1 Peter 3:18-21: Is water baptism necessary for salvation?

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In this video, we look at the passage in 1 Peter 3:18-21 and address the question, "Is water baptism necessary for salvation?" After this quick study, we should recognize that the answer to this question is a resounding "No!" Baptismal regeneration is heretical, unsound doctrine and erroneously adds to the finished work of the cross. When viewed properly through the spiritual lens of Christ, this passage is actually a wonderful picture of our salvation through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ - His death, burial, and resurrection. What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
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Praise the LORD i always knew something was just not right when i would hear that false plan of salvation. the butchering of Acts baptize for the remission of sins, repent of your sins, confess Jesus as Lord and You will give us eternal life as long as we are obedient. excellent job, exposing that cult for what it truly is. God bless. Agape love


Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.


I have a friend that got baptized like 6 times and still he seamed so far from where he should be . Forever seeking never believing the truth that it is so . :)


Be careful how you preach .. don’t misguide believers... if baptism is not required, why through out the New Testament we see people being baptized?


John 14:15. 1 John 2:4 kills this position.... Paul is referring to those who put faith in the law over accepting the redemption of Christ’s blood... but not that we should not keep the laws...


Jason, have you gone to Al Maxey' site and read his articles on baptism? If so, could you expound on those articles in your videos?


I dont understand how can it say Baptism now saves us then you say it's not water baptism. When it's literally talking about water baptism. Someone please give me a better understanding of this.


This is true baptism is not necessary for salvation . I tell people it's like our part in the wedding . What if the groom set up a day and got everything ready and the bride didn't show up because they had been living together like in marriage already . This is a Holy Union . This is an act of love and faith and recognition of this so Holy Union . It's a heart thing . When I was baptised it opened my eyes to this most Holy Union in the now and that it is not some future day in the by and by . Baptism is a thing God has to move a person toward if they choose to it makes a stronger Union . Hate to use this term but it seals the deal in our conscience and opens our Spiritual awareness of His presence . Then we can have a closer relationship . Then the two can become one . Bless you Bro. just my take on it .
