the first day.
day 2: good exercise, i dont see anything yet, but my fingers feel refreshed. (that sounded weird)
day 3: noticing that my ring fingers are becoming slimmer. hm. interesting.
day 4: finished. ive noticed that my fingers look slimmer/fatter under different lighting. anyways, no drastic differences, but my ring fingers are getting slimmer ngl.
day 5: done, fingers look same as yesterday.
day 6: being completely honest with you right now, my fingers look 2 times slimmer than they did before i started doing this. the skin looks tighter, and my ring and pinky fingers are even slimmer than the rest of my fingers. by the end i believe that all my fingers will be the same amount of slimness. the bones near my wrist and around the bottom of my thumb are showing, and im pretty sure theyre at least slightly longer. i didnt measure them at the beginning, so i dont know, but from the looks of it, i'd say its ever so slightly longer. this works. i can guarantee you that by day 20, my fingers will look generally slimmer.
day 7: not gonna lie, today before i came home from school to do these exercises, i was "admiring" my now skinnier fingers the entire day. this works!
day 8: looks the same as yesterday, but i am determined to finish all 20 days, wish me luck!
day 9: looks the same as yesterday again, but i dont expect extreme results. anyways, wish me luck!
day 10: my fingers have been looking the same for the part 2 days, but i still have hope in these exercises!
day 11: done, and i think my body has hit plateau. that means that my body has gotten so used to doing the same thing everyday that it recognizes it as a daily thing, and stops working because it thinks its normal. i think this exercise has stopped working after slight changes, so uh i guess now im just finishing these 9 days because i have a goal to acheive.
day 12: done, keeping it up.
day 13: finished, i'll keep going and finish alll 20 days.
day 14: done, happy valentine's day!!
day 15: finished :)
day 16: doneeee im so sorry i didnt update for so long!! i forgot to until you guys reminded me by commenting :) aaaa i feel so loved! thank you all so much, day 16 is when i started seeing results:)
day 17: finished, same as yesterday
day 18:
day 19: finished my fingers definitely look slimmer than day 1!!!
day 20: overall, i must admit, this wasnt the most effective, although i can proudly say that it did give me results. the top of my fingers (above the knuckles) are much slimmer, so i recommend doing 40 days, because then hopefully the results will take place in your entire finger. MUAH ILYSM GOOD LUCK!!<3


тоже решила делать на протяжении 1-2 недель эти упражнения (буду судить по кольцу)
1 день: никокого результата
2 день: кольцо стало чуть-чуть свободнее
3 день:
4 день:
5 день:не могу сказать, что результат прям наглядно виден. но между пальцев стало намного свободнее
6 день:
7 день:
я особо за неделю ничего не увидела, и таковых результатов инету
п.с залакайте что-бы не забыла


Okay i will be doing this for a week (7 days) 4-5 times a day!
Day one:✅ Did it well 5 times, feeling a bit of pain lol
Day two:✅ Did it 5 times aswell, not as much pain as the first day but still some, no changes yet though. (I mean what can i expect in 2 days 💀)
Day three:✅ Did it 5 times aswell, no more pain at all. There might be a slight change, not so visible though.
Day four:✅ did it 5 times ofc, no more pain i fingers, a small change has appeared!
Day five:
Day six:
Day seven:


I'll update yall 😻

Day one : their still a lil chubby but I would say they worked 😍🙏 anyways it's day 2 as I'm writing this bc I forgot to update and write a comment anyways yeah

Day 2: so my fingers are a bit sore but that's ok anyways they do look a bit bigger since I commented that 😍 just so u know I'm going to do this for 1 or 2 weeks idk🤷🏽‍♀️ but yuh 🙊

Day 4 bc I forgot to do the other days 💀💀: my fingers are a big longer since I last did it but I still have to do some for the result I have in my head rn 😭



Шутки-шутками, а у меня-то реально похудели пальцы, руки и стали длиннее.. Я не могу точно сказать, как долго делала упражнения. Я без расписания, по разному, могла несколько дней подряд каждый день делать, либо нет, в основном, делала месяц-полтора. Спасибо большое! Очень помогло


Все пробуют и я попробую, лайкните комм что бы не потеряла пж
Мизинец - 5см
Безымянный - 6 см
Средний - 6, 7см
Указательный- 5, 2см


Guys it actually worked my finger got little changed 😊


Итак, буду делать 7 дней.
Померила руку от начала кисти большого пальца, до конца среднего - 18, 5 см.
День 1:✅ сделала 3 подхода
День 2:✅ сделала 3 подхода, стало легче выполнять упражнения, на 3 упражнение пальцы стали намного лучше выгибаться
День 3:✅ сделала 3 подхода, на втором упражнение раньше болели пальцы, на данный момент делаю его вообще безболезненно.

Результат за три дня: пальцы стали намного лучше выгибаться, и это радует. Пальцы стали более ровные. Буду продолжать делать!〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜

День 4:
День 5:
День 6:
День 7:
Залайкайте, чтобы увидеть в конце результат)


С сегодняшнего дня буду делать эти упражнения
Самый длинный: 9см в длину, диаметр 4 см
Мизинец: 6 см в длину, диаметр 2.5 см
Залайкайте чтобы не потеряла/забыла


Делала около месяца, может двух в свободное расписание. Старалась каждый день или через день. Просто в свободное время, когда скучно и нечего делать, начинаю рассматривать пальцы и делаю эту тренировку по разу-два. Добавляла своё движение. Зажимала каждый палец левой руки двумя пальцами правой, указательным и средним и несильно тянула, так делала и наоборот. Визуально пальцы реально стали длиннее, особенно заметно на среднем пальце. Также пальцы визуально немного похудели и чуть чуть стали выделяться косточки. Когда руку делаю ровно, ну пальцы прижимаю к среднему, надеюсь поняли, тогда появляется небольшой просвет, просвет между средним пальцем и указательным. Руку мерила, именно кисть, она была 15, 5, стала 16, 8. Прибавился 1, 3 см. Буду продолжать делать


Starting off by doing for 1 week!
I’m going to do these exercises 3 times a day.
Day 1 (17/10/23) - done!🎉 I felt slight burn in my hands - measure after day1 = index: 8.2 cm, middle: 9.1 cm, ring: 8.2 cm, pinky: 6.5 cm, thumb: 6.7 cm


делаю эти и не только эти упражнения.
самый длинный палец пока что 8, 1 см в длину.
залайкайте, пожалуйста, чтобы я не забыла.
(делаю третий день, что-то замечаю)


Okay I’ll be doing this for (7 days) 4-5 times a day..
Day one :I see a small change and less swelling, note my long fingers..😁
Day two:
Day three:
Day four:
Day five:
Day six:
Day seven:

I’m so excited to see the results..!!!


Решила я тоже делать эти упражнения)🦋
Большой: 5 см
Указательный: 6, 2 см
Средний: 7 см
Безымянный: 6, 7 см
Мизинец: 5 см
Результат через неделю)

1 день: 3 подхода ✅
2 день: Забыла сделать❌
3 день: 2 подхода ✅
4 день: 2 подхода✅


I am going to do this 5 times throughout the day for a week. I am going to be completely honest if this works or not.. My hand bone structure is bulky, so it should be obvious if I see any changes. Also keep in mind you literally cannot alter your bone shape unless injury. So these will only make it APPEAR thinner - longer, not be. Wish me luck!! If I forget to complete a day, please notify me.. 💕

(9/16/22) ending at (9/23/22)..

day 1: (today) 5/5 ✅. No results yet! while doing though i felt a burning sensation in my palms.
— No noticable changes.
day 2: 5/5 ✅. No noticable changes.. I feel like what's going to happen though is im going get a placebo effect doing this Haha.
day 3: 4/5 ✅. I think the bones to my knuckles look more visible for some reason?
day 4:
day 5:
day 6:
day: 7


Idk why Im looking at a hand stretching video in the middle of the night out of no where 😂
