Monster Hunter: Iceborne Details vs Sunbreak

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How the details of Monster Hunter World Iceborne compare to the newest installment Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. Both games were captured on PC at max graphics settings. If this video gets enough attention we'll make another video trying to find more details which make Sunbreak stand out. Although their differences, both are great games and worth checking out.
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I hope they push the ecological interaction even more in gen 6, I love seeing this huge beasts just act like normal animals rather than movie monsters, makes it feel more real yk


There’s always one little detail in MHW that I always adore. When you stand next to the expedition gates in the canteen in astera while there is an Anjanath in the ancient forest, you can hear it’s roars.


The realism of MHW was why it was the first Monster Hunter I got invested in. Even going on expeditions alone or with friends and just exploring the ancient forest, fishing, and finding rare ingredients or endemic life for a few hours at a time was fun


World was so immersive and groundbreaking and really helped to bring a lot of new people into the series. The living, breathing *world* they brought to life was insane! But I do have to say, I love that I can take Rise with me on my Switch and go play it with friends in person 😅 it reminds me of the 3DS days and I kind of missed that with world when we all had to be in our own separate spaces


I enjoyed how in World Teostra is described as extremely violent but he’s perfect content to sit back and observe you, whilst Lunastra is the one to flip her shit as soon as she sees you. Even Nergigante will give you a chance to back off but Luna chooses violence without hesitation


I miss Iceborne’s food variety the most. It really made the human society in the Monster Hunter universe look believable. Like, does everyone in Rise live off of only bunny dango?!


2 underrated details in World that I absolutely adore;
-Elder Dragons physically change the appearance of the locales they appear in. When Kushala Daora is at the Ancient Forest, there's a storm brewing. When Teostra is at Sandy Plains you can physically see the heatwaves in the air. When Kirin is at Coral Highlands, lightning is striking all over the sky. There could also only be up to a max of 1 other monster in the locale at the same time to sell the power and influence Elders have wherever they go.
-When you capture a monster you can go back and see it physically restrained in a pen at Astera/Seliana and even get some unique lines of dialogue about them from the researcher nearby.

Neither of these things are true in Rise. I like Rise a lot, I think it's great, but I love World and all its little details so much more.


One of the reasons I'll always love world in the monster hunter franchise is that it really makes u feel like the whole world is alive and we're just part of a massive and weird biosphere. It may not b the best mh, but it's def one of my favorites


In MHW you can really feel the world, the nature and that you're a part of it, for me is an absolute masterpiece.^^


3:50 I don't know what's more impressive, the fact that someone programmed the distant path finding of a flopping fish, or the fact that you actually dragged it all the way there


I love Rise but I hope for the next game they go back to Iceborne's style and world building. I love the ecology side of World, how you investigate the creatures and study them, I miss this in Rise


The gajau jumping its way back to water is fkn funny lmao both rise and world (but props to rise for making the Gajau die for staying too long on land)


MHW’s little environmental details made it feel so alive and real. it was incredibly fun to just walk around in an expedition and take in all the sights while not on a hunt, or ghillie mantle up and watch the habits of a certain monster


The downgrade in Rise is understandable since it's a handheld port, but man, this video really makes me appreciate World for what it had. So many little details like the endemic life behavior and absolutely gorgeous skybox went sadly unappreciated during my time with it, and I'm glad I get a chance to see it now.
...I'm not gonna miss that heat-seeking Rathian during the egg delivery missions though. SCREW that.


15:46 One more attention to detail that I found while playing Iceborne: The fire coming out of the Wyvern Ignition's engine during a charge will melt some snow on contact.


3:05 Okay now THAT'S inexcusable. I draw the line there.


World fortunately had the benefit of being developed for consoles that had some level of power to them. Rise starting on switch definitely affected attention to detail like this. And it's not like they could just add it in when the pc port dropped. Mh6 will definitely be a spectacle and I'm excited for it.
Update: Wilds is about to go hard as fuck capcom just take my wallet


It’s kinda insane the level of interaction you have with the… well, world… in iceborne. Mastering the ecology was part of learning a hunt and I love it so much for that.


A big part of why MHW is so great (for me) is just how alive and immersive it feels to play. Chances are i didn't notice 90% of the stuff that makes the game "alive". But just having those small things in the background adds up to being such a wonderful experience where you are actually experiencing what "monster hunting" is like. Even the part that many people hate, the tracking. it just makes the experience so much more engaging as you are expected to engage with the environment, and actually finding the monster rather than having an objective marker. (It does get annoying at times when you run around the whole map for like 20 mins and can't find a single mark). But for the most part, it has the right balance between realism of finding/hunting monsters, and game-ism? to prevent tediousness(where you have the scout flies highlighting marks so you aren't looking for 1 teensy scratch mark in the whole map)


Also one thing I noticed when I first fought the Barioth from the story quest, is when you are hanging from wedge beetles, he will try to swat you like the effing cat that he is.
