Best Finger Exercises | The best and fastest way to slim your fingers | Get beautiful, perfect hands

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Are you losing confidence when you know you have big and chubby hands? Do you want to practice persistently to help it become more beautiful? If you want that, then come to me Nhung Le, I will introduce you a Best Finger Exercise | The most effective and fastest way to slim your fingers | Have perfect beautiful hands
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Day 1- Feeling some fresh.
Day 2- A little pain.
Day 3- Also feeling fresh.
Day 4- Noticing some changes :)
Day 5- Same as day 4( doesn't happen anything)

Day 6- So much change.
Day 7- I can see all my beauty bones ❤
(But I tried more days)

Day 8- So much change❤ my hand was looking amazing:)

Day 9- My hands are now low waited and beautiful ❤

Day 10- My hands are looking soo good. I'm not lying just try this Exercise
For 7 to 12 days your hands will look amazing! I swear ❤

*Thanks for reading this is amazing :) I'm so happy bcz My hands are so beautiful now❤*

사랑해요! 정말 마음에 들어서 자주 하고 있어요 :)❤


I'm 13 years old and I'm doing this and it's work .Thank you.


Trying this for 7 days 💜
Day 1 : My hands hurt 😅
Day 2 : Done
Day 3 : Done
Day 4 : My hand feels better than Day 1 and not hurting now..
Day 5 : Done
Day 6 : Done
Day 7 : Not so much changes but still a little bit slim Maybe it'll work when I'll do it for a month

Day 8 : Done
Day 9 : Done
Day 10 : Done
Day 11 : Done
Day 12 : Done
Day 13 : Done
Day 14 : Slight difference
Day 15 : Done
Sorry for late updates 😅
You can do it don't lose hope 🤗


Hello appi, I am from Bangladesh, a college girl, I was doing these exercises from 2 weeks 1 or2 time a day, it really worked, now it becomes thinner and long, I am so great full 🌝 to you, I never easily like or comment any video, but now I'm a new subscriber your, please reply me, then I will be more motivated😍😘❤️


I will do this two time a day (morning and evening) and I'll update every day (like to remind me to update)
*Day one, MORNING:* It was HARD cause I cut my fingers with a knife 3 hours ago lol, but I do it and now my fingers hurt more.
*Day one, EVENING:* My hands hurts a lot, but I try to do it. Also I recommend to do another exercise, because at those we don't really use the big finger and it's possibly to don't be longer. I recommend to try to rotate the 👍 finger for 40 seconds, it would help a lot. Also u can massage the skin between the fingers, it would relax and help them to "colaborate". *First day* ✅
*Day two, MORNING:* My hands also hurt, but I did it✅. Also my Index finger 👆 is 8 cm, I'll measure it as a benchmark.


While doing the first step, my hands were making so much noise, but after doing this exercise, my hands are shaking. Seriously this is a perfect exercise for hands 😳✨❤️


Today i did this exercise for the first time and when this is almost done my hand started to get high temperature like my hands r burning or heating but iam happy bcz by one time doing this my hands felt different and i hope it'll work!! Thank you so much for this!


Doing this for as long as I can
Day 1: ✅ felt a little weird sensation in my hand, otherwise it was ok.
Day 2: ✅ my fingers were hurting a lil bit, had trouble moving it for 1-2 minutes.
Day 3: ✅ my hand was a lil bit sore, but I could see that my fingers had a gap which was an improvement.
Day 4: ✅ it was feeling a weird, otherwise no major difference.
Day 5: ✅ my hands were hurting a little bit, and I could see the lil fat around the middle of my fingers were gone!!


A week ago I decided to do these slimming exercises, and now, after a week, I noticed a clear difference. My fingers thinned a little, and the veins of my hands appeared. I'm sure doing it for a month or two will be fine


Thank you so much for helping us. This exircise is really work


Jungkook looking at Jimin's history


Trying for 10 days✌😑
Day 1 : My hands hurt😓
Day 2 : I see a little bit of difference 😮
Day 3 : Done
Day 4 : My fingers are a little thin😊
Day 5 : done
Day 6 :
Day 7 :
Day 8 :
Day 9 :
Day 10 :


Day 1:a lot of difference it actually depends on ur hands how they are although they are naturally pretty how ever they look <333


Thank you so much now i will get veiny hands and long fingers it actually works i see a vein already!❤


Hi so these is goin' to be my journey of doin' this so I'm goin' to keep you updated of how my hand looks
*DAY 1*- My hand hurts but I managed to do it twice actually I am goin' to do it twice daily.
*DAY 2*- I did it
*DAY 3*- I did it
*DAY 4*- I can see some differences
*DAY 5*- Same
*DAY 6*- Ok so the bones that are starting to appear are just sooo adorable I've always been waitin' to see 'em I'm lovin' it


It's my day 5 and I can see the changes in my hand.
It's really working.


شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا على التمارين الحلوة مثلك ويتمنى تنجح معي 🤲🤲😊


Yes, there is an Army here from Iraq 🇮🇶💜🇰🇷


Here's a update it's day 12 and my finger's are long and thin so thank you so much


Day 1: ✅ done, it's easy, feel slight burning
Day 2: ✅ I've done it twice, i feel slight warm in my hands but not burning, don't see any effects for now after two days
Day 3: ✅ done once in the morning
Day 4: done twice ✅ no difference so far
Day 5: ✅done once in the evening, i can say i see some difference here, i fell like my fingers are slimmer, but this feeling can be also caused by longer nails that i've recently grown, because i've never have such long nails so my opinion can be biased
Day 6: ✅done once in the afternoon, don't see any difference
