5 SIGNS you ARE a TP (INTP, ENTP, ISTP, ESTP) Personality Type | Ti Introverted Thinking

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Diane and I list 5 signs you are the TP personality type (INTP, ISTP, ESTP, ENTP).

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Hi there! I'm Joyce, a certified MBTI® Master Practitioner, Enneagram Coach, Jungian Typology Expert, Master NLP Practitioner, and Gallup® CliftonStrengths Coach.

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Want to go deeper? For $97, you can purchase a typing session with 1 hour of additional coaching with me.

Or maybe you know your personality type already and are seeking some type-based coaching? As a trained coach, I can help you apply type concepts to all areas of your life for lasting change. The coaching session rate is $49.99 per hour. :)

For those of you who are interested, I am also launching a website and releasing a typology book next year!

#INTP #ENTP #ESTP #ISTP #16types #mbti #cognitivefunctions
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"Speculative reason, sometimes called theoretical reason or pure reason, is theoretical (or logical, deductive) thought, as opposed to practical (active, willing) thought. The distinction between the two goes at least as far back as the ancient Greek philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, who distinguished between theory (theoria, or a wide, bird's eye view of a topic, or clear vision of its structure) and practice (praxis), as well as techne.

Speculative reason (Ti) is contemplative, detached, and certain, whereas practical reason (Te) is engaged, involved, active, and dependent upon the specifics of the situation. Speculative reason provides the universal, necessary principles of logic, such as the principle of non-contradiction, which must apply everywhere, regardless of the specifics of the situation.[citation needed]

On the other hand, practical reason is the use of reason to decide how to act. It contrasts with theoretical reason or speculative reason.


I've done every single one of these things. The worst is when you're in a group with shared values and then one of them says something that's either wrong or just flat out stupid. If you correct them they'll think you're not on their side so it leads to you keeping your mouth shut. I hate those situations. Just because you were wrong doesn't mean I hate you


If someone doesn't show any emotions, I feel a strong urge to provoke them to discover what's behind the poker face. :)
Not always to make a connection, sometimes it's because I want find out who they really are. - ESTP


"If this (X), then that (Y)". Ti is mapping consistency, irrespective of how you feel about X and Y. Ti in a nutshell.


I definitely agree with the truth element, but I would say Ti is also about looking for logical consistency in things.


3:50 - 4:10 is important to understand about Ti. Very few things bring out a more genuine contempt and offended reaction from me as an INTP as when someone talks about "my truth." The idea of truth being subjective is something akin to blasphemy. There is only truth, and its only subjective element is how individuals encounter and perceive it.


Ti approves of the video :D

Removing the feeling from the thought process is why I disagree with OPS about Ti being identity driven. There is no identity to Ti.

What I wouldn't give to be able to live without analyzing the accuracy of a belief I hold internally lol. I can lie to myself for a short period but the cognitive dissonance that exists within eventually pushes me up to at least begin to process the lie. There's obviously good reason for that and benefits associated with it but I've noticed I have a hard time with holding radical beliefs because I know there are things I need to work to synthesize and iron out the kinks in my thinking. This also makes it hard to vacation. Went on a 7 day cruise with my family awhile back and I brought 2 books with me because I can't just lay down and relax like they do. I'm envious of that carefree trait.


I said it before and I'll say it again: you two make a great team. I always come away from your videos with new insights. Keep up the good work.


I would have said No 1 sign is you don't refer to anyone else for what you think 🤷🏾‍♀️ everyone else could be on one side of a statement and you simply don't care...better way to put it caring doesn't factor at all and you're comfortable in being alone in this if necessary.
No 2 the statement "My Truth" drives you crazy 🤣


This describes me perfectly! I'm litterlaly always thinking about these things and other people see it (not completely self typed)


These short form videos are very usefull. Way easier to consume and to distinguish what is the best content for me to watch


I feel so seen: 3:58 . Though I have been struggling a bit with being less willing to compromise myself/Ti for Fe, which feels right, but also I fear is immature.


If some person or persons were trying to alter our culture into that of, say, George Orwell's 1984, would they feel the need to, eh, "cancel" all those with TP personality type?


Not misinformation, bad logic, and systemic intellectual. ET in shadow has an affection for the counter factual, especially if it isn’t scientifically damaging.


Little typo in the thumbnail "an TP"


But but but .... does “truth” actually exist?


Had an ah-ha here. I've been considering honesty and fairness as T-ness, basically the same as truth. Oops!


I got 1.5/5 (#2 and somewhat #5) in this video and 1/5 (somewhat #2 and somewhat #5) in the signs you’re an FP video. Am I mistyped? I got 0/5 in the signs I’m not a TJ video, which means none of the signs tell that I’m not a TJ. I guess I need more introspection…


Can you credit your co-host in these videos?


Ti doms annoy me because they are super intelligent but they end up living off their neighbors wifi or marrying some caretaker wife while working on their personal project.
