What Type of Workout is Best on a Low Carb or Ketogenic Diet

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What Type of Workout is Best on a Low Carb or Ketogenic Diet - Thomas DeLauer

*Carbohydrate content falls during exhaustive exercise and muscle fatty acid oxidation increases with a concomitant increase in blood ketone concentrations* (1,2)

Anaerobic/Aerobic and Intensity

Your body requires different types of fuel, depending on the intensity of the exercise - as the intensity of exercise increases, the body shifts its fuel preference from blood-borne fatty acids (and glucose) towards those of intramuscular triglycerides (IMTG) and glycogen

At moderate-to-high exercise intensities (less than 75% of maximal oxygen uptake, V02max), muscle glycogen is the main source of energy provision (Egan and Agostino, 2016) (2)

Ketones are burned in the mitochondria of our cells only, which means it requires oxygen - glucose also is burned in the mitochondria of our cells in the presence of oxygen, but when glucose is burned in the mitochondria, it produces more ROS (reactive oxygen species) and free radicals, resulting in damage

However when a cell is working very hard, like our muscle cells when we are doing high intensity exercise, the cells need to make energy at a faster rate than the oxygen can get there, therefore when we are at a higher intensity, we can burn glucose outside of the mitochondria, without the need for oxygen - ketones cannot do this (3)

Burning glucose can be both aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic (without oxygen). Ketones are aerobic only. High intensity exercise like the 100 yard sprint or olympic lifting, is purely anaerobic and requires glucose

Low intensity exercise like a walking, jogging, elliptical, cycling, hiking, etc. can be purely aerobic (if done at a low enough intensity)

The purely aerobic exercise will allow ketones to be the dominant fuel burned. When given a choice the brain, heart and muscles will choose ketones over glucose, they can only do this if both are present in the blood (3)

Study - Journal ‘Cell Metabolism’

Study looked at the effects of exogenous ketone administration in 39 high performance athletes to see how the body utilises different forms of energy during exercise

Each of the 39 athletes completed 3 experimental trials consisting of 1 hour of constant load cycling (high-intensity at 75%) - athletes were given a ketone ester (KE), carbohydrate (CHO) or fat (FAT) drink 15 minutes prior to the start of the exercise and 45 minutes into the 1 hour trial

Athletes who ingested the KE drink, were found to display lower levels of lactate, plasma free fatty acids (FFA), glycerol and plasma glucose than those athletes that ingested the CHO or FAT drink, throughout the entire 1 hour exercise trial period

Suggests that KE might have some sort of sparing effect on intramuscular glucose stores, most likely due to the suppressive effect on muscle glycolysis

And suggests that ketones were oxidised as an alternative to pyruvate, reducing the reliance on glycolysis to provide acetyl-CoA needed for the TCA cycle (5)


Рекомендации по теме

I lost 50 pounds trying to process this


Sometimes I wish you would talk to us like we were 4 years old.


For those that are confused:

“In Ketosis, our bodies do not thrive in an anaerobic system.”

What should you do? Cardio. And heavy weights at 3-4 reps. In 30 minutes.


Makes perfect sense. You can do heavy (ie. workouts for strength, not hypertrophy) while in ketosis because you're using the creatine system. You may not gain much size, but you'll gain both strength and lose fat simultaneously. Then, once you've lost enough fat, you can add more carbs back in and train in the 8-12 rep range for size, gain a little fat, and then switch back to strength/ketosis to lose it again.


Start at 6:50. There, I saved you 6:50 of keto fuzzy science.


I've been doing keto for about 5 months now and was doing body splits to gain muscle and had ok energy. Then I switched to full body workouts and actually felt better and have also had faster muscle gain.


With the help of you and Dr. Berg I've lost 30 lbs the past 2 months, much love to all! Thanks -Jimmie


Ran a fasted 5k this weekend. Felt great. Didn't eat til 3 hours after 💪


This is what I get, while in ketosis / keto diet,

1. can do anaerobic but keep it short
2. cardio - no problem
3. muscle cell building - separate cycle, don't use glucose or ketone


When I first got into keto, I figured this was the best way to lift based on how I felt my body reacting to my workouts and I'm so glad to know these last 8 weeks hasn't been a mistake! I'm down about 50 lbs now


16 months ago I was 387lbs and working behind a desk....I am now a personal trainer and currently at 222lbs... 45lbs to go.... This diet actually and literally saved my life....Went from moderate to severe sleep apnea to no signs of it... This is the way our bodies are meant to run...The amount carbs we eat now and the type did not exist when we were hunters and gatherers and that was not that long ago....Evolution made us this way...


What you want to say (i) keto works excellent for endurance athletes no doubt about it (ii) Keto also works for those who combine cardio and higher rep weight training (iii) but keto is not for hardcore muscle building. Please correct me and clarify .


Just wanted to say how informative and accurate your video was. I'm a doctor and so often people ramble physiology without actually understanding what they are saying. You pinpointed the important information without going down the rabbit hole. Great Job!


Just wanna say im a personal trainer who recovered from alcoholism and recently started training and eating well after 8 years out i went from 11st to 15 and a half and within 2 weeks of watching your vids im re motivated completely off sugar doing ket fasting and im already back to 14st 7
Thank you for being not only my inspiration but my motivation to get back to being a trainer .


understood everything.
basically you can only train hi rep and low rep ranges. 1-4 reps, or higher than 10 reps using CP system and stored sparred glycogen, and aerobic systems. great video!


I feel my best when intermittent fasting 16-18 hrs ! My best work outs are when i'm fasted. Great information keep up the good work!!!


This is EXACTLY what i needed today.. ive been puzzled as to why in literally getting weaker, and not progressing like i was, when consuming carbs. This is great info, and i will update my workout routine while in ketosis!!


Bro I lost 45 lbs and look so much better!! Thanks for helping educate and motivate me and everyone else !! You rock!!


Just fasted for 5 days and had a full body resistance training workout. Easy mode when in ketosis


I think a demo or workout schedule example would have illustrated the point much better as I’m still a little confused as to how many set of low rep ranges we can do etc. The information is great and appreciated.
