12 Signs to Recognize your Twin Soul - 8 stages - Lorraine Vesterink

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We love to inspire you to be loved by your Twin Flame!

During separation you can experience the Dark Night Of The Soul.
You can get a soul shock and have a lot of soul pain if you don’t have contact with your twin soul.
No matter what you try to release your twin flame, it won’t work. You keep thinking about this person.

You can also read this video in our blog:

Also watch the video: how to know for sure you've met your twin soul:

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Send you love,
Lorraine Vesterink

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This is exactly right. Different cultures, religions, languages, and he is 19 years younger. We went through all eight stages. We are so happily married now. Miracles exist ❤


8 Stages

1. Bubble love phase
2. the unexpected break up
3. The DM ignores the DF.
4. You discover you are twin souls.
5. The DF starts the healing process.
6. more communciation
7. You are okay for living on your own.
8. Union together.


ladies, gents, always forever, remember this:
if you treat someone as if they're a star,
they'll treat you as if you're a fan...


He's from Ga and I am from Alabama. He is a mountain climber. Since I was young I wrote many poems and songs about loving a mountain man .


i've literally told him "i didn't know i was capable of loving someone this much, until i met you"


Wow, this is my story, I saw double numbers triple numbers eg 44, 444, 555 and so on I found a lot of feathers, down loads of birds etc..This is truly The Most High Doing. I promise myself and God that I will not abandon my journey no matter what. Love always.


I really felt like I was losing my mind. So glad I came across your video.


No matter how many life times i have to live, I'll always choose my twin souls. I love myself so much. I want to be with myself in the nature. I want to stay true to myself. I want to please myself. I do. I choose me. I love me unconditionally. I love me so much


I am completely in love with your content. I am a Muslim and i have just offered prayers and asked Allah for help and this video popped up on my screen in perfect time. I am probably gonna be your first muslim follower. Keep spreading love.
Many many Thanks! ❤


I miss him and care him so much. He cares me too but never expresses. Keeps less contact but whenever we talk I can feel how much he loves me. He respects me the utmost. Jai Shiv Shakti✨


This was the video that made me understand all the stages and has awaken me. We are back in contact and finally meeting up soon. Thank you, to everyone on this journey. Embrace it and everything will be okay, trust the process and focus on yourself 😊


That was a 100% perfect check-list... We are right on track aren't we? 👽🖤


I am completely mind blown! I’m going through all of these stages with my twin flame EXACTLY AS YOU READ THEM! 🤯


I was engaged to my HS sweetheart I thought I knew love for someone, until I met this girl. Always crushed on her but never pushed for a date. 3-4 years later it happened 3 months went by and I couldn’t remember being happier more optimistic about myself and life. Came to a sudden and abrupt end and for the life of me it feels like I’m sick like I’m missing my soul. I know it’s different because of the love I once had for my fiancé, this is something on a whole new level. I’ve tried to date others, no luck yet somehow this one still is even though no contact. I do believe god sent her. I don’t think the devil is capable of such love he’d lose if my love for her was a shield and sword. Being patient is brutal my anxiety to reach out and hear her cripples me. I pray with all I am. I knows what’s mine and what I deserve. I pray you watch over her and heal her heart so I may take care of her for you. Blessings this intense and random are not of evil but of love from god himself. Heal me so I may be better for her. Better for me and you lord. Let me love her as you love us. You instilled me with this passion unconditionally loving spirt. I let this go and place at your feet. I acknowledge your timing your love. I will be patient as I was prior to meeting her. I will grow and be better.


I really appreciate you helping. I've longed for my twin flame. My doubts and being conflicted are always negated with synchronicity. It hurts but patience is a big test.


This is all true for me and my twin. We are now both divorced however his ex- wife guilt trips him with their adult children and grandchildren too. I have an open heart that all this will be cleared up by God and my Ancestors. We are the same age born one month apart. Oh yes when we meet He was standing behind me offering to pay for my food. When I turned around and looked into his eyes I saw a light. I have memories that he was mine made for me. After thirty years he found me again. I have healed he is still healing.


I receive this message. Thank you. It has resonated right when I needed it. I’m in tears typing this. I have less than $12 in the bank right now, I just bought and sent $1.99 through YouTube. Never have done that for any other video or person before. But I am giving when I can for the things that bring value to my life. Thank you. My life is good and is becoming greater every moment.


Great video. This is by far the best video I have watched on twin soul recognition. Thank you so much 💜


Ok wow. I used to be one of those people who scoffed at the idea of twin flames, assuming people who shared twin flame experiences were just romanticizing toxic relationships. Even when a friend of mine remarked that me and him were like twin flames (I was describing a moment in which we experienced something similar to telepathic communication), I laughed it off. But watching this video, my jaw has dropped twice. Pretty much all the points you've been laying out match my experience with him to a T it's very uncanny. I mean I normally don't even leave comments on videos but I just feel that I really need to express my reaction to this bcus i'm just blown away.

Update: As it turns out, the person I was referring to was simply just a catalyst or a false twin flame as it were... because I recently connected with my actual twin flame.


Most outstanding effect in this case for me was a total kundalini activation together with meetings on the astral plane. Together with all those coincidences and doublenumbers it really hit my sense of reality and boosted my whole spiritual experience on a total new level. Thanx for your video😀
