Most AMAZING Facts About Elizabeth I (The Virgin Queen)

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Check out the Most AMAZING Facts About Elizabeth 1 (The Virgin Queen)! This top 10 list of fun facts about the royal queen of england during the 1500's will surprise you!

10. She wasn’t supposed to be Queen
Elizabeth's father was the infamous King Henry VIII. For those who don't know, King Henry VIII had many wives and mistresses, which led to a bit of confusion as to who was going to be on the throne when his time came. However, by the time of his, he had finally gotten a son in the form of Edward, who despite only being 10-years-old at the time, became the King.

9. She praised her mother in secret
Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry’s second wife, Anne Boleyn. But before becoming the kings wife she had become his mistress and the people of England were not excited about their relationship. Because the king was married to Katherine at the time before he shunned her off to a nunnery, they labeled her the "Great Wh**e" because of her time with King Henry VIII.

8. She had her faults
Queen Elizabeth is praised as one of the greatest queens of England, Wales, and Ireland that history has ever seen. She reigned for 44 years, demonstrating not only that she lived for a long time, but also that means that she wasn’t overthrown or deposed (she died in her bed after falling ill).

7. She was a virgin for a reason
In the ancient days of kings and queens, monarchs had to marry to secure the bloodline and ensure a true rite of succession (which was almost always a problem back then). But with Queen Elizabeth I, things changed. Whether tempered by the acts of her father, or just not wanting to give up power to a man, she never married, nor did she ever have a child. Over time she was called "The Virgin Queen", which signified her pure status and love for her country.

6. The Last Tudor
The one truly major downside to her not having children or a husband was that Queen Elizabeth I was well and truly the last of her house: The Tudors. This house began with King Henry The VII in 1485, and when Queen Elizabeth died in 1603, her entire family line ended.

5. Queen Elizabeth loved sugar...a lot
It may seem odd in the world we live in now, but back in the olden days, things like sugar was a commodity that could only be afforded by the rich. Such as the Queen of England. And in fact, Queen Elizabeth was a bit notorious in certain circles for her sweet tooth.

4. Multilingual
One of the reasons that Queen Elizabeth I was such a great leader was because she understood how to deal with other countries, whether they be allies, foes, or something in between. Her Royal Court and advisors were also instrumental during these occasions, however, Elizabeth was never afraid to deal with things herself. To that end, she learned many languages so that she could communicate with other dignitaries from other countries herself.

3. She cared about the poor
Elizabeth was praised among both the higher class and lower class citizens for her reign. She was tough at times, but also fair, and she definitely knew when her country was struggling with one thing or another. For example, she knew that the lower class people were suffering, and so to help ease their pain, she would help them by giving them food.

2. It took her hours to get ready
Queen Elizabeth loved her appearance, as shown by how she dressed, and how she made sure she looked good in portraits. But when it came to her simply getting ready in the morning or ready for bed, it took a very long time.

1. She died of sadness
In Elizabeth’s time, medicine could only do so much and people died of all kinds of thing. And of course kings and queens were no different. For Elizabeth, it is said that her was a more an emotional one, for in the course of a few years, she lost many different friends, family members, and advisors of whom she had a very close connection to.

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Mary Tudor did not die of influenza she died of a tumour in her lower abdomen which she mistook for a pregnancy twice as she was so desperate to conceive. I am English and I am very educated on the subject of English history, feel free to ask anything in the comments below and I will answer :)


Catherine of Aragon did not go into a nunnery, her daughter, Queen Mary, died of cancer, not influenza, Elizabeth died pneumonia, please get our history right if you are going to mess about with it,


Some of these facts are untrue. Katherine of Aragon was never sent to a nunnery. She was kept in various residences, with strict instructions from the King which banned her from seeing her daughter, Mary.
Elizabeth never wore a pendant around her neck with a picture of her mother (although she did have a ring with portraits of herself and her mother inside, now kept at Chequers, the country house of the Prime Minister). And why has Anne Boleyn's famous 'B' necklace been photoshopped onto the 'Rainbow portrait' of Elizabeth on the thumbnail of this video? It's false and misleading.
Elizabeth died of complications from infection caused by periodontal disease (severe tooth decay), which inflamed her tonsils, lymph nodes and caused fever. She may have been sad and depressed, but this didn't cause her death. Modern medicine, in this case antibiotics and dental work, would likely have saved her life.
Also, many of the costumes worn by the actors in this are highly inaccurate for the period.


I am an English history student and the facts in this video are incorrect.


Just a bit on the terminology - it was the Tudor name that died out, not the Tudor bloodline. While Henry VIII’s line stopped at Elizabeth, the current royal family are descendants of Henry VII, through his daughter Margaret Tudor who married into the Scottish royal house of Stuart.


The series, The Tudors, is more accurate than this upload.


This should be titled “10 facts about queen Elizabeth that are incorrect or extreamly basic.”


Henry VIII didn’t leave Jane Grey as his heir. That was a change that Edward VI made in an attempt to preserve Protestantism. If you’re going to make a video about history, please get your facts straight.


I'm American, and this video is full of inaccuracies, I can only imagine how upset Britons are.


she would be more “ powerful “ as a single queen. Thats one other reason she didn’t get married.


You could make these videos better by reading an actual history book, because most of your information is incorrect.


Mary I died from cancer...A tumour of the stomach which she thought was a pregnancy.


Catherine of Aragon didn't go off to a nunnery. Henry sent her off to go live in a damp and cold castle, where she died a few years afterward.


She had a ring with her mother's picture. Not pendent.


Mary didn’t die of influenza, it was a tumour which she mistaken for being pregnant. Anne Boleyn was never his mistress, she was his love interest and refused to sleep with him unless she was his wife which led Henry divorcing from Katherine and the break from Rome which then Henry created the Church of England. Katherine never went to a nunnery as she refused to go and give up her title as the Queen of England and the King ended up forcing her residing in Wales (I believe) until her death and stripped her title and named her princess of Wales as the title given when she was married to Henry’s brother Arthur before he died and but she never accepted the title of princess and still called herself the true Queen of England and was never allowed to see her daughter Mary again as Henry was nervous that they would conspire against him. Edward died from TB not a fever and Elizabeth never wore her mother’s pendant, she did however had a ring with her mother’s portrait in.


About 90% of these 'facts' are absolute nonsense. More historical research needs to be done before making a 10 Facts video. This is so wrong.


Her final days were actually quite weird, I think she knew only too well what was coming but seemed determined not to be 'caught out' by even death itself, refusing to even sleep for fear of being taken unknowingly into the's really horrible when you ponder it.


I can't claim to be an expert on the Tudor royal dynasty: however, this video is so full of inaccuracies that it should be entirely
disregarded. To " Katrina" the maker or at least the narrator of this video I suggest reading a book on the Tudors before making a video about them. There is a lot of information on the Tudors in the world and it is very accessible. A popular saying during the
Elizabethan era goes thus, "it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool; than to speak words and remove all doubt".


I would really like someone to do an in depth look at Elizabeth's wardrobes in her portraits. She always put a lot of thought into what her clothing said for those portraits.


Why did you show American civil war soldiers when talking about English affairs? I highly recommend you study English history before making these videos.
