15 minute Hot & Sweaty Yoga Routine 🔥 Power Yoga for Weight Loss & Strength

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BUT LET'S BE CLEAR: Yoga is not a cure. Yoga is a supplement to a healthy lifestyle. Yes you can get into a fat burning heart rate zone, sweat, strengthen & burn ample calories with power yoga and power vinyasa yoga flows, but if you want to lose weight and practice yoga you must accompany the practice with self-care and healthy habits off the mat. Yoga can be a wonderful practice for de-stressing, connecting mind with body, improving body awareness & learning to love yourself. And guess what? You can love yourself and be a work in progress at the same time! The term "Yoga for weight loss" is a high ranking SEO term, as in it is searched a lot. I use the term to reach a wider audience to help people who are looking for a way to lose excess weight and practice yoga at the same time. I know from personal experience how that feels, as I have lost 40 & 50 lbs from both of my pregnancies and the weight didn't just melt off after. It took at least a year of focused effort, exercise, healthy eating, a mild calorie deficit and this exact type of yoga for me to lose the weight and feel strong and confident in my body. So I created these videos to meet the viewers where they are, help them along in their weight loss journey and hopefully teach them self-love, strength & mindfulness along the way. 💙

🙏🏽 WELCOME to your modern day yoga channel by Sarah Beth Yoga where you can find clear & fuss free yoga videos ranging from short 10 minute yoga routines to longer 30 minute yoga practices for all levels to help you get stronger, happier & healthier.


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Disclaimer: Some links may be affiliate links which help support Sarah Beth to create content, however Sarah Beth only promotes products she truly likes and all opinions are her own. Sarah Beth from Sarah Beth Yoga LLC strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge

#yogaworkout #15minyoga #poweryoga
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Want to tone, strengthen & stretch even more?
Sarah Beth


I started alternating between this video and another one of your weight loss videos for 3 weeks. I also made some changes to my diet. I am down 10lbs so far!


I use this as a study break workout because every hour or two a quick walk downstairs for a fresh cuppa tea isn't enough, I'm still cold. This really does the trick for warming me back up for the next round. I love your videos!


Why am I so sweaty after this class - it was only 15 minutes long! Great vid as always SB


Sarah Beth, I am forever grateful to you. After healing myself from stage 4 endometriosis and sciatic nerve endometriosis, I can easily say. You are a gamechanger lifechanger, THANK YOU!!! YOU ARE DOING MORE FOR US THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE. 💚💜💙🧡💖💛♾😘✡⚛🌈💫


Whew! Wasn't as hard as I'd feared it would be, and I still worked up a bit of a sweat. *goes to check out more power yoga*


I am not great at sticking to a regular exercise regimen...but I find that I can always squeeze in these 15-20 minute segments into my day. This one definitely got my heart pumping. Thanks!


Love all you videos, the way you guide and with minimal cues and soft voice. Keep up the great work sarahbeth. Thank you!


I did the 60 min. version on my balcony last weekend and I LOVED how flexible the warmth made my body!


Thank you for giving me a bit of hope for low-impact, at-home cardio! This was exactly what I needed.


Thank you! This complements the quick ab routine so well.


you are my favourite yoga teacher, ever! love the soothing voice, the clear instructions and the variety of vinyasas you post! I just want to say THANK YOU!


really help me sweat, the step by step instruction always remind us to breathe, thats the key of sweating and heart rate


Can't wait to be a member! I do a 15min power yoga class only of yours every day! I feel so amazing!


I’ve been doing these workouts for the past week and yall, , , I have not added a diet but my body, , , , ngl looking strong and TONED


That a lovely challenging yet quick yoga routine! Thank you Sarah Beth. 🙏🏻


Definitely hot and sweaty! Loved it, just what I needed this morning. I was running short on time but didn’t want to neglect my body this morning. Thank you Sarah


This is a lovely flow! Builds heat and brings focus. Thank you!


It’s been a few years since this video was posted. But I always come back to it. I had a bad ankle injury and this video helped regain strength. I memorized the video and can do it without watching. Thanks never take it down.


I just started yoga and have not strayed from your channel. I don't ever feel patronized or over-explained to, and I always feel accomplished afterwards! So fun
