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Elizabeth I is believed to have been one of the greatest Queens that ever ruled over England. However she gained the nickname the ‘Virgin Queen,’ as it was said that she never in fact had a lover, and she never married and instead decided to stay 100% devoted to her country. She was greatly concerned that if she married then she would be forced to share her power with a man, as at the time many across England were concerned about the fact they had a Queen and not a King. But Elizabeth throughout her life would be linked to many different men, and there were a number who were considered to have been a possibly husband for her, but there was one many in particular that she was incredibly close with, Robert Dudley the Earl of Leicester. But many historians over the years have considered whether Elizabeth lived up to her reputation as the Virgin Queen, or whether she in fact had a secret child or marriage that was covered up for centuries.
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Pregnancies are not all the same. Nobody noticed my last pregnancy, until I was 8 months pregnant. I swam 2 hours a day and only gained 20 pounds. Elizabeth could have hid a pregnancy, especially with that clothing.


Robert Dudley's wife who died after an (un)forunate fall down the stairs was Amy Robsart not Roberts.


I don’t know how she would’ve gotten away with being pregnant and having a child. She was being watched from the day she was born. When would she have had the chance to hide for 9 months? I personally think Tom Seymour ruined her by making her fear not only sex, but also the aftermath of the rumours that ensued afterward. Add to that what she saw in the loveless marriage of her sister Mary and I think she didn’t want to be told what to do by a “lord and master”. Also, Dudley married her cousin Lettice Knollys and I sincerely doubt he would have done that if he was already married to Elizabeth. It’s a nice fairytale but a fairytale nonetheless.


If Elizabeth had been pregnant, she would have married immediately or face having her child 'banished'. Of course, many Kings had children out of wedlock who went on to live a privileged life.


Elizabeth routinely had swelling issues while she was growing up. There is no way she could have had a child with the amount of ladies in waiting she had. They would have see her on a daily basis. That's not even counting doctors and midwives that would have attended her. A few people might have kept quite out of loyalty but not everybody. People talk. There would have been someone saying they knew the midwife that delivered the baby or they saw a child taken from queens chamber. Where are the accounts of food aversions or cravings? Seems the accounts at the time of other pregnant queens always mention something early on to hint they thought a queen was pregnant.


If they were married, it would indeed be true that nothing unseemly happened! To think there would be a Fitzelezabeth out there 🤔


If true, that is outrageous that QV would seek to destroy a 300 yr old document by, committing it to the fire. How absolutely, dreadful.... especially if you consider how much she was fastidious about having anything and everything pertaining to her and to Albert preserved, at all costs.

Speaking of Victoria: Please consider doing a video about which of Victoria's grown children were the last to live at Osborn House and or when was it given up as a royal residence before it was turned over to the country of England as a living museum treasure? Thank you for your consideration.


Rumors and lies. I don't believe Elizabeth I married, or had a child, in secret. Good story, though.


This could (easily ?) be solved with genealogical DNA.


"Virgin" didn't always mean someone who never had sex. It meant a woman who was not married. Although I could entertain the idea of these two being at least betrothed and lifelong partners, seeing it kept secret is harder to believe!


Absolute nonsense, an over active imagination, with all the servants that Elizabeth had, and not to mention her ladies in waiting, and the people who change her bed linens? If this were true of Elizabeth, it wouldn't have stayed a secret for long. Elizabeth couldn't have hidden herself away for nine months. Absolute nonsense 😒


Did her sister go thru that same thing kinda? She thought she was pregnant, belly got big and everything. But nothing ever came. I’ve watch a few things that have said it was ovarian cancer. So I mean if it could happen to Mary it could definitely happen Elizabeth maybe?


The Title' Virgin Queen' label surely means an autonomous Woman, a Woman in her own right, her rulership alone, not necessarily a virgin as such?


i think someone would have noticed a pregnant Queen. Also how could such a secret be kept for some long? some one would have known


With all those people around her 24/7 365 days a week, I doubt it.


It would have been in the interest of the crown, security and all involved to keep that secret and few would have been privy to it, IF Elizabeth were to be pregnant without being married. It would also have been in their interest to secretly marry them without allowing the husband any possible gain other than bribery of silence and a promise to keep his head on his shoulders if he kept the secret. This way, a baby would be born legitimate and secure the throne if anything happened to Elizabeth or if there were a sudden need to secure the throne. All the lives of everyone associated with the crown, their welfare, land holdings and livelihoods depended upon security of the crown in Elizabeth’s bloodline. It would have been jeopardized if she lost her image as the Virgin Queen without a proper marriage to a suitable match well in advance of a pregnancy. Robert Dudley was highly controversial and having been previously married, unsuitable. It would also have been wise to have the child adopted in secret and raised by a noble family of her close supporters, befitting his birth and station, but also properly raised, extremely well educated and kept close to the throne in security, in case they needed to raise him to position of her heir apparent.

I wonder if there were changes made in staff or routines of the royal household around that time. Would they have appointed any particular maids in waiting? It would be convenient if they were either too young and virginal to comprehend the significance of certain changes (to recognize signs of pregnancy) or those who might assist in keeping secrets.


Amy Roberts? Thought it was Amy Robstart? TY anyway 😉


Is it possible Elizabeth may have had Endometriosis hence the 'swelling'?


it also is said that queen Elisabeth 1. was a were many legends that are about "the bisley that Elizabeth died in early childhood, and because her father King Henry was about to meeting his daughter soon, there was a little boy in the same age, same kind and haircolour who was placed as little really knows, but if you look at the painting 0.18 / that be a eventual man? man parts under thick white make up? We never will know that fact right?


Could she have switched places with her cousin that looked like her but was also married to Dudley
