Monster Hunter World Iceborne | Top 8 Tips We Learned After Defeating Alatreon

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Here's some handy tips we picked up after successfully defeating Alatreon and learning how to best tackle what he throws as us.

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"I like to use all of these before I jump down."

Me: Still stuck on the assigned quest and can't 'jump down'


The five D's of dodge: dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.


Another tip would be to bring smoke bombs (and items to craft them) to the fight because if you hide in them you can make Alatreon land if he is flying.


What about the small tip on the background color: that if you carted due to the nova, and you are not sure of its current element, just look at the background color of the battlefield from the camp. Red means it's in fire stage and blue means in ice stage. This helped me because if it got to the third nova it will change element even if both horns are broken.


The reason Charge Blade is so good is because of savage axe. As you can see in the chart it says CB and CB phials savage axe counts as normal charge blade not CB Phials. So when you're in savage axe you do about 5 hits per hit, so the first hit and the last hit do normal damage but the 3 in between do about 40 elemental each so about 5 hits knocks him out with elemental already. Just a little correction.


Saw this on a speed runner, when he does that circle ground explosion. There are 2 explosions, inner/centre then the outer. So wait for the inner to explode then roll to the centre and you will be able to deal some damage to the head. This helped me get my first successful hunt after many failed attempts.


8:16, this is actually true of all monsters, clutch clawing them resets the timer of that animation to 6 seconds so that theres always enough time to do clutch attack with any weapon


Me, who’s only really decent at hammer: bonk sfx


The main problem is the hero wannabees that keep DPSing when they're almost on half HP - you need to play safe, the extra 200 damage isn't worth it if you end up wiping...


Bring 5 more nutrient so that you can combine them with honey into 5 more mega nutrient. Then you can utilize all 10 of your mendragora as 10 max potions.


As a side note, if you choose to play support for any quest like this and have the Wide Range skill, the great sushifish scales can be applied to everyone.


My go to Weapon for Alatreon is the Insect Glaive. His big frontal cone Ice breath attack is so much free damage. Instead of trying to avoid it you can just jump straight over it and do the R2/RT down stab right on his head. Under the right circumstances its ~1k damage for a single button press.^^


If you can fit speed eating on your build, it would practically turn all your mega potions into max potions.


If you're going solo on Alatreon keep in mind that you have to be aggresive with your damage to make Escaton J. bearable, usually eating an Astera's Jerky o by putting vitality mantle on and health booster (But for me, Jerky's win).

Don't forget stun resistance, if you're going solo, if you're going multiplayer then you will not need it, but Treon is highly aggresive, bring out smokebombs when he is flying so he lands again, if he's not enraged then wait for his attack based on a jaw drop to the floor, he uses it two times then move his head forward, use that chance to flinch him onto the ground, be prepared to run because he will land far from you. I used this and Treon's Longsword to farm him and i got what i wanted, a weapong to confront Fatalis.

Good luck on your hunt, be confident with yourself and keep the aggro on him, it will be more easy this way than keeping your distances, and don't worry if you get carted, it will eventually happen, just make sure you learn from your mistakes, that's it.


I'd say, forget about fire or ice weapons for anyone who's still stuck with special assignments. Unless your team really good at breaking his horn immediately. Use dragon weapons with critical build and weakness exploit. Indeed dragon damage was capped, however you're able to constantly put some elemental DPS on Alatreon. Unlike with fire or ice, you're literally doomed when he change his element with zero elemental DPS. And anyone who use Safii weapons, drop your freakin attack up and swap it with elemental up.


My favorite tip:

- Pick up the crystal burst at camp before heading in

- After mounting, fire your slinger ammo (i.e. the crystal burst) twice during the mount

- YES, YOU CAN FIRE THE SLINGER WHILE MOUNTING :-D (Left trigger >>> Right trigger)

- After flinching ×2, you get an immediately mount takedown, rather than spamming knife stabs, which takes MH4ever >:/

- This will save so much time, whether your playing solo or co-op. I managed to get a solo time of 17 mins w/hammer after I learned to do this 🔨

Happy Hunting!! 🐉🤺

P.s. This trick will work on any monster, so long as you have slinger ammo that flinches (e.g. Piercing Pods, Crystal Burst, etc.) :-)


It took me forever to beat him but I finally did once I used the safi bolt spear. I was using fenrir Storm with max ice attack but I couldn’t beat him. Also learning his attack patterns helps a lot. Once I knew his attacks he got easier. He telegraphs a lot of his attacks once you start watching him


I first got bodied by Alatreon in 2010 and eventually got carried by a friend’s older brother. Fast forward 10yrs later and I still can’t beat this dude.


Reliable Roy at your service 😎 (thanks for the mention it means a lot 🥺)


one of my favourite things to know is if his lightning particles are going towards him the lightning bolts will start surrounding him further away first then come closer and then if the particles go out they start close to alatreon then move outwards - i just find this handy to know if i should use a move or not
