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St. Paul was not an Apostle!

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A sudden light emerged and Jesus proclaimed, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Paul responded by asking, “Who are you, Lord?” Christ then identified himself: “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
Saul was suddenly blinded. A man named Ananias was given a vision by the Lord that told him to help Saul and restore his sight. At first, Ananias was shocked, as Paul’s brutal, anti-Christian reputation was well-known. Acts 9:13-16


He had the vision of shaytaan, not Jesus


He was confirmed by the previous disciples. And the fact he went from killing Christians to being martyred for the faith shows he truly believed he saw Jesus.


I was born a muslim but you made me appreciate my religon
Thx brother bobby so much love❤


I have being waiting for a scholar to hit the nail of the head, and Dr Ali just did that.


“You will know them by their fruits"
✝️ Matthew 7:16 and the fruits of the apostle Paul leave no doubt that he was very real indeed.


Paul had a conversation with Peter regarding what was permissible regarding dietary laws in Galations 2:11-14. So he was quite alive at the time of Christ. He had a life-altering conversion to Christianity upon being knocked off of a horse and having a direct conversation with God. From then on, he served God to the point of being tortured, being put in prison, and being martyred for Christ.

He was a brilliant man brought up learning from the chief rabbis at that time. He was, without a doubt, gifted with phenomenal gifts of prophecy from the Holy Spirit. He slso had a phenomenal sense of human nature, and taught people how to live a Christian life. i.e. he taught on the proper role of husbands and wives. In fact his clear concise statements condemning homosexuality, pretty much cement current Christian belief on this. There is really no divergence from what he taught than from what Christ taught. My belief is that his role was to explain in detail Christ to believers and prospective believers. I almost look at Paul as giving "structure" to Christianity. You have to understand, Christianity was at its "infant stage", if you will - with many "humanistic questions" that needed to be answered, i e., new dietary laws, how churches were to be structured (management/role wise), what was allowed in congregational practices, etc. All of this was absolutely essential at that time. And God obviously inspired this man to teach these things He never said anything contrary to the basic tenets of Christianity - Christ's miraculous birth, divinity, messianic role, death and resurrection.


Brother bobby you are an inspiration even to many born muslims including me 🙋🏻‍♂️


The early church faced a difficult first challenge. Persecutors like Saul attacked believers, put them in jail, and they even killed some of them. Saul spoke “murderous threats” ✝️ Acts 9:1 and made evil plans against the Lord’s disciples. But Jesus changed Saul’s plans and chose him to become one of his greatest missionaries. With his name changed to Paul, he preached across the Roman Empire, over 10, 000 miles, and even appeared before Caesar.
As a “chosen instrument, ” Paul proclaimed the Gospel “to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.”
While in prison, Paul wrote 13 letters that are in the Bible today, so he continues to proclaim Jesus’ name around the world.


Valid point Brother Bobby! Eid Mubarak to you and all of the Muslims.


And Muhammad said he had a conversation with an angel in a cave lol, even admitting he was tricked by Satan at one point 😅


Before the road to Damascus APOSTLE PAUL hated Christians and killed them thinking he was serving God and then he met The Lord Jesus CHRIST AND truley repented. PAUL WAS CALLED BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE GENTILES THATS SCRIPTURE 100 PERCENT TRUTH.


Lord, ” Ananias answered, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem. And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.”
But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”
Ananias listened to God and healed Saul — and that was only the beginning of Paul’s Conversion.
Paul met with the disciples after his conversion, and immediately began to preach in the synagogues about Jesus being God’s son. Acts 9-19 ✝️


This clarified some things for me. Eid Mubarak Bobby


Like a muslim having a dream about prophet muhammad now calling himself a "sahaba".


Jesus spoke the truth and worshipped only One God, while Saulus (peters original name) was a corrupter of faith and an enemy of the followers of Jesus.


tell me you know nothing about christianity without telling me you know nothing about christianity


Asalam Alicum brother
Eid Mubarak to you, your family


Was it possible for Paul to have received instruction/knowledge from the other apostles that were enlightened at Pentecost? How do explain Paul dying for Christ? What is the difference between the gospels (accounts written by apostles) and the epistles (accounts of the apostles that were filled with the Holy Spirit).


Paul was the opposite, he used to kill people who would follow jesus PBUH. But later he realised that this is not going to stop people so he changed his tactics.
He deliberately fainted and woke up and said I saw jesus and he told me everything we need to follow and from there on forward he changed the whole religion and fabricated trinity concept.
