10 Phrases Narcissists HATE

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*In this video, I share the tips, techniques and insights that have worked for me in my own journey of healing after narcissistic abuse along with expert tips and tools I've learned through years of coaching narcissistic abuse survivors. I am not a therapist and this video is not meant to provide therapy of any form. #narcissist #covertnarcissist
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Saying any of these phrases to a narcissist that you are stuck in a situation with is like pulling the pin on a grenade that is sewn to your skin.


Thank you Christina, always love your content.

Here is the list
1. I'm not responsible for your feelings
2. I'm not going to do what you want.
3. I don't agree with you.
4. I need time to myself.
5. I've already made my decision
6. That's not acceptable behavior
7. I trust my own judgment
8. I deserve respect
9. I don't need your approval
10. This conversation is over


I started saying, “oh, okay, ” not like what was happing was acceptable but that this phrase let know I hear you, but I don’t have a reaction. I was dating a malignant borderline which is much like a NRC, but with anti social behavior. It was very hard to break the trauma bond but getting educated on the cycle and taking notes and keeping a journal can be super helpful. What’s the worst thing is that when I tried to leave, and leave I did several times, I was physically attacked. Call the police on these people when they rage on you, make sure they know that they will not get away with being violent. People, get out and save yourself.


The key to defeating the narcissist is to convey that you don't give a damn. Don't let the words affect you. Show them that they have no effect or influence on your life whatsoever or your feelings and emotions. Just smile and give them answers that are irrelevant to what they are discussing, and it will drive them insane. Always remember to keep smiling also while doing so, that will drive them out of their minds.


“I need some alone time” was fighting words to my narc. He’d get SO MAD, then when I came back from my alone time, he expected to be treated like a saint for being “so cool” with it 😆 He acted like a 45 minute break to read was the same as me abandoning him in the woods.


I've been dealing with my covert narcissistic husband of 28 yrs, for the past 13 yrs.. He has been emotionally neglecting me, starving me of my female emotional needs by stonewalling/gaslighting me, and has been verbally abusive to me for many years now . I have had health issues since I was a child and our relationship has literally made me physically sicker.I have done everything I can to help him, us, and make our relationship work. I was the best wife to him, let him do everything that he wanted, and stuffed my own feelings for many years to try to keep things peaceful and happy.. It has been a shocking and painful experience because I truly thought he was my soul mate and would have NEVER MARRIED HIM had I known he would do the bait & switch on me..He knows that he has issues, claims he understands why I feel as I do and promises to change. Then he does the same exact thing again the very next day and acts like he has no idea what hes done to TRIGGER ME.. I dont hold my feelings in anymore & dont let him get away with his manipulating mind games anymore..Needless to say, he gives me less, the more I tell him what I need.. I know that he doesn't LOVE ME because you can't intentionally hurt the one you LOVE. He's become so emotionally detached now that he doesn't even apologize to me anymore. He thinks he can just be able to treat me the way HE WANTS, and I have to ACCEPT living in an empty & abusive marraige!! He is MISTAKEN as I have FREE WILL and REFUSE to be in a marraige any longer with someone who doesn't love, honor, cherish & protect me!! I am a very happy & positive person (empathic) and I would have been absolutely FINE never getting married! I love being alone (with my animals) & spend 98% of my time ALONE, anyways. His energy absolutely affects me and I don't want to be around him anymore. Ive been praying that he would WAKE UP and finally GET IT, but I've lost all hope now. His denial of what he KNOWS that he does and LYING right to my face is what makes me the sickest and I'm NOT doing this to MYSELF anymore..I am so fed up and emotionally exhausted that I don't even WANT to be married to him anymore.. He forgot that he married a very strong woman who SPEAKS the TRUTH and EVERYONE is going to find out why our marriage ENDED 😂. His little cover will be BLOWN and he will finally be UNMASKED.. I do have an issue tho..I have horses & all my animals on our little ranch and I'm NOT LEAVING WITHOUT THEM. He will NEVER LEAVE...His inflated EGO is so disgraceful to me. He has betrayed me BIG TIME. I use to get upset with myself for marrying someone like him...But, we really had a great relationship for 10+ yrs..When life got stressful for him/us, he completely CHANGED on me. I am now married to a monster..I am going to have to learn how to DEAL with him until I can leave..This ridiculous and immature BS he's been putting me thru has only made me STRONGER. And, counselors NEED to be more EDUCATED on NARCASSISTS (covert/overt) as we went to TWO and he manipulated them BOTH! I even texted the last guy and TOLD HIM to please look into " COVERT NARCISSIST " as my husband has many of these behaviors/habits.. That counselor (Samir) was the WORST! He made me cry just as much as my husband! He was blaming me when I KNOW for a FACT that ITS NOT ME!!! of course, because i QUIT the therapy as it was literally geting us NOWHERE, Im the one who has the PROBLEMS...The GOOD therapist that deal with these issues are 200.00 an hour..Thank you for making these videos and allowing me to vent my frustrations🙏. Its so sad that I have to vent to a channel instead of a loving husband...I hope these people will feel the pain they have caused others one day. This has been a very painful experience for me that I will NEVER do AGAIN!..💕😘🤗2all😇
Please excuse any typos or any mistakes. If I reread this I may chicken out on posting it😳


The biggest thing that shut my Narc mother down was when id finally had enough the day she tried to guilt trip me into guilt tripping my sons (grown) into making them call her more. I told her that HER relationship with HER grandkids is HER responsibility not mine. I just kept repeating " Just because someone is born doesn't mean they own anyone anything. Just because your grandchildren were born, does not mean they owe you a damn thing for existing. Just because i was born doesnt mean i owe YOU anything. " Had to say it several times. Its been months since ive heard from her 🤷‍♀️😅


I’ve used these methods and it created a narcissistic injury. They then spent most of their time doing covert bad behaviors, created issues in the home, started rumors, gossip, said I was wrong ETC. it was a constant power struggle, I isn’t allow them to create power struggles and to your point, stood my ground. Drove them batshit crazy. To your point, acted like an adult child.


My final words were simply this “goodbye mum”


Re: Respect

I once got into an argument with my N mother because I insisted that I deserved respect from her as much as she deserved respect from me. She insisted that she didn't have to respect me at all!

We were a couple of minutes into the argument when it hit me: to her, "to respect" and "to obey" were the same thing. Thus, to her, respecting me meant obeying me! "Respect, " "obey, " "listen" - all terms like that meant "do as you're told."

There's no reaching agreement with that.


Two minutes in and these are the things my girlfriend just started doing.
She hid behind a mask for a long while.
Then out of nowhere she changed.
The love booming was over.
This new cold person was so draining. Little by little she was taken every possible from me.
I broke it off instantly.
She went down the whole list of toxic behaviors. She checked all the boxed from that moment on.
But, I wouldn't play her games.
She finally stopped.
And I Haven't heard anything from her.


I had some torture and abuse from a stepfather as a kid. My mother had schizophrenia and was unable to protect us. I ignored his criticisms and developed an inner defiance. I said to myself I will not be you when I grow up. Since then, I ignored feedback which came with attached malice and I always come back with evidence to destroy the critic and the criticism. Slightly narcy? Possibly but it is only used against bullies. Anyway, after action analysis of how I survived my childhood, without any major damage, made me realise my coping strategy was actually the 'the thing'. From an early age I would convert my crazy homelife and events into stories and people would either laugh or stare open mouthed. I must have utilised some form of dissasociation to convert reality into a story. I've always converted bad events into amusing anecdotes. Long story short. I refuse to place value on an abuser, by claiming that I am a victim. That would retain their power. They have no power and are simply characters. The recent narc would often say 'ah you're the victim now eh?' So I would reply "who said that?" She was completely obsessed with the word and it only makes sense to me now. She wanted the label and could not tolerate evidence that would remove it. Sorry my posts are long. Again, write it out or say it, don't keep poison inside. It will make you ill. Spit it out as soon as poss.


"They want you to be an extension of them, to think and feel as they do." Whoa!!! That is so good.


Had this conversation today. Cost me 5 hours of my day. When you are sick, they choose to ignore you and instead seek their own desires, narcissistic supply and don’t care to help you when you are down but instead they go the other direction. She said “I don’t have the bandwidth for this”; “Not today, I have things to do.” “You are sick. Today is not the day to talk about this.” “Do you want to break up, because that’s what YOU are doing?” “I have been honest with you.” “Apologize??? It’s YOU who needs to apologize!” “Integrity, what’s that? (Blank stare, stumbles unable to grasp what saying and doing what you say and mean actually means)”; “I am not doing this. You need to stop. This is abuse”; “You’re a lot of work!”, when you confront them on how they have gaslighted you, while gaslighting you in real time, lied to you, manipulated you, insulted you and literally said they are better than you, all in the span of 10 mins. You cannot fix a narcissist. Once you recognize them, keep calling them out. Hold them in that space and make them squirm until they wake up and until they discard you. They will never forget how you were the only one that tried to help them. They will remember this as abuse. (This will also increase hypergamy and attraction because you will be the only guy that called them out on their shit.). Then, later she said I have secure attachment. Okay. As such I will hold her in that “holding environment” until she decides to get better or escape. Thank you Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby. Don’t ever be with a person who comes from divorced or separated parents. They are inherently broken. Bye Felicia.


It's like trying to be logical with a corpse.


1. "I'm not responsible for your feelings"

2. I'm not going to do what you want.

3. Indifference. I dont agree w/you.

4. I need time to myself.

5. I've already made my decision

6. That's not acceptable behavior

7. I trust my own judgment



Only after you stop giving s$it about whether the relationship works or not, you will be able to say any of those sentences without the risk of being punished.


If i try to stand up for myself it just starts a big fight that he starts and wont stop until he gets in the last word and shuts me up.


This is a playbook and you are a Coach. They are not fun people to deal with, but you do give great tips, to come out on top. This enhances emotional self-control, for a strong defense (boundaries), with a powerful impact. Game on if need be. This is how you do it - hit hard, and they'll think twice about playin'🔥


My N mother always tried to get me to doubt my own knowledge. Whenever she wanted to manipulate me into agreeing with her, she'd say, I don't knowwww…" in a tone that meant I should reject what I knew to be true.

My best response, whenever I was confident in what I knew (which was pretty much always), was, "Yeah? Well, I _do_ know." She _hated_ that.
