My Food Habits

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My Food Habits Blue Planet Book 1: Normally youngsters like to eat inexpensive food, chips, desserts, and other greasy nourishments. Yet, I think I eat very solid nourishment.
Typically I have for breakfast sandwiches or muesli. At the ends of the week, I ordinarily eat semolina pudding. My next feast is at school. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have soup. On different days we have to cook. My school closes at 2 o'clock. At that point I have supper. Generally, I have for supper serving of mixed greens, flapjacks or sandwiches. For dinner I generally eat meat or fish with pasta or potatoes. Some of the time we have stew. For desert I like to eat dessert or strawberries. Now and again I eat a bite before heading to sleep.

Salient features of the series:
- Learner-centred and activity-based approach.
- Now I Know Summaries Important Points In Each Lesson For Easy Recapitulation.
- Summative and formative assessments help polish the scholastic ability of children.
• Question Time Is Meant For Summative Assessment.
• Activity Time Is Meant For Formative Assessment.
- Value-based questions inculcate moral values into children.
- Life skill section help children to develop different strategies for solving problems. It also sharpens their other co-scholastic abilities.
- Apart from covering the syllabus of environmental studies books 3 to 5 also contain lessons on science and social studies.


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