How to Sleep with Restless Leg Syndrome

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Restless leg syndrome is the cause of many sleepless nights for those suffering from this condition. Learn how to sleep with restless leg syndrome from a doctor in this health video.
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None of these things have ever helped me, sadly. The best I can hope for is to pass out from exhaustion after a while. I really hope more research yields actual, reliable solutions to this.


I have this all day and night when i take rest on bed or any other couch. It feels like insects are crawling inside my legs and sometimes it feels like my legs are on fire. This pain is different. Annoying af.


I currently can’t sleep because of RLS I’ve tried sleeping but can’t, I’m so frustrated and tired of RLS hopefully this works.


It's midnight 12 14 I I am getting so frustrated😫 I can't sleep


I find doing squats before bed helps. I'm sick of this but have seen that it could be from an iron deficiency which I've been told I had in the past.


Massaging my legs? My bf touches them and I wanna kick his teeth out.. drives me crazy!! And I'm doomed if stress is a problem!! Thanx for tryin..


Useless advice. She has no idea what RLS is like.


I love massages normally but when I have RLS, massaging them feels terrible...makes it way worse.


I have had RLS for many years, and my doctor has put me on various medications to combat it over the years, with varying degrees of success. I recently changed doctors and just offhandedly asked the new doctor if he knew anything that might help-anything that wasn’t another medication, as I’m trying to get off all meds. I told him that I’m taking magnesium every night, and that that help- and he suggested drinking tonic water if my legs still started up. The quinine in the tonic water might help. (He offered to give me a Rx for quinine, but said the tonic water would do the same thing) I tried it- and it did indeed help! You have to do a little trial and error with the amount needed to drink- I usually just drink about 3/4 of a cup, more if my legs are particularly bad. So, to all fellow sufferers- here’s another thing to try. Maybe you’ll get some relief. Magnesium and tonic water. Who’d a thunk it?


I’m in school and we have fountain pens for English history stuff like that and the texture I really really hate some textures will set my rls off shirt collars dried paint just thinking about makes my rls go off and for the shirt collar it makes me want to scratch that aswell it’s weird and it makes me not want to do English.


I'm on the bus home from work and my legs are killing me. I wanna move constantly but this is weird looking as I keep fidgeting. I can't wait to get home and get into the bath it's the only thing that makes it go away.


It typically occurs at the nap hour, and if you are in an environment whereby the room conserves heat too well, then the best approach is to do a before nap time workout routine of your choice for an hour and also remember to keep the dry air out during the summer the best way you know how or winter time using the thermo control with the "fan" control setting on "auto" fan setting simultaneously and not "on". Dry fan air will dissipate at auto setting, and it's good for the lungs when you do your workout out in your room at night before bed. That's my conclusion and cure after 38+ years, too. It seems that at this age, it is the gold standard age experience I've noticed. Human evolution wasn't meant for energy saving high-tech rooms, which trap dry air in rather to the contrary outdoor experience. Who even gets cured off of restless leg syndrome on a couch rather than outdoors doing stuff and then napping in the forest somewhere. I am serious about this. It's a cure on my behalf in every season of the year and counting. My time for a workout is at the 12 mark to 1am. It is cold outside to open windows and dangerous too. unpredictable too if you live with your loved ones.


Vics Balm: I always get instant relief by applying Vics Balm on my legs for the last 35 years.


lol I take 6 warm tempered baths a day to get ready for bed


It's hard to reduce stress in yourself life if your job involves trying to keep 6-10 COVID-19 patients from dying for twelve hour shifts! Not trying to sing a sad song, but Covid has kicked our butts. It's slowed down here in the last few days, but we're waiting for the next wave to hit . Thanks anyway for the advice!


You don’t sleep with RLS. At least not with the current treatments available


no ideal what its all about you have to have it to know what your chatting about


I think these people advising warm baths and wht not hve neved had rls.
Real rls only gets better with medjcine


I have found nuts almonds helpful and tea and motrin. Have been doing this routine for a while it has helped until tonight. Dont know what changed but did the same thing as usual


0:37 Again, you are rude. Not in my case, stop it.
