How To Help Autistic People - Part One

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Hi! I'm Orion Kelly and I'm Autistic. On this video I share tips and suggestions you can easily implement today to help the #actuallyautistic person in your life. Part one includes alone time, communication style, expectations, and acceptance.#autism #thatautisticguy #asd #autismsigns

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TikTok: @orionkelly_australia

🎧 My Friend Autism' PODCAST 🎧


Orion Kelly is an #ActuallyAutistic vlogger (YouTuber), podcaster, radio host, actor, keynote speaker and Autistic advocate based in Australia. Orion is all about helping you increase your understanding, acceptance and appreciation of Autistic people.

#AutisticVoices #ActuallyAutistic #Autistic #Autism #OrionKelly #ThatAutisticGuy #ASD


⛔️*Disclaimer: The videos contained on this channel are for general education and entertainment purposes only and do not constitute professional advice. For professional advice and training seek assistance from a qualified provider. All views are my own and do not represent those of my employers or sponsors. Some images used are stock images.*⛔️

Related: autism, autism diagnosis, Orion Kelly, orionkelly, thatautisticguy, tiktok videos, autistic, autism in adults, autism in women, autism in men, autism spectrum condition, asd, autism spectrum disorder, aspergers, aspergers syndrome, autism in boys, autism in girls, dsm, dsm5, autistic adults, autistic kids, autism mom, autism parent, autism family, autism speaks, autism awareness, autism acceptance, autism at work, am I autistic, adult autism test, autism disclosure, autism therapy, autism prevention, autism meltdown, autistic burnout, autistic behavior, autism symptoms, autism traits, autistic signs, what autism feels like, love on the spectrum, stimming, echolalia, anxiety
Рекомендации по теме

3:00 The start of this video
3:43 Alone Time
6:28 Communication
8:00 The meat and potatoes of communication
9:40 No expectations
11:20 Acceptance


Three years ago I found out that I was autistic.

Then I totally tried to ignore it for 3 years. I had 'autistic days' (basically days where I melted down lol) but apart from that i tried to not shown signs of autism.

Then recently i realzed that I was really destroying my happiness, and now i am trying to learn what is good for me.
Like recently during a holiday, I had an 'autistic day' but at the evening dinner with some friends and new people i really pulled myself together, and went full 'i am normal mode'. And there was this one woman, that didnt even really a common language with me, who within 10 minutes asked me if I was neurodivergent.
And since then, if people notice anyway, I might as well embrace it.


This nearly had me in tears. What would life be like if we really did have that level of acceptance? Thank you so much for this video! Just now catching up on your content and really appreciate everything you’re saying. 👍


your videos have been very helpful to me, I have been late diagnosed, 39 years old....and its meaning alot seeing your videos


"Why can't you be normal?"
Because I don't know how. What's your excuse?

I'd like to be able to convey to my boss that 1. time to myself to regulate my emotions is a *NEED, * not me being lazy, stubborn, or selfish, and 2. I have enough experience _being me_ to have a general idea of how long I need and how often.


Will definitely do my best to implement your suggestions at all times.


That was beautiful. I am working as a caregiver with an autistic brother as well. Your perspective is extremely valuable. Thank you.


This video is realy good. I'm autistic and your videos are very helpfull, thank you.


Thank you so much I'm really high on the autism spectrum and my 2 friends don't get it but after showing them this they've been so much better (THANK YOU 😊


As the NT partner, I have been approaching my husband with no expectations, not trying to trigger or raise his anxiety, give him space(which as an introvert I'll gladly oblige lol)...and yet he says he isn't able to reset or decompress so he feels overwhelmed. I'm gone for work for a large chunk of the day, I work full-time so I'm gone quite a bit. Why hasn't he been unwinding when he's home since he works part-time so he's home alone often? This is still an ongoing conversation as I thought giving him space would be well received, yet it's been backfiring more than anything. I try to learn about how to be a supportive partner according to his needs...yet it's backfiring instead of helping.


Funny how I masked all round my 20s and then i could not mask that well around 24 or 25. and after that my autism took over but without me knowing I was autistic, had a very big meltdown at 24, enough to go seek medical help, cause I did not know what it was going on with me, I had severe depression and a big burn out, no therapist knew or told me I was autistic, even if I told them my main problem was/is PDA, I can´t set and alarm for tomorrow or get an appointment and my stress reaching high levels just to think about that and if I have to go to work or another appointment, there is a chance my brain fakes an illness just to avoid doing that ( really funny to be me) anyway, i m writing this just to get it out of my chest a little bit. even if later will feel wrong that i wrote it.


I have an autistic roommate in college I am moving in tomorrow what is the best way to help him I have been in contact with him for a while and he’s just started asking me some weird questions and he looked through my stuff in the room what is a nice way to tell him not to do that if he does it again


Takes you 4 minutes to get into the subject


This is enabling problems, not solving them. Reporting this channel and video for misinformation and harmful content.


Man my bro has autism what I’m hearing from you is let them flop you need to learn how to deal with the world
