Is Cracking Your Back Good?

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The TRUTH about cracking and popping your back (also called a spine manipulation). Collaboration with @BrianCarroll1306

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I like how Squat University gives a consistent message about spinal stability. No going off on wild tangents just to capture the attention of new viewers.


Sir, I cannot thank you enough. I had been suffering with low back pain for 6 years now and I am only in my 20s. After trying so many different exercise and stretch routines recommended by local chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists and many channels on youtube, nothing was working. I tried to educate myself on human anatomy so that maybe I could fix myself, but the body is so complex that even with some knowledge, it was too difficult to know what action to take to rehab myself. I was always so skeptical of back professionals because they never seemed to be able to explain to me why or how their techniques worked. I have been incredibly skeptical of chiropractors in particular as in many cases it just seems like a racket, though I am sure there are many good ones out there in the world that I just didn't find.

Finally, I discovered your channel! You explain everything so clearly and I it actually makes sense! Not just some mumbo jumbo. This focus on stabilising the joints is something I have never heard talked about by any back health professionals but it makes so much sense. So, I have been performing the bird dog, side planks, curl up, suitcase carries and pistols regularly and I am noticing a reduction in pain. It's life changing, I could cry!

Again, thank you so much, I am so grateful. Please keep doing what you are doing. No doubt you have helped thousands and will continue to help thousands more to find pain relief and be able to move freely again. Again, thank you so much, I am so grateful. Much love from the UK!


Absolutely life changing. You don’t know how you’re helping people with 9-5 or just regular labor or office jobs. The fact you are giving this free is very kind and I am grateful you are willing to give your knowledge to everyone for free. You are making me think about going back to school but for physio therapy because of so much pain you were able to help me fix. I’m so grateful for you, you have no idea. Thank you so much, I hope you have a great prosperous life with perfect health and a lot of success. Much love from Canada! 🇨🇦


Brian Carroll is the freaking man! Stoked to see him on your channel, you both have done this community a lot of good over the years; genuinely changing peoples' lives. Keep it up!


I'm a physio/manual therapist myself and I gotta say you couldn't explain it more accurately!


I usually constantly feel the need to stretch my back because of the pain


Squat Uni- thank you so much! Love the way the video came out!


I crack my whole body - from the fingers and toes to the neck and back. Everything in my body cracks. And it feels really good😅 I like it


Super video!
Thanks you for being so comprehensive


Chiropractor here. YES! Nothing irritates me more than the chiro's I know who adjust their patient, throw some heat and stim on them and schedule them again for next week. Sure, an extremely acute patient I can understand not performing exercises with until you get things to calm down, but you ABSOLUTELY have to get that patient on a proper exercise and functional movement program to give them lasting results. Care should be about teaching the patient to be independent with their body, not to be dependent on you manipulating them all the time to feel better, which unfortunately is something far too many chiro's do. (although insurance lack of payment for this definitely contributes) For me, the adjustment is really just an avenue to restore as much motion in the joints as I can and then immediately getting on the rehab floor with their newfound (but temporary) increased joint range of motion, which will only enhance the active rehab which is really the true part that is going to get them better long-term.


I have very annoying elbow cracking (it's more like grinding) I've tried many things with no responde at all (I tried retraction exercises/ external rotation exercises/ stretches / ball rolling for triceps even nerve flossing and i think literally every thing exist on internet) and not a single responde.. I'm dreaming about doing one push up without this cracking.. I lift but my cracking sounds are even before lifting ... I found it out 10 years before...
Now I can lift heavy and doing high repetitions of push up.. but what stops me is this cracking..

The problem is in two arm not only one


Squat University never disappoints me. One of the best informative channels available.


Suit. Case. Lifts.

Nothing has ever solved my lower back pain better than suitcase lifts. Please try them if you’re struggling.


This and all other Mcgrill exercises have really helped me.


Bro your thumbnails crack me up lmao imagining you posing for these pics. Love the vids


A chiropractor charges something like $100 plus for a session of these cracks.

A licensed orthopaedic threw it in for free during my check up for pinched nerves. He also told me he didn't really recommend doing this all the time, since it lessens the cartilege efficiency between the spinal discs.


Please make video on hyperextension knee.


Please make a video on how to approach if you have a localised pain in lower back!! Struggling with it for 3 years now. I do bird and dog, clampshells and suitcase carries every day. I got relief but when I wake up next morning the pain is still there😮 I want to know the reason of the pain.. some physiotherapist says its spondylitis some says fibromyalgia some says pelvic tilt which i actually believe so far..


We call this exercise “Perdigueiro” in Brazil! Love it, never seen anyone explain the correct execution like this! Thank you! Rio de Janeiro - 🇧🇷


@SqautUniversity, could you make a short for axillary nerve treatment? Love your content, brother. You truly are a blessing.
