MHW Iceborne: The Final Highest Damage Number

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We finally managed to do it. It's been over 2.5 years until this day.
5 mother frickin digits. Enjoy!

Team Darkside:

Our favorite gear/tools:

✦ Credits ✦
Fatalis Artwork by the Legend
18113 by Rage

♬ Music ♬
League of Legends
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Youtube seems to be bugged out. Doesn't display our videos in 4K. Yesterday's video is still 1080p even though it's 4K.
Please youtube. Please


I love how even though Dodogama gets hit with a 10813 attack, he just sort of… gets up. like a tired grandpa.


Yesss! Been looking forward to this :D


Its enough to make a grown man cry.



Everyone: Uses Fatalis GS to hunt quicker

TDS: Uses Fatalis GS to abuse Dodo


It's been a long journey since the start of World and 10k damage was only reached at the end. Amazing job to everyone involved.


*Many Dodos were harmed in the making of this video


You guys are crazy and amazing at the same time. I love this channel so much!


"I wanna show you guys our live reactions."
And then all of them just proceed to react incredibly calmly, not being loud in the slightest, just being chill AF lol.
And people say german has to be aggressive lul.


All this talk about Dodo slaughter, but can we take a moment to appreciate how the Dodo which took 10K to face just rolled right back afterwards as if nothing happened? Really hope he was spared to tell the tale


For anyone struggling with the fatalis fight:
I have had the most success in a duo.
Get some fire res, gobbler and fortify, or anything that helps to keep you alive (evade extender was pretty helpful imo)
The fireproof mantle is a godsent as it charges very fast and staysup for a very long time (it really helps).

I farmed the whole set and a couple weapons yesterday with a friend. Here is what helped us immensely.
First and foremost, ABUSE the wallbangs/flinchshots. They are free damage and stagger him for an short opening.
Have 1 in the group with heavy Artillery, for more ballista damage. If you shoots the wings and break them or shoot the head enough, you can stagger fatalis like 3 or 4 times in a single fight. The ballista User is also a good distraction to get some hits in there, while the Focus is on him. If you are running a duo, DEFINITELY bring a palico with heal and a Para weapon! You are pretty much guaranteed to get 1 para-proc per fight with just the palicoes. Poison will most likely will get 1 proc as well.
The One-Shot-Binder should be used in his 3rd phase, when he is enraged, as it will give you a huge opening to attack.

For some of his annoying attacks:

-Never try to stay in a straight line and far away to him, because of his big fire surge attack (the one that does insane tick damage when you stand in it). You can stay behind a stone to protect yourself from this attack.
Step away from his face when he finishes it, because he will shoot a small pool of exploding lava to where his head is.

-This one is a little hard to explain:
in the 3rd phase, he sometimes tilts his head down to one of his legs and charges his breath for like 3 seconds. Afterwards he does a 360° spin fire-breath, which covers almost the entire Arena.
You can avoid getting hit by either standing RIGHT NEXT to his chest, opposite to where his head is tilt or by timing a superman-dive!
For example, if his head is tilt towards his left leg, stay on his right leg and right next to his belly. You can even attack him since his fire will go over your head.

-Depending on the phase, stay close to the safespots (for example, close to the iron door in phase 2), so you can run in there fast. If you can anticipate the Timing of his nova, you can pre-sheath your weapon.

-After every Dragonator hit, prepare to run to his safespot. He almost ALWAYS does his supernova firebreath after waking up from the dragonator hit, since it very likely reaches the damage treshold for his supernova.
If you have a Gunner in your team, you can sleep Fatalis in front of the Dragonator for some ridiculous wake up-damage.

If you are curious, we ran a DPS-crit element set with the alatreon switch axe,
and a comfy, kulve/alatreon mix-set with gobbler and heavy artillery + the kjarr King-axe (fire element). Dragon probably works better on Fatalis, but my teammate did not posses the Kjar axe "decay"

And last but not least, try to focus on the chest/head if possible, since the timer can get pretty close..
If you are doing everything right, you should be able to get it in 20-25 minutes.

Happy Hunting!


even the fact this video’s title says ‘final highest damage number’ makes me feel sad. I wish iceborne didnt have to end, that it could just keep getting updated with more monsters. It was such a wonderful experience and one of the best games Ive ever played.


2:41 "Again we will hit Dodogame in the face" I don't know why but that made me laugh so hard xD


Can you believe that some german dudes who speedrun Gogmazios came this far? The MH community looks up to you. Seeing Arekkz, Rage, Gaijin and many more in the comments or talking about you on Twitter fills me with absolute joy!

Also, your reaction was the most german way to show excitement and it makes me laugh.

Good job, guys! You all are insane!


Congratz and thank you for all the dedication and hard work you've put into this project^^


I could just feel that another one of these was going to be made.


That's freaking awesome! Well done guys and thank you for putting so much time and effort into this.


This is why I subscribed 2 years ago, you guys are on a different level! You inspire me to keep playing after all this time


This feels like such an appropriate time to finally reach that goal, to round out MHW's lifespan


Many dodogamas were harmed by the making of this video a moment of silence for our fallen best bois
